- Internet Superbuddies is 3. This is DD page 200.
- 164. Analog Superbuddies.
- 163. Do Unto Others
- 162. The Ol' Drawing Board (Take 2)
- 161. From America With Love.
- 160. Civic Duty
- 159. Man in the Box.
- 158. Mail Bag Day!
- 157. Come to snuff the rooster.
- Merry Christmas!
- 156. Elegant
- 155. The trap is set...
- 154. Assholes and Elbows
- 153. Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot
- 152. Know your Enemy.
- 151. Same as it ever was.
Lo, Adventurer! Yield and savor the beginning of Chapter IV!
Cover of Book 3: Internet Superbuddies: And The Horse They Rode In On!
- 150. Morals (of the dead).
- 149. Peace and Quiet?
- 148. Pokey in the Hoosegow.
- 147. The Big Kids Table.
- 146. The Moment of Truth.
- 145. Done Dirt Cheap.
- 144. ...In with the new.
- 143. Out with the old...
- 142. Stealth Boy
- 141. Intervention
- 140. A Sentimental Moment.
- 139. Turbo Saves The Day.
- 138. Toughman Contest
- 137. The Nightmare...Over?
- 136. Go Go Plot Device!
- 135. Lamentations of the women.
- 134. And now...your replacement.
- 133. Sucks to be me.
- 132. She Blinded Me With Science.
- 131. Lady Problems.
- 130. Just Say 'You Look Pretty'
- 129. Presto-Change-O!
- 128. Yay, My Very Own The Cheat!
- 127. Bailout.
- 126. That's NO Good!
- 125. ...You Can't.
- 124. Important Discussions
- Do It Yourself...Returns!
- 123. Game Counseling.
- 122. Someone's Turning Two!
- 121. Times are tough all over.
- 120. Bullshido!
- 119. ...A Vicious Cycle
- 118. Black Power!
- 117. Miracle (not a hockey comic.)
- 116. Reason for the Season.
- 115. Quite
- 114. How The Magic Is Made (Part Two.)
- 113. How The Magic Happens (Part One.)
- 112. Superbuddies without Superbuddies
- 112 is having technical difficulties.
- 111. Judging a book by it's cover.
- Comic. Comic Never Changes.
- 110. Nice Comic, Comic Face
- 109. More Trouble Brewing.
- 108. Another Hockey Comic.
- 107. Epic Fail.
- 106. Delicious!
- 105. ....Don't Look Back.
- Birthday Comic Part Deux!
- 104. You've Ruined Christmas.
- 103. Old World Charm
- The Agony of Defeat
- 102. Infinite Wisdom
- Internet S.U.P.E.R.Buddies Limited Edition Figure.
- -2008 Drunk Duck Award Nomination
- 101. Girl Power!
- 100.5 - Contractual Obligations.
- Book II--the RE-cover.
- Cover for Book 2 - Champion Lords of Awesomeness II.
- ISB Vol. 3 - Splash Page
- Intermezzo.
- 100. What the People Want.
- 99. The Consensus
- 98. Trouble Brewing.
- 97. Critical Thinking.
- 96. The Thought That Counts.
- 95. We Value Your Input (Part Six)
- 94. We Value Your Input (Part Five)
- 93. We Value Your Input (Part Four)
- The most expensive piece of self-made fan-art ever.
- 92. We Value Your Input (Part Three)
- ISB Fan-Art from Chase.
- 91. We Value Your Input (Part Two)
- 90. We Value Your Input (Part One.)
- 89. His Mothers Eyes.
- 88. The Unorthodox
- 87. The Best Around
- 86. Car-Toon.
- 85. Another Lackluster Update.
- Five Months Late For Cake.
- 84...Down Mexico Way.
- 83. Intervention.
- 82. Bellissimo!
- The One Year Special.
- 81. Spoilerz Lolz.
- 80. Return of Dating Mastar!
- 79. Dating Mastar!
- 78. Fortune and Glory
- 77. When The Kimono Fits...
- 76. Stars of the Baseball Variety.
- 75. Damage Control
- 74. Starting to Suck.
- 73. Whimsy!
- 72. Unskippable Cutscenes!
- 71. Green
- 70. What? (a black friday story.)
- Hiatus (1)
- 69. Not the comic i thought i'd run.
- 68. Text-Based
- 67. A Funny Title.
- The Cover to Volume One...and a Fan-Art Contest!
- 66. Run-In With The Devil.
- 65. A Comic of Evil!
- Obligatory Halloween Comic.
- 64. It Begins With...
- 63. Political Cartoon
- 62. Obligatory Vacation Episode
- 61. Givin' You The Business.
- Something that isn't a comic.
- 60. Flour Power.
- 59. Why i stopped using IM.
- 58 - Everything You Know Is Wrong
- 57. Presto Change-O.
- 56. Soap and Water
- 55. Yakkety-Yak
- 54. Retaliation.
- 53. Four out of Five Approve.
- 52. Gnarly! (Badical! Part Two)
- Birthday Filler.
- 51. - Badical (Part One)
ISB Vol. 2 - Splash Page
- 50000 - Memories_
- 49. Presto! (a true story.)
- 48. Feats of Strength.
- 47. Boo-yakkah!
- 46. Interactive!
- 45. ....For the Win.
- 44. Zigged when i Shoulda Zagged
I wouldn't call it a no-comic...but
Greetings from San Diego.
- 43 - Improper Reaction
- -1. Hype and the rumormill.
- 41. Those Wonderful Toys
- 40. - Borked
- 39. - Customer Relations.
Some Random Filler Art
- 38. - More Than Meets The EEAGH!
- 37.5 - Something for Everybody.
- 37 - With It
- 36 - Actions Speak Louder... (A.K.A. - Something difficult to read.)
- 35 - Stymied
- 34. The Proofing Process.
- 33.5 - IMHO. (aka. Calling the Kettle Black.)
- 33. Peer-Pressure
Yay! Fan-Art!
- Recycling
- All or Nothing
- You freakin' do it... I'm tired.
- Cause and Effect
- Joke Foiled
- Bad Command or File Name
- Jacked (v) 2
- The Set Was Cheap
- Conflict
- Why I Buy Things I Don't Need
- Priorities
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct... 2:00
- Rivalry
- Guest: The Great Chain of Life
- Jacked (v) 1
- Loose Ends
- Guest: Brigands and Ballistas
- My Attention Span
- Lament
- All Look Same
- Writing vs Sleep
- A Big Way (Redux)
- A Big Way
- We Have The Technology Pt 3
- We Have The Technology Pt 2
- We Have The Technology Pt 1
- Recourse
- Subtle Nuances (In The Key Of F)
- Tear Down The Wall
- Dino-Damage!
- Ousted
- Water to Freakin' Wine
- Accelerated Decrepitude
- Not What I Expected
- Breakthrough
Chapter 01. (01-50)
Author notes
Remember when the internet didn't exist? (at least at the level where we have it now.) When we actually HAD to read game magazines to know what in the hell was actually coming out? or better yet, for advice, (and MAPS even) to actually beat the games we were stuck on? How about the word Mondo? Primo? Boss? Word Up, even? How about prismacolor T-shirts? 1988 was a scary fucking time, i tell you. Even after The Wizard came out. I still have my VHS copy somewhere around here. Happy 50th page to me, BTW. (Even though this is comic is technically #42….and discounting filler/fan-art pages, this is actually page #47….) (P.S. - if time travelling me ever DID send this page back to third-grader me, i think a time paradox would ensue from the brain damage occurred, from me shitting my pants with rocket propulsion through the roof, as a result of seeing that future me was 'REALLY DESIGNING VIDEO GAMES!')
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