Johnny Err0rd

Johnny Err0r'd - 015

Author notes

Johnny Err0r'd - 015


EDIT: Sorry for the no update in three days, guys. I've been trying to think of a way to 'resolve' this story line. Haven't quite figured it out, yet. But there will be a comic over the weekend. Most likely Sunday's color comic.

Fifteenth page already? Man, I'm on a roll!

Really, though. Again, this was late. I don't really have an excuse for putting Sunday's comic up on Monday, etc.

I'll just start the schedule again from here, then. So this would be counting as Wednesday's comic; even though it's technically Tuesday. So technically I'm on schedule, but I'm– oh never-MIND.

This first story arch might turn into a full-fledged LONG story line. An idea just came into my head because of this comic, so be on the look out. Who could the new character be, that just hatched from that egg?

Stay tuned to find out!



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