I find it amusing that the days I receive more pageviews, are also the days I receive less comments. What's with that? I really like to hear your feedback so feel free to comment as muh as you want. I sometimes have the idea that people "fear" the comment button. You can comment and not rate it if that's what bothers you. But isn't it strange that while receiving a huge ammount of visits, no one bothers to comment, if it to say they didn't like it. Or maybe I'm the one in the wrong, and I don't get people's insterested enough to take the time to type something down.
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I think what saurlygien meant was on the banner that you may have used a bit too dark lines on the bottom part of the red haired girl If you catch my drift
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Login or RegisterDreamGazer at
I didn't use dark lines. That's how Natacha drew it.
celrena at
Hehe oh man now I wonder what he's going to do with her. I beat she's fuming right now lol
aorta321 at
I think what saurlygien meant was on the banner that you may have used a bit too dark lines on the bottom part of the red haired girl
If you catch my drift
Marushi at
Hahah OMG jason's face in the last panel is great! ^^
DreamGazer at
What do you mean SAURLYGIEN?
kingofsnake at
gread shading
saurlygien at
The page is cool, but I noticed something on the banner above… Something a pair of knickers would fix. I mean, no offense.