KAMs Fanart
- Xelakrag by Teufell
- Zog by Random Evee Child
- McDragons
- Beggar Dragon by The Alolan PokeNerd
- Christmas Hela by Jeremy7
- Abaytoo by Argylefox
- Gertrude by Creamsicle42
- Herculisa by Zero Hour
- Zombie Charlie by Jeremy 7
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 2
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 1
- Xeno Security
- Ms. Terial by Argyle Fox
- Baby Zog by MKs Monsters
- Emsi by Nyunny
- Faustus Fitch's Final Fate
- Sunshine Marigold by Lirvilas
- Trump-gator
- Emsi by 128mega
- Batman and the Doctor
- Cmcphuree
- Kitty Clem by Taily
- Bunny Claire
- Cain & The Beast
- Clem by Soul Fury
- Mr. & Mrs. Rockhound by Le Renard Roux
- Ph4b by KarToon12
- Ph4b
- Hogan Duck by Coolcatcomics
- Athleta by Argylefox
- Kylie and Ludwig
- Queen Gertrude by Spaces
- The Queen And Her Maid by M.Organ
- Queen Gertrude by Bobblit
- Queen Gertrude by Cooke
- Queen Gertrude by Jammy The Werewolf
- Queen Gertrude by Harajuku Smittle
- Queen Gertrude by Biff
- Queen Gertrude by Fabian W
- Queen Gertrude by Argyle Fox
- The Wizard of Scale
- Emsi by Rufiangel
- Nikki as a Dustbunny
- Nikki as a bird person
- Awkward Paws Fancomic
- Zombie Jim by JohnnyV
- Hela by Youngauthor 154
- Fashionably Heroic by Jagged Claw
- Zombie Charlie by Anthegran
- Mikey's Hammer
- Silver Stripe's Armor
- Athleta & Ms. Terial by Mothtrap
- Ratatosk (and others) as a doll
- Gertrude & Brunhilda by Eggie
- Nikki by Youngauthor154
- Athleta & Ms. Terial 1970's Anime Style
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - Area 42 meets The KAMics
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - The KAMics meet Demon Witch-Prototype
- Aquaman No More
- 2014 Kaper 3 Background
- The Pun Police by Argylefox
- Hello Nemi
- Hel Lokitty Hawk
- Jonah Tumblehex
- Sailor Hela by Spaces
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #2
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #1
- Harley Quinn Contest Entry
- Colorful Discord
- Cranky
- Ride The Lightning
- Not Big Enough
- Rainbow Punch of Justice
- Why Hasn't The Blade Of Toshubi Updated?
- What I Got...
- Sith Scouts
- Eye Can Haz Cats Entry
- Cameo Chop Banner
- Unmarred Hogan Virus Linework
- Gertrude & Brunhilda "Vandalized"!
- The Horn Of Toshubi
- 2011 Halloween Cameo Caper Cover
- Pun Ninja
- Gertrude & Brunhilda as Queen's Blade Characters & Panty & Stocking
- Sloth Unlocked
- Pun Police by Toshubi
- Phantom Mira
- Ponified Gertrude & Brunhilda by SPark
- SPark Juggling
- Flamesong
- Toshubi's Con Badge
- Grey's Monstrosity
- Frogship
- LICC Celebs
- Donna
- Enesku
- Artsy-Fartsy Colors
- The Great Emancipator
- Ensign Insane
- Scott Free, the Unkillable Redshirt
- Pizzaship
- Jadlad Superguy
- Adon
- PikaQ
- Sherman The Ship's Mouse
- Inspector Mystery
- Colanator
- Charmander Milkshake
- Commander Milkshake
- Semper
- Q-Powered Frangelica
- The Amazing Quantum Man
- Taquitoboy
- The Mysterious Sithlike Sylph Of The Shadows
- The All-Powerful Moderator
- Tacoman 2
- Tacoman 1
- Assorted Redshirts
- Red Shirt Front & Back
- Blue & Yellow Shirts
- LICC 'Em!
- Spidermobile Armed
- Spidermobile in Flight
- Spidermobile Vertical Take-Off or Landing
- Legion of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- LICC Art Gallery
- Sailor Good
- Shadow Senshi
- Sailor Evil
- Robot Redshirt
- Quito Power
- Visitor #25
- The Answer Man
- Evil Comic Fan
- Old DC Fan's Ship
- Old DC Fan 2
- Old DC Fan 1
- Mr. Absurd
- Mr. Obvious
- Soyburger Patricia
- Cheeseburger Pattie
- Hamburger Pattie
- Hogan's Fanthreat
- 3D Gertrude & Brunhilda by Xade
- Interactive Fan Art by Fesworks
- Gertrude by Toshubi, Color by KAM
- Gertrude by Toshubi
- Miss Valhalla by Joff
- A Small Disagreement by Joff
- Squirrel Gertrude & Brunhilda by The Mortician
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Aggie
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Chary
- Zog by Eunice P
- Toshubi & Jessica Play Soccer
- Nemi's New Outfit
- Magical Misfits Guest Comic
- Wander In A Steel Bikini
- Uses For A Dead Editor
- God vs. Editor
- EOU Trunk
- Caitlin Trapped
- Hiatus Bomb
- Like Fish In Water Guest Strip
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 2
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 1
- XI & IV
- Bridge Bunny
- Type 40 Mark 2
- Leeroy from The Enforcers
- Evil Wenches, Inc. Album
- Okashina Okashi Strange Candy Guest Strip
- Komiyan's Island
- Darken Vice
- Darken Guest Strip
- Captain Greyhound Guest Strip
- Wobbly Computerized Maritza
- Jolly Good Admiral
- DC in Towel
- College Roomies From Heck
- Power Lily
- Choco Halloweenies
- Halloweenies
- Devil Chicken
- Chicken Art
- Join FLRRT
- Marsha & Chicken
- Roomietics
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 11
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 10
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 9
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 8
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 7
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 6
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 5
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 4
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 3
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 2
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1b
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1a
- College Roomies: A Hell Odyssey!!!
- Mad Mini Marsha
- Li'l Maritza
- Chester In Charge
- Satan Torture
- College Furries From Hell!!! 2
- College Furries From Hell!!! 1
- Christmas Dave
- Blastmaster 3000
- Bunny Satan 2
- Bunny Satan 1
- Stick Or Treat
- Secrets
- Hot Dog Man
- Foodenstein
- Dave's Boobies
- Choco Bunny Dahlia
- Bunny Dahlia
- Misery Journey 2
- Bunny Dave & Mr Friendly
- The One That Got Away
- Choco Bunny Dave
- Bunny Dave
- Dave's Ruler
- Nun Dave
- HallowGreen
- Margaret & April
- Mike & Dave
- CRFH Tree
- Christmas Strip
- Fantastic Disguise
- College Avengers From Hell!!!
- Doctor What!?!
- I Dream Of Imaginary Floating Wiser April
- College Trekkies From Hell!!!
- Margaret The Vampire
- One-Eyed Mutant Fisherman
- Marsha
- Xelakrag by Teufell
- Zog by Random Evee Child
- McDragons
- Beggar Dragon by The Alolan PokeNerd
- Christmas Hela by Jeremy7
- Abaytoo by Argylefox
- Gertrude by Creamsicle42
- Herculisa by Zero Hour
- Zombie Charlie by Jeremy 7
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 2
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 1
- Xeno Security
- Ms. Terial by Argyle Fox
- Baby Zog by MKs Monsters
- Emsi by Nyunny
- Faustus Fitch's Final Fate
- Sunshine Marigold by Lirvilas
- Trump-gator
- Emsi by 128mega
- Batman and the Doctor
- Cmcphuree
- Kitty Clem by Taily
- Bunny Claire
- Cain & The Beast
- Clem by Soul Fury
- Mr. & Mrs. Rockhound by Le Renard Roux
- Ph4b by KarToon12
- Ph4b
- Hogan Duck by Coolcatcomics
- Athleta by Argylefox
- Kylie and Ludwig
- Queen Gertrude by Spaces
- The Queen And Her Maid by M.Organ
- Queen Gertrude by Bobblit
- Queen Gertrude by Cooke
- Queen Gertrude by Jammy The Werewolf
- Queen Gertrude by Harajuku Smittle
- Queen Gertrude by Biff
- Queen Gertrude by Fabian W
- Queen Gertrude by Argyle Fox
- The Wizard of Scale
- Emsi by Rufiangel
- Nikki as a Dustbunny
- Nikki as a bird person
- Awkward Paws Fancomic
- Zombie Jim by JohnnyV
- Hela by Youngauthor 154
- Fashionably Heroic by Jagged Claw
- Zombie Charlie by Anthegran
- Mikey's Hammer
- Silver Stripe's Armor
- Athleta & Ms. Terial by Mothtrap
- Ratatosk (and others) as a doll
- Gertrude & Brunhilda by Eggie
- Nikki by Youngauthor154
- Athleta & Ms. Terial 1970's Anime Style
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - Area 42 meets The KAMics
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - The KAMics meet Demon Witch-Prototype
- Aquaman No More
- 2014 Kaper 3 Background
- The Pun Police by Argylefox
- Hello Nemi
- Hel Lokitty Hawk
- Jonah Tumblehex
- Sailor Hela by Spaces
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #2
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #1
- Harley Quinn Contest Entry
- Colorful Discord
- Cranky
- Ride The Lightning
- Not Big Enough
- Rainbow Punch of Justice
- Why Hasn't The Blade Of Toshubi Updated?
- What I Got...
- Sith Scouts
- Eye Can Haz Cats Entry
- Cameo Chop Banner
- Unmarred Hogan Virus Linework
- Gertrude & Brunhilda "Vandalized"!
- The Horn Of Toshubi
- 2011 Halloween Cameo Caper Cover
- Pun Ninja
- Gertrude & Brunhilda as Queen's Blade Characters & Panty & Stocking
- Sloth Unlocked
- Pun Police by Toshubi
- Phantom Mira
- Ponified Gertrude & Brunhilda by SPark
- SPark Juggling
- Flamesong
- Toshubi's Con Badge
- Grey's Monstrosity
- Frogship
- LICC Celebs
- Donna
- Enesku
- Artsy-Fartsy Colors
- The Great Emancipator
- Ensign Insane
- Scott Free, the Unkillable Redshirt
- Pizzaship
- Jadlad Superguy
- Adon
- PikaQ
- Sherman The Ship's Mouse
- Inspector Mystery
- Colanator
- Charmander Milkshake
- Commander Milkshake
- Semper
- Q-Powered Frangelica
- The Amazing Quantum Man
- Taquitoboy
- The Mysterious Sithlike Sylph Of The Shadows
- The All-Powerful Moderator
- Tacoman 2
- Tacoman 1
- Assorted Redshirts
- Red Shirt Front & Back
- Blue & Yellow Shirts
- LICC 'Em!
- Spidermobile Armed
- Spidermobile in Flight
- Spidermobile Vertical Take-Off or Landing
- Legion of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- LICC Art Gallery
- Sailor Good
- Shadow Senshi
- Sailor Evil
- Robot Redshirt
- Quito Power
- Visitor #25
- The Answer Man
- Evil Comic Fan
- Old DC Fan's Ship
- Old DC Fan 2
- Old DC Fan 1
- Mr. Absurd
- Mr. Obvious
- Soyburger Patricia
- Cheeseburger Pattie
- Hamburger Pattie
- Hogan's Fanthreat
- 3D Gertrude & Brunhilda by Xade
- Interactive Fan Art by Fesworks
- Gertrude by Toshubi, Color by KAM
- Gertrude by Toshubi
- Miss Valhalla by Joff
- A Small Disagreement by Joff
- Squirrel Gertrude & Brunhilda by The Mortician
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Aggie
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Chary
- Zog by Eunice P
- Toshubi & Jessica Play Soccer
- Nemi's New Outfit
- Magical Misfits Guest Comic
- Wander In A Steel Bikini
- Uses For A Dead Editor
- God vs. Editor
- EOU Trunk
- Caitlin Trapped
- Hiatus Bomb
- Like Fish In Water Guest Strip
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 2
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 1
- XI & IV
- Bridge Bunny
- Type 40 Mark 2
- Leeroy from The Enforcers
- Evil Wenches, Inc. Album
- Okashina Okashi Strange Candy Guest Strip
- Komiyan's Island
- Darken Vice
- Darken Guest Strip
- Captain Greyhound Guest Strip
- Wobbly Computerized Maritza
- Jolly Good Admiral
- DC in Towel
- College Roomies From Heck
- Power Lily
- Choco Halloweenies
- Halloweenies
- Devil Chicken
- Chicken Art
- Join FLRRT
- Marsha & Chicken
- Roomietics
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 11
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 10
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 9
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 8
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 7
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 6
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 5
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 4
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 3
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 2
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1b
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1a
- College Roomies: A Hell Odyssey!!!
- Mad Mini Marsha
- Li'l Maritza
- Chester In Charge
- Satan Torture
- College Furries From Hell!!! 2
- College Furries From Hell!!! 1
- Christmas Dave
- Blastmaster 3000
- Bunny Satan 2
- Bunny Satan 1
- Stick Or Treat
- Secrets
- Hot Dog Man
- Foodenstein
- Dave's Boobies
- Choco Bunny Dahlia
- Bunny Dahlia
- Misery Journey 2
- Bunny Dave & Mr Friendly
- The One That Got Away
- Choco Bunny Dave
- Bunny Dave
- Dave's Ruler
- Nun Dave
- HallowGreen
- Margaret & April
- Mike & Dave
- CRFH Tree
- Christmas Strip
- Fantastic Disguise
- College Avengers From Hell!!!
- Doctor What!?!
- I Dream Of Imaginary Floating Wiser April
- College Trekkies From Hell!!!
- Margaret The Vampire
- One-Eyed Mutant Fisherman
- Marsha
Author notes
Title is a pun on a Bill Cosby routine called Chicken Heart. Okayyyyy… the tripedal chicken contest had 3 entries by 2 people, some people said they wanted to participate, but they found out too late so the contest was extended a month… no new entries came in that month… as a matter of fact the people running the contest seemed to just give up. No winner was ever announced & the contest was just left to rot on the vine. As you can see I was a little ticked…College Roomies From Hell!!!
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