KAMs Fanart
- Xelakrag by Teufell
- Zog by Random Evee Child
- McDragons
- Beggar Dragon by The Alolan PokeNerd
- Christmas Hela by Jeremy7
- Abaytoo by Argylefox
- Gertrude by Creamsicle42
- Herculisa by Zero Hour
- Zombie Charlie by Jeremy 7
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 2
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 1
- Xeno Security
- Ms. Terial by Argyle Fox
- Baby Zog by MKs Monsters
- Emsi by Nyunny
- Faustus Fitch's Final Fate
- Sunshine Marigold by Lirvilas
- Trump-gator
- Emsi by 128mega
- Batman and the Doctor
- Cmcphuree
- Kitty Clem by Taily
- Bunny Claire
- Cain & The Beast
- Clem by Soul Fury
- Mr. & Mrs. Rockhound by Le Renard Roux
- Ph4b by KarToon12
- Ph4b
- Hogan Duck by Coolcatcomics
- Athleta by Argylefox
- Kylie and Ludwig
- Queen Gertrude by Spaces
- The Queen And Her Maid by M.Organ
- Queen Gertrude by Bobblit
- Queen Gertrude by Cooke
- Queen Gertrude by Jammy The Werewolf
- Queen Gertrude by Harajuku Smittle
- Queen Gertrude by Biff
- Queen Gertrude by Fabian W
- Queen Gertrude by Argyle Fox
- The Wizard of Scale
- Emsi by Rufiangel
- Nikki as a Dustbunny
- Nikki as a bird person
- Awkward Paws Fancomic
- Zombie Jim by JohnnyV
- Hela by Youngauthor 154
- Fashionably Heroic by Jagged Claw
- Zombie Charlie by Anthegran
- Mikey's Hammer
- Silver Stripe's Armor
- Athleta & Ms. Terial by Mothtrap
- Ratatosk (and others) as a doll
- Gertrude & Brunhilda by Eggie
- Nikki by Youngauthor154
- Athleta & Ms. Terial 1970's Anime Style
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - Area 42 meets The KAMics
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - The KAMics meet Demon Witch-Prototype
- Aquaman No More
- 2014 Kaper 3 Background
- The Pun Police by Argylefox
- Hello Nemi
- Hel Lokitty Hawk
- Jonah Tumblehex
- Sailor Hela by Spaces
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #2
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #1
- Harley Quinn Contest Entry
- Colorful Discord
- Cranky
- Ride The Lightning
- Not Big Enough
- Rainbow Punch of Justice
- Why Hasn't The Blade Of Toshubi Updated?
- What I Got...
- Sith Scouts
- Eye Can Haz Cats Entry
- Cameo Chop Banner
- Unmarred Hogan Virus Linework
- Gertrude & Brunhilda "Vandalized"!
- The Horn Of Toshubi
- 2011 Halloween Cameo Caper Cover
- Pun Ninja
- Gertrude & Brunhilda as Queen's Blade Characters & Panty & Stocking
- Sloth Unlocked
- Pun Police by Toshubi
- Phantom Mira
- Ponified Gertrude & Brunhilda by SPark
- SPark Juggling
- Flamesong
- Toshubi's Con Badge
- Grey's Monstrosity
- Frogship
- LICC Celebs
- Donna
- Enesku
- Artsy-Fartsy Colors
- The Great Emancipator
- Ensign Insane
- Scott Free, the Unkillable Redshirt
- Pizzaship
- Jadlad Superguy
- Adon
- PikaQ
- Sherman The Ship's Mouse
- Inspector Mystery
- Colanator
- Charmander Milkshake
- Commander Milkshake
- Semper
- Q-Powered Frangelica
- The Amazing Quantum Man
- Taquitoboy
- The Mysterious Sithlike Sylph Of The Shadows
- The All-Powerful Moderator
- Tacoman 2
- Tacoman 1
- Assorted Redshirts
- Red Shirt Front & Back
- Blue & Yellow Shirts
- LICC 'Em!
- Spidermobile Armed
- Spidermobile in Flight
- Spidermobile Vertical Take-Off or Landing
- Legion of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- LICC Art Gallery
- Sailor Good
- Shadow Senshi
- Sailor Evil
- Robot Redshirt
- Quito Power
- Visitor #25
- The Answer Man
- Evil Comic Fan
- Old DC Fan's Ship
- Old DC Fan 2
- Old DC Fan 1
- Mr. Absurd
- Mr. Obvious
- Soyburger Patricia
- Cheeseburger Pattie
- Hamburger Pattie
- Hogan's Fanthreat
- 3D Gertrude & Brunhilda by Xade
- Interactive Fan Art by Fesworks
- Gertrude by Toshubi, Color by KAM
- Gertrude by Toshubi
- Miss Valhalla by Joff
- A Small Disagreement by Joff
- Squirrel Gertrude & Brunhilda by The Mortician
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Aggie
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Chary
- Zog by Eunice P
- Toshubi & Jessica Play Soccer
- Nemi's New Outfit
- Magical Misfits Guest Comic
- Wander In A Steel Bikini
- Uses For A Dead Editor
- God vs. Editor
- EOU Trunk
- Caitlin Trapped
- Hiatus Bomb
- Like Fish In Water Guest Strip
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 2
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 1
- XI & IV
- Bridge Bunny
- Type 40 Mark 2
- Leeroy from The Enforcers
- Evil Wenches, Inc. Album
- Okashina Okashi Strange Candy Guest Strip
- Komiyan's Island
- Darken Vice
- Darken Guest Strip
- Captain Greyhound Guest Strip
- Wobbly Computerized Maritza
- Jolly Good Admiral
- DC in Towel
- College Roomies From Heck
- Power Lily
- Choco Halloweenies
- Halloweenies
- Devil Chicken
- Chicken Art
- Join FLRRT
- Marsha & Chicken
- Roomietics
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 11
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 10
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 9
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 8
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 7
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 6
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 5
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 4
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 3
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 2
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1b
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1a
- College Roomies: A Hell Odyssey!!!
- Mad Mini Marsha
- Li'l Maritza
- Chester In Charge
- Satan Torture
- College Furries From Hell!!! 2
- College Furries From Hell!!! 1
- Christmas Dave
- Blastmaster 3000
- Bunny Satan 2
- Bunny Satan 1
- Stick Or Treat
- Secrets
- Hot Dog Man
- Foodenstein
- Dave's Boobies
- Choco Bunny Dahlia
- Bunny Dahlia
- Misery Journey 2
- Bunny Dave & Mr Friendly
- The One That Got Away
- Choco Bunny Dave
- Bunny Dave
- Dave's Ruler
- Nun Dave
- HallowGreen
- Margaret & April
- Mike & Dave
- CRFH Tree
- Christmas Strip
- Fantastic Disguise
- College Avengers From Hell!!!
- Doctor What!?!
- I Dream Of Imaginary Floating Wiser April
- College Trekkies From Hell!!!
- Margaret The Vampire
- One-Eyed Mutant Fisherman
- Marsha
- Xelakrag by Teufell
- Zog by Random Evee Child
- McDragons
- Beggar Dragon by The Alolan PokeNerd
- Christmas Hela by Jeremy7
- Abaytoo by Argylefox
- Gertrude by Creamsicle42
- Herculisa by Zero Hour
- Zombie Charlie by Jeremy 7
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 2
- Gertrude & Brunhilda Coloring by DeadFish 1
- Xeno Security
- Ms. Terial by Argyle Fox
- Baby Zog by MKs Monsters
- Emsi by Nyunny
- Faustus Fitch's Final Fate
- Sunshine Marigold by Lirvilas
- Trump-gator
- Emsi by 128mega
- Batman and the Doctor
- Cmcphuree
- Kitty Clem by Taily
- Bunny Claire
- Cain & The Beast
- Clem by Soul Fury
- Mr. & Mrs. Rockhound by Le Renard Roux
- Ph4b by KarToon12
- Ph4b
- Hogan Duck by Coolcatcomics
- Athleta by Argylefox
- Kylie and Ludwig
- Queen Gertrude by Spaces
- The Queen And Her Maid by M.Organ
- Queen Gertrude by Bobblit
- Queen Gertrude by Cooke
- Queen Gertrude by Jammy The Werewolf
- Queen Gertrude by Harajuku Smittle
- Queen Gertrude by Biff
- Queen Gertrude by Fabian W
- Queen Gertrude by Argyle Fox
- The Wizard of Scale
- Emsi by Rufiangel
- Nikki as a Dustbunny
- Nikki as a bird person
- Awkward Paws Fancomic
- Zombie Jim by JohnnyV
- Hela by Youngauthor 154
- Fashionably Heroic by Jagged Claw
- Zombie Charlie by Anthegran
- Mikey's Hammer
- Silver Stripe's Armor
- Athleta & Ms. Terial by Mothtrap
- Ratatosk (and others) as a doll
- Gertrude & Brunhilda by Eggie
- Nikki by Youngauthor154
- Athleta & Ms. Terial 1970's Anime Style
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - Area 42 meets The KAMics
- Comic Fury Crossover Exchange - The KAMics meet Demon Witch-Prototype
- Aquaman No More
- 2014 Kaper 3 Background
- The Pun Police by Argylefox
- Hello Nemi
- Hel Lokitty Hawk
- Jonah Tumblehex
- Sailor Hela by Spaces
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #2
- The Line It Is Drawn Tryout #1
- Harley Quinn Contest Entry
- Colorful Discord
- Cranky
- Ride The Lightning
- Not Big Enough
- Rainbow Punch of Justice
- Why Hasn't The Blade Of Toshubi Updated?
- What I Got...
- Sith Scouts
- Eye Can Haz Cats Entry
- Cameo Chop Banner
- Unmarred Hogan Virus Linework
- Gertrude & Brunhilda "Vandalized"!
- The Horn Of Toshubi
- 2011 Halloween Cameo Caper Cover
- Pun Ninja
- Gertrude & Brunhilda as Queen's Blade Characters & Panty & Stocking
- Sloth Unlocked
- Pun Police by Toshubi
- Phantom Mira
- Ponified Gertrude & Brunhilda by SPark
- SPark Juggling
- Flamesong
- Toshubi's Con Badge
- Grey's Monstrosity
- Frogship
- LICC Celebs
- Donna
- Enesku
- Artsy-Fartsy Colors
- The Great Emancipator
- Ensign Insane
- Scott Free, the Unkillable Redshirt
- Pizzaship
- Jadlad Superguy
- Adon
- PikaQ
- Sherman The Ship's Mouse
- Inspector Mystery
- Colanator
- Charmander Milkshake
- Commander Milkshake
- Semper
- Q-Powered Frangelica
- The Amazing Quantum Man
- Taquitoboy
- The Mysterious Sithlike Sylph Of The Shadows
- The All-Powerful Moderator
- Tacoman 2
- Tacoman 1
- Assorted Redshirts
- Red Shirt Front & Back
- Blue & Yellow Shirts
- LICC 'Em!
- Spidermobile Armed
- Spidermobile in Flight
- Spidermobile Vertical Take-Off or Landing
- Legion of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- League of Intergalactic Cosmic Champions Logo
- LICC Art Gallery
- Sailor Good
- Shadow Senshi
- Sailor Evil
- Robot Redshirt
- Quito Power
- Visitor #25
- The Answer Man
- Evil Comic Fan
- Old DC Fan's Ship
- Old DC Fan 2
- Old DC Fan 1
- Mr. Absurd
- Mr. Obvious
- Soyburger Patricia
- Cheeseburger Pattie
- Hamburger Pattie
- Hogan's Fanthreat
- 3D Gertrude & Brunhilda by Xade
- Interactive Fan Art by Fesworks
- Gertrude by Toshubi, Color by KAM
- Gertrude by Toshubi
- Miss Valhalla by Joff
- A Small Disagreement by Joff
- Squirrel Gertrude & Brunhilda by The Mortician
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Aggie
- Squirrel Brunhilda by Chary
- Zog by Eunice P
- Toshubi & Jessica Play Soccer
- Nemi's New Outfit
- Magical Misfits Guest Comic
- Wander In A Steel Bikini
- Uses For A Dead Editor
- God vs. Editor
- EOU Trunk
- Caitlin Trapped
- Hiatus Bomb
- Like Fish In Water Guest Strip
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 2
- Oops, Nevermind Guest Comic 1
- XI & IV
- Bridge Bunny
- Type 40 Mark 2
- Leeroy from The Enforcers
- Evil Wenches, Inc. Album
- Okashina Okashi Strange Candy Guest Strip
- Komiyan's Island
- Darken Vice
- Darken Guest Strip
- Captain Greyhound Guest Strip
- Wobbly Computerized Maritza
- Jolly Good Admiral
- DC in Towel
- College Roomies From Heck
- Power Lily
- Choco Halloweenies
- Halloweenies
- Devil Chicken
- Chicken Art
- Join FLRRT
- Marsha & Chicken
- Roomietics
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 11
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 10
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 9
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 8
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 7
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 6
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 5
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 4
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 3
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 2
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1b
- SF Roomies From Hell!!! 1a
- College Roomies: A Hell Odyssey!!!
- Mad Mini Marsha
- Li'l Maritza
- Chester In Charge
- Satan Torture
- College Furries From Hell!!! 2
- College Furries From Hell!!! 1
- Christmas Dave
- Blastmaster 3000
- Bunny Satan 2
- Bunny Satan 1
- Stick Or Treat
- Secrets
- Hot Dog Man
- Foodenstein
- Dave's Boobies
- Choco Bunny Dahlia
- Bunny Dahlia
- Misery Journey 2
- Bunny Dave & Mr Friendly
- The One That Got Away
- Choco Bunny Dave
- Bunny Dave
- Dave's Ruler
- Nun Dave
- HallowGreen
- Margaret & April
- Mike & Dave
- CRFH Tree
- Christmas Strip
- Fantastic Disguise
- College Avengers From Hell!!!
- Doctor What!?!
- I Dream Of Imaginary Floating Wiser April
- College Trekkies From Hell!!!
- Margaret The Vampire
- One-Eyed Mutant Fisherman
- Marsha
Author notes
Was going through some art folders on my computer and found this, scanned in, but still in the clean-up stage. At CBR Brian Cronin has a mostly weekly feature called The Line It Is Drawn where people make suggestions and a group of artists he's picked draw the suggestions they like. It's a lot of fun. Occasionally artists get busy, get jobs, disappear mysteriously and he picks some new people to be artists and I believe this was my last attempt to be picked as a artist. My imagination was my undoing. Teaming up Batman and the doctor I had a mental image of an old 100 page The Brave and the Bold comic with one big image for the main story and smaller images for the other stories in the issue. I figured I'd draw different versions of Batman with different Doctors. A nice idea… if I had more than a week to draw it in (dumb-dumb-dumb) Eventually I decided to focus on one image, and I thought I would try to draw them in the style of Jim Aparo. As you can tell it looks nothing like the work of Jim Aparo. Oddly enough it looks like I was trying to ape The Simpsons. (d'oh!) I decided to finish it up for the fanart page, but oddly, once I started working on it again, I couldn't stop. Not even to work on Monday's cartoon. Ah, well.
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