KILL JACK VOL UNO First Prev - THE QUEST FOR TRAINIG - THU....FRIEND OR FOE? - DIDDY SAVES T-BONE! - CANADIAN ATTACKS!! - It's Kaliente!!!!!!! - It's Kaliente!!!!!!! - TRAINING DAY - "JUMBO JACK!!!" - THE WAR ON BRETODA!!!!!! - PEACE V.S. BRETODA!!! - DAWN OF THE DEAD!!! - PEACE THROWS DOWN! - The revenge! - Peace is dead!!!..........................let's eat! - Blood bath! - attack on peace - page 1 Next Last First Prev - THE QUEST FOR TRAINIG - THU....FRIEND OR FOE? - DIDDY SAVES T-BONE! - CANADIAN ATTACKS!! - It's Kaliente!!!!!!! - It's Kaliente!!!!!!! - TRAINING DAY - "JUMBO JACK!!!" - THE WAR ON BRETODA!!!!!! - PEACE V.S. BRETODA!!! - DAWN OF THE DEAD!!! - PEACE THROWS DOWN! - The revenge! - Peace is dead!!!..........................let's eat! - Blood bath! - attack on peace - page 1 Next Last Author notes The revenge! JOEDIDDY on April 30, 2007 hey! what do you know, i guess good ol' peace was in a coma for the last two years! dizz-aam! that's a long o time! that shot to the head was no joke! it looks like the nurse has been pimping peace lol! he finally wakes up let's see what happends Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register
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