There was a backfire, then a back-backfire! I think that's the best twist I can give you guys for now. I'm saving all the mayhem for many pages from now… or not… ooh! A mystery now! XD
Anyway, Luke fainted. Kakeiro and that evil-ness within him and the nipple can all be safe for now.
Luke: T,T but I want feelies
… Okay, he's in the break room.
Kakeiro: *50 feet away in a closed off room* =___= I sense danger… *ears prickle*
Awesome indeed.
Oh yeah, I'm using illustrator (crowd gasps and awes that I never used it until now and calls shame on Beki) to re-do page 34 so y!gallery can shove it for deleting it since it didn't meet standards… when apparently the entire first half did? In spite of the scanner glitches, poor smudging, and no solid paneling… what dicks…
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