Author notes
First name; Edward. Second name; Cullen!
Joke, joke! I just thought I wouldn't let Myere destroy that name for me so I used it. And he's a vampire.
Ok, he isn't a vampire xD
Also I'm getting annoyed with drawing them in the dark already! …Then I realised I wrote most of this chapter to take place in the dark >_> Poopy.
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Login or RegisterZad at
2nd panel is still amazing, years later.
I _love_ that panel!
Denethor at
wewt, dramatic lighting~
ninjapunk at
shiny =w=
Ashveira at
'sup eddie
Hunnyb33 at
I have liked what I have read so far :3 I am looking forward to finding out what happens next.
da_kasha at
And that's what is important.
theBSDude at
It looks cool though.