King of Hearts

Author notes

Happy Halloween! (Part 1)
kjanuary onIn the interests of time and sanity, I couldn't fit the KoH cast into one enormous costumed celebratory picture. But, so as not to neglect this opportunity to dress them up and cheer for the other games, comics and movies I enjoy, I present the KoH Halloween Special… in stages!
Today's stage features my bandits (Tath, Jehan, and Westley) along with a castle maidservant (Zia), honoring the casts of four other awesome works.
Aeris: Final Fantasy VII. If you don't know this game, you've been living under a box. I'm heartily sick of all the sequels and spinoffs the past few years have witnessed, but it remains a great story. I always liked Aeris. No flames.
Kip: Shimmer. I've been wanting to do a Tath/Kip crossover for YEARS. Shimmer is a beautiful and intriguing full-color webcomic where things aren't always what you expect them to be, amid all the laughter and tears. Go check it out. Shoo shoo!
Dominic: Dominic Deegan. This comic updates daily– and if that's not enough to spark your interest, it's also hysterically funny, intensely dramatic, and has more bad puns than you can shake a poodle at. Before the crash of DrunkDuck, KoH and Dominic Deegan shared a birthday as well. This is another must-read.
Dart: One Question. What would yours be? A top-notch comic I highly recommend, with a mysterious storyline that always manages to throw me for a twist, without throwing me off.
Originally, Westley was going to be Aur (also from Shimmer), but I reconsidered. He's got a LOT more in common with that little scamp Dart than with sweet little Aur.
If I was cool I would have colored these. More Halloween art to come soon!
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