King of Hearts

Author notes

Happy Halloween! (Part 2)
kjanuary onThe second installment in the KoH Halloween party! Again, no color. I've got one more pageful planned for your enjoyment.
Today brings you the rest of the castle servants (Song and her little brother Min) as well as a quick glimpse of the future KoH antagonists, Inovar and Schariel. (Gaspshock! for those who haven't read the story before!)
In tribute:
San: Princess Mononoke. A masterpiece film from Miyazaki, and one of his most insightful works, in my opinion. Go rent it now.
Pumpkins. They make October fun.
General Leo: Final Fantasy VI. This game was my introduction into the great RPGs of the SNES era, and I've yet to see another that lives up to its legend. It has one of the most intense and emotionally moving storylines of any game I have ever played. Oh, and its music rocked.
Schala: Chrono Trigger. I played CT and FFVI at about the same time and love both for different reasons. The story of FFVI can't be beat, but CT has greater replay value. It has awesome graphics, a dynamic battle system, and a hysterical sense of humor. I suggest you invest in (or otherwise procure) both of these two classics on the double.
I liked the Song-San comparison. Both are very tough and courageous girls for their young age, but underneath they have warm hearts. Min is a cute pumpkin head. Inovar and Schariel here honor some of the characters that influenced their early conceptions. Inovar continues to reflect the tragic ideal soldier I saw in General Leo, and Schariel was even named for CT's melancholy princess. You didn't hear that, though.
(At least Inovar has better hair than Leo did.)
One more day to go!
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