King of Hearts

Author notes

kjanuary onCharacters: Tath, Telion
Location: the woods
KoH returns from its month-and-a-half-long hiatus… and Tath finally finishes the end of his line! (If you forgot how it began, skip back a few filler pages.) Thanks all of you for your patience!
Tath will make Telion regret volunteering to challenge him. He sweeps cleanly over Telion's head… and when Telion blocks him, elbows him in the ribs. Seems His Majesty's a little rusty in his technique. (As is my fight-panel layout… The locked swords are separate from any other panel. Sorry if it's confusing.)
Many of you are probably familiar with Earthsong, a fantastic full-color webcomic epic. If you haven't read it for some reason, you should be. The first book is now available at Amazon, for just $10. This comic needs your support! Without the sales of this book, there won't BE much more Earthsong, it seems. In case you haven't witnessed this, webcomic artists do this for love… but love itself can't keep a comic running forever. I encourage you to go out and spend the amount of two Starbucks coffees–not much, guys–to support this excellent comic. Make it a Christmas present to yourself.
While I'm on my soapbox, let me shout out to other comics in need of some luvin' right now. Star Cross' Destiny has recently returned to the web. Juno's worked hard to bring this awesome tale back to you. Another heads-up goes to Emma, a realistic yet sweet and funny comic on the other end of the spectrum. There's a contest going on right now, which should be tons of fun. Go enter! She's a little short of entries right now, and the comic deserves better.
Supporting a comic isn't just reading it, guys. It's showing the creator that what they do matters.
I'm done now. ^_^
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