Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Oddness


Author notes



I'd first like to say thankyou to all who voted! It really means a lot to me and i'd like to get a nice footing in the list so I can get more readers ^_^ But yes, thankyou so much

still liking the comic? then please vote at

I really do appreciate it ^_^

Well good news guys, my exams are over, but now my FINAL school years begins before i go to university O__o;; But yeah…i'll do my best to keep this comic up because i know you enjoy it ^_^

I know this comic isn't as funny as the others but fear not! the end of the plot is in sight!

Also i thought i'd do a competition for you guys! Chain of oddness needs a banner because it's current one is..well…lame. If you think i should do a competition and maybe give away a drawing or a plug for your comic then say ^_^ . . .'cus i'd really like a banner O__o;;

If you want to enter a banner, just send a png. file that is 468x60 to claire_riemer(at)

Don't worry, if you do make a banner and i use it, you WILL be rewarded somehow xD


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