Knight Hawk and Kid Sparrow
Author notes
Issue 1, Page 6
Legend Comics onThe sound effects remind me of the old 1967 Batman. My son and I are both big fans of it (hence the similarity of Knight Hawk to Batman and Kid Sparrow to Robin?? maybe you hadn't noticed??). That also reminds me that I MET THE REAL BATMAN!! AND GOT MY PICTURE TAKEN WITH HIM AND THE BATMOBILE!! My life goals are nearly complete.
KRCB: Ya, I do that in real life, too. And your wait is over.
DAJB: I'll give'em hell but my son'll give'em heck. haha
plymayer: Wow, a big thanks from both my son and I. Glad you like it.
Wanttowrite, AzuJOD and the rest of you out there: Thanks for reading. When this issue wraps up I'll be concentrating on LCP issue #2 (of which I'm half done already), before I pick up issue #2 of Kid Sparrow. Hope everyone enjoys this week's update.
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