Knights of the New Republic First Prev - The Skillz of Squall - Flying Solo - Not Good... - Unnoticed Chosed one - Gypped Chosen One - Yuffie doesn't Like Hasty Guys Vegeta Leonhart - The Enemy Revealed - Meanwhile, Outside the inn... - Filler: Kit's inner monologue - Of Magic and Trash-Talk - Testing the waters X3 XD - Seriousness time - Cloud's info part 1 - The gory end of Samuel Jackson. - Round 2 - That's cute... - Double Comic--now with Plot! - Fatality! Continue? - That just sucks. - I hope fox doesn't sue me! - Because that's where this joke is most often used. - See Yesterday's Comic. - Kit's gone emo. - Foreshadowing's grand, is it not? - Kit's getting serious. Preparing for another Plot Twist. - Guess who? - 51- It's Clobberin' Time!! - The end of the Knights? - Season 1 always is a 2-parter, and here's the real finale! - the season 1 finale - stalling - Do you fight? Y/N - Wounded dude in the road - Leading to another battle - Leading up to a big battle - KOTNR and the 1000 Orc room - Poor Link. - I'm lazy. Sue me. - Dungeon start! The first dungeon begins! - With Leon it was beer, with Takato it's food. - The worst possible transformation - Half good, Half bad. - I'm sure this has already been done. - Kit's asking for it - The Author is near... - Leon got replaced! - Return of the Cliffhanger - The Mission, I think. - The Mayor - Caring friends, eh? - Heartless attack Trouble at Cloud's house - The Cliffhanger - Going to town - I feel depressed. - plot device stage left - Happy 20? or BnG anyone? - Hero Fright - I'm gonna use this joke for a looong time. - He's called legendary for a reason. - The legendary swordsman - Another Missed Counterattack - Missed Counterattack - Filler 1 - This won't end well for the wine-o. - randomness rules and you know it. - Foreshadowing makes the easiest comics. - Mysterious Foreshadowing - I can't believe it's not a hack! - Ye olde budget joke - Flame and Kit are mean. - Leon loves his clubs. - this happens to every hero, right? - comic 3 - comic 2 comic 1 Next Last First Prev - The Skillz of Squall - Flying Solo - Not Good... - Unnoticed Chosed one - Gypped Chosen One - Yuffie doesn't Like Hasty Guys Vegeta Leonhart - The Enemy Revealed - Meanwhile, Outside the inn... - Filler: Kit's inner monologue - Of Magic and Trash-Talk - Testing the waters X3 XD - Seriousness time - Cloud's info part 1 - The gory end of Samuel Jackson. - Round 2 - That's cute... - Double Comic--now with Plot! - Fatality! Continue? - That just sucks. - I hope fox doesn't sue me! - Because that's where this joke is most often used. - See Yesterday's Comic. - Kit's gone emo. - Foreshadowing's grand, is it not? - Kit's getting serious. Preparing for another Plot Twist. - Guess who? - 51- It's Clobberin' Time!! - The end of the Knights? - Season 1 always is a 2-parter, and here's the real finale! - the season 1 finale - stalling - Do you fight? Y/N - Wounded dude in the road - Leading to another battle - Leading up to a big battle - KOTNR and the 1000 Orc room - Poor Link. - I'm lazy. Sue me. - Dungeon start! The first dungeon begins! - With Leon it was beer, with Takato it's food. - The worst possible transformation - Half good, Half bad. - I'm sure this has already been done. - Kit's asking for it - The Author is near... - Leon got replaced! - Return of the Cliffhanger - The Mission, I think. - The Mayor - Caring friends, eh? - Heartless attack Trouble at Cloud's house - The Cliffhanger - Going to town - I feel depressed. - plot device stage left - Happy 20? or BnG anyone? - Hero Fright - I'm gonna use this joke for a looong time. - He's called legendary for a reason. - The legendary swordsman - Another Missed Counterattack - Missed Counterattack - Filler 1 - This won't end well for the wine-o. - randomness rules and you know it. - Foreshadowing makes the easiest comics. - Mysterious Foreshadowing - I can't believe it's not a hack! - Ye olde budget joke - Flame and Kit are mean. - Leon loves his clubs. - this happens to every hero, right? - comic 3 - comic 2 comic 1 Next Last Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register Beegee at 24 May, 2006, 05:13 PM >_> SilverSyntho at 20 May, 2006, 04:50 PM SORA!
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