Koji Takahashi Stops the World
Issue 3 Page 20

Author notes

Issue 3 Page 20


Today Koji learned that he has super powers, Tabbi is stuck in another dimension, Tadhg might be suicidal, and Devlin faints at the sight of blood. What other lessons will today hold? You'll have to keep reading to find out!
Devlin's really good at activating Koji's powers by jumping/falling on him. At least he caught her… less collateral damage than last time! 
Okay, this page isn't up to my standards. I was drawing this during the hurricane and was stranded upstate without my intous or a proper scanner. My dad brought home his scanner/printer from work for me to use but for some reason "black and white" means greyscale but with editing I got it down to black and white. The next hurtle was the tablet… I still have my graphire from 2005 and downloaded the drivers for it, but man, it's pretty terrible. I couldn't shade it. I just couldn't. I'm sorry. ) : 

Now, for the comic news!
This december, I'm going to be doing an Advent Calendar. Not the kind with chocolate in it (though if someone wants to find me a dairy free one…) but an art one. I've seen other artists do them before, they post a new picture every day from December 1st to December 25th. I love the holiday season and I've always wanted to do one! Now, you must be thinking, Emily can barely update, how on earth is she going to make a new picture every day for 25 days?! WELL… I've already started it. ;3
My plan is to update my tumblr every day with a new comic (not Issue 3 Koji Comics, but 4komas or silly side adventures) and at the end of the week I'll post a new picture. Also at the end of the week, I'll combine the comics into one page and upload them onto dA. So you can either follow me daily on tumblr, or you can just wait til the end of the week! 
I'm hoping to use these little comics to explore character relationships, as well as get me to draw more finished pictures! 
First installment goes up on Saturday, I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am!

My tumblr 
My deviantart


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