
Ch. 1: Poisonous Curse Problems - P. 1: Ever since then...

Author notes

Ch. 1: Poisonous Curse Problems - P. 1: Ever since then...


Ok, this won't make any sense to anyone yet but it will next page. Promise. "I have always…" What? Liked turkey?

Page 2 is coming along - Thanksgiving weekend was good to me.

I also now join the ranks of comics with 2+ pages! Yay me!


Edit: Dec. 13, 2007.
Added the chapter title in here, though I was hoping to keep it secret till page three. Looking at it, I was like, "hey, couldn't that be abbreviated as 'PCP' - isn't that a drug?" I looked it up, and sure enough, it kind of fits this "poisonous curse problem" -

PCP gives a feeling of being disconnected to one's body and environment. PCP has potent effects on the nervous system, altering perceptual functions (hallucinations, delusional ideas, delirium or confused thinking), motor functions (unsteady gait, loss of coordination, and disrupted eye movement or nystagmus), and autonomic nervous system regulation (rapid heart rate, altered temperature regulation). The drug has been known to alter mood states in an unpredictable fashion, causing some individuals to become detached, and others to become animated. Intoxicated individuals may act in an unpredictable fashion, driven by their delusions or hallucinations. Included in the portfolio of behavioral disturbances are acts of self-injury including suicide, and attacks on others or destruction of property. The analgesic properties of the drug can cause users to feel less pain, and persist in violent or injurious acts as a result. Recreational doses of the drug can also induce a psychotic state that resembles schizophrenic episodes."

Exactly. Thank you Wikipedia!

I thought it was funny. You'll see why later.

Page 2 is takin' fricking forever. Can't seem to get out and get reference pics. Sorry to anyone waiting!

[pencilled 11/13/07, inked 11/21&22/07


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