
Ch.1 P.4 - Creepy McCreepface

Author notes

Ch.1 P.4 - Creepy McCreepface


Rek: Seir is gonna fix these pages up with real author notes so you'll just have to deal with me until then.
: P

Seir: (rushes in) *pant pant* I'M HERE!!!
OK, down to business.
This page… umm…
You named that perfectly, by the way, Rek. XP
Yeah, now you can REALLY see the Johnny influences in this… (pencilled after reading it…) the store, I realized, could be a very fun place to draw, as I can now come up with stupid T-shirts. XD
The NIH shirt is a direct homage to JTHM. It says below the logo "Tour I never went to." I hate it when people wear shirts for concerts that they never could have feasibly gone to, like on in '76 when they're only 15. And that they sell shirts that are new like that. Anyhoo - RANT!
The "*meep*" panel should probably have more background, but I couldn't think of anything to put there. It's a silent *meep* and that's all.
I like painting with black ink. ^_^
Ann is introduced here. I hope you like her. She's more of a sourpuss than her coworker, and that's a hard feat. If you don't like her, I doubt if she'd care though. Since it's so early, she flips out here… I don't know if I'd have her do that anymore…
"BUY THIS ALBUM… OR WE EAT YOUR FACE." All posters should be like this.
FIRST CURSE WORD! (Damn. Not a big one, but still) It gets worse. See, that's really why I have the M rating on this. I'm lazy and just don't want to edit myself. :P
[drafted 11/10/07, pencilled 11/23/07, inked 12/26&30/07. Yeah, I'm slow.]


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