
Ch.1 P.6 - You little piece of SH-  STALKER!!!

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Ch.1 P.6 - You little piece of SH- STALKER!!!


FINALLY it comes to you all, the LOOOONG awaited page 6! I really have no excuse, other than "Art school," and I think that's a good one.

Now you know her name is Rowena… but not anymore, hohoho!

And PH33R teh long lines at Christmastime. It was fun drawing all those people. ^_^ Especially proud of what turned out to be an emo-Where's-Waldo on a cellphone. And the 2D lookalike. Both of which were unintended!

And unfortunately for you all, next week's update won't be a normal page either. :P But it'll introduce someone new, and offer some insight… It's an intermission/flashback, whilst all those people are being checked out. Ohohoho!~

Pencilled 1/13, inked… over time. In March? Brushwork, borders, touch-ups, white out, more touchups all done this week. 0_0 Yus.


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