
Ch.1 P.7 - VVV 1 - Interview

Author notes

Ch.1 P.7 - VVV 1 - Interview


Before you ask - NO, I HAVEN'T read Interview with the Vampire. Not yet. Ok?

Page 7 is COLOR!! Hoshnaps, bet y'all weren't expecting THAT!

Wait… someone told you? Oh FSUCK!

Not really.

This is a flashback to back in the day… ie, a few months ago. (in story time) Actually… what the hell, I thought she got the job there years ago, but somehow I drew it like it was a couple months ago! Oh well, it's too late now. :D

What was meant to be a Summer job is now starting to look like her future employment. Out of High school and not in college, our heroine got stuck in a job at Hot Gothic. And here's how.

Now, she's not really the type of person most people would hire. Her interviewer SHOULD see straight through it. But he's an idiot. And he's so creepy-looking, why would she TAKE the job? No one knows. I think she doesn't care.

Also, this happened to my mom. They called her wondering why she hadn't come in, neglecting to tell her she got the job. Except, my mom didn't want that job. XD

I'm well pleased with the coloring, here, so henceforth, all Vince the Vincible Vampire strips will be color. And why is he vincible, you may ask? Ah, well, you kind of get a hint in that last panel.

By the way, he also has a heavy French accent. I should've wrote it in, I'm sorry. You can think it, I trust you.

I like how the "Employees Only" section (the red panels) makes it look like the interview from Hell. :3


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