
Ch.1 P.9 - PLEASE.

Author notes

Ch.1 P.9 - PLEASE.


Sorry I didn't update the past couple of weeks… but that was because of "getting ready for con" and "being at the con" XD AMA. I'll probably be at Nekocon this year too, so be on the lookout for me!

Can you see the Hellsing influence yet? XD

For some reason *coughcough,* this page turned out all manga and dramatic XD I think it was because I told myself "Whoah, slow down." A lot of stuff happened on the last page, and I'm sorry if it was a lot… Pacing, pacing…

But, this page ended up taking just as much time as all the others, because I was fussier with the art. Which is an AWESOME thing! XD

AND I broke with tradition and did some crosshatching! Ohmigod!

The guy… looks not-like-himself in the top panel… for no reason. XD And he reminds me of SOMEONE in the "Just…" panel - if anyone knows who, please let me know… it's frustrating me. And yes, falling on your knees like that DOES hurt. I tried it. And that poor girl's leg. Ow.


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