- "Megalomaniacal Two-Bit Villain"
- "I So Look Forward.."
- "No Offense Was Meant"
- "Unnatural Path"
- "Your Generosity Honors Me"
- "Friends? Sure!"
- "Oh Hey....Rabbit...umm..Guy!"
- "Our Meal Ticket!"
- "Nimble Little Weirdo"
- "I'm Gonna...Wring Your....Neck?"
- "Don't Know, But Keep Filming"
- "A Cry For Help"
- "Why This Isn't Kung Fu Rabbit!"
- "I Am Attempting to Leave."
- "I ......Do Not Understand"
- "I Gotta Get Away From This Psycho"
- "Ow, Now Hold On"
- "Your Very Words Drip Wth Cowardice"
- "A Change in Strategy"
- "The Everlasting Bunny!"
- "Inner Stillness"
- "The Time of Battle.."
- Hambone Movie Studio
KFR-The Second Cover
- Bonus Material!
- "Weapon R"
- "My Fellow Rabbits..."
- "There Are Things You Must Learn.."
- "Master, What Must I Know?"
- "The Whole World Has Gone Mad!"
- "As Different As Carrots Are From Cabbage"
- "Better Living Through Conspiracy"
- "Is Kung-Fu Rabbit Back?"
- "A Wasted Night"
- "Why you Little.."
- "Interesting Weapons.."
- "Lookee Here, Earl!"
- "Now if you are sufficiently recovered....."
- "A Replacement?"
- "How Good are You?"
- Sparring For Position
- "The Time Has Come To Choose Another"
- "Not as Young As I Used to Be"
- Easter Bunny Smackdown!!!
- "The Wrong Easter Bunny!"
- Out of the Shadows
- The saga begins
Kung Fu Rabbit--The First Cover
Author notes
I had a lot of fun with that last panel. And don't worry, we'll be seeing Gwendolyn Andrews again. One more page means we are one page closer to the Kung Fu Rabbit Fan Art Contest! PQ me for details or email your entry to!
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