- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- The Sass Studios Anthology completion countdown
- Dreaded Filler #3
- Dreaded Filler #2
- The Dreaded Filler #1
- chp7 pg6 : The plot thickens
- chp7 pg5 : Pretty in Purple
- chp7 pg4 : The past repeats itself
- chp7 pg3 : Plagues and Curses
- chp7 pg2 : That's a lot of estrogen
- chp7 pg1 : Faceplant
Chapter 7 cover : Memories
- chp6 extra : Notes6
- chp6 extra : Notes5
- chp6 extra : Notes4
- chp6 extra : Notes3
- chp6 extra : Notes2
- chp6 extra : Notes1
- chp6 pg25 : They're obviously evil
- Chp6 pg24 : Waterlogged
- Chp6 pg23 : Drinking buddy
- Chp6 pg22 : KM finds the map
- chp6 pg21 : Funny business
- chp6 pg20 : Wake up
- chp6 pg 19 : Frozen
- chp6 pg18 : Ready, aim, fire
- chp6 pg17 : The Voice
- chp6 pg16 : Humorless
- chp6 pg15 : Curtain of Fire
- chp6 pg14 : Fireball
- chp6 pg13 : Sneak attack
- chp6 pg12 : Foiled attack
- chp6 pg11 : This is not a game
- chp6 pg10 : What the ...
- chp6 pg9 : Mok-o-vision
- chp6 pg8 : Stupid trick
- chp6 pg7 : Let sleeping dogs lie
- chp6 pg6 : Shadow of an Elf
- chp6 pg5 : Truth and Promise
- chp6 pg4 : The silent treatment
- chp6 pg3 : Closing in
- chp6 pg2: Emotion sucks
- chp6 pg1 : Death's collecting
chp6 cover : Awakening
- chp5 pg17 : The promise
- chp5 pg16 : Cherry on a stick!
- chp5 pg15 : Children of the Corn
- chp5 pg14 : Girl talk
- chp5 pg13 : Softy
- chp5 pg12 : Mercy
- chp5 pg12 : That's true heartache
- chp5 pg11 : They're twins!
- chp5 pg10 : He can't sing
- chp5 pg9 : Don't lose your head
- chp5 pg8 : Taking care of business
- chp5 pg7 : Tamarin Kai
- chp5 pg6 : Stalemate
- chp5 pg5 : The Noisy Wasp
- chp5 pg4 : Shazaam!
- chp5 pg3 : The nose knows
- chp5 pg2 : Foot in mouth
- chp5 pg1 : Killer intent
chp 5 cover : To Serve and Protect
- chp4 notes : Notes4
- chp4 notes : Notes3
- chp4 notes : Notes2
- chp4 notes : Notes1
- chp4 pg28 : GLOMP
- chp4 pg27 : Guess the battle's over
- chp4 pg26 : Interrogation
- chp4 pg25 : Don't make her mad
- chp4 pg24 : Intruders
- chp4 pg23 : There goes another spleen
- chp4 pg22 : Roadblock
- chp4 pg21 : Katrina and Tyranis
- chp4 pg20 : Bishonen crossing
- chp4 pg19 : Ninjas in dresses
- chp4 pg18 : No panty shots
- chp4 pg17 : The sky is falling
- chp4 pg16 : Old friends
- chp4 pg15 : Pyro
- chp4 pg14 : Four against one
- chp4 pg13 : Bar fight!
- chp4 pg12 : The Calamity Kings
- chp4 pg11 : Look who's having fun
- chp4 pg10 : Time to take a trip
- chp4 pg9 : Greedy b******
- chp4 pg8 : It's squishy
- chp4 pg7 : The Beverley Hillbillies
- chp4 pg6 : Outside looking in
- chp4 pg5 : Power up
- chp4 pg4 : Secrets
- chp4 pg3 : The King of Puppets
- chp4 pg2 : Death to Smoochie
- chp4 pg1 : Squirrel hunt
chp4 cover : Pawns
- chp3 notes : Notes1
- chp3 pg 9 : The search begins
- chp3 pg8 : Thamona's Taint and a Primer on Magic
- chp3 pg7 : The map to Anubell's Tear
- chp3 pg6 : Glothinel and the Black Genesis War
- chp3 pg5 : Kure-kun
- chp3 pg4 : Sneak attack
- chp3 pg3 : Dead bunnies
- chp3 pg2 : A Healer
- chp3 pg1 : The Shouten's betrayal
chp3 cover : Anubell's Tear
- chp2 notes : Notes1
- chp2 pg19 : Dead or alive?
- chp2 pg18 : She wants revenge
- chp2 pg17 : Playtime's over
- chp2 pg16 : KM vs Yochiro
- chp2 pg15 : Fighting makes me hungry
- chp2 pg14 : I think she's mad
- chp2 pg13 : Bark soup is good for the soul
- chp2 pg12 : Getting yanked around
- chp2 pg11 : DUCK!
- chp2 pg10 : Playing with knives
- chp2 pg9 : Beware the small ones
- chp2 pg8 : Yochiro's gang
- chp2 pg7 : Yochiro makes her appearance
- chp2 pg6 : Dodgeball ... with knives!
- chp2 pg5 : Squirrels are evil
- chp2 pg4 : Disappearing act
- chp2 pg3 : The plot thickens
- chp2 pg2 : Loki
- chp2 pg1 : Knuckle sandwich
chp2 cover : Child's Play
- chp1 notes : Notes1
- chp1 pg9 : New foe
- chp1 pg8 : Faster than a speeding crossbow bolt
- chp1 pg7 : Flying ninjas
- chp1 pg 6 : Acrobatics
- chp1 pg5 : A Shouten no longer
- chp1 pg4 : I stopped believing
- chp1 pg3 : Big ears are good for something
- chp1 pg2 : Parting is such sweet sorrow
- chp1 pg1 : Mokurei's mom
chp1 cover : Blind Strength
- chpX pg41 : Conspiracy theory
- chpX pg40 : The prodigal son returns
- chpX pg39 : Old friends
- chpX pg38 : A quick end
- chpX pg37 : And then there were two
- chpX pg36 : The devil's killing blow
- chpX pg35 : Write a book already
- chpX pg34 : Stabbed
- chpX pg33 : Missed by a hair's breadth
- chpX pg32 : Crap
- chpX pg31 : Too much talky
- chpX pg30 : To invoke the devil is to invoke death
- chpX pg29 : Mischief underfoot
- chpX pg28 : Waiting with baited breath
- chpX pg27 : Adventuring is boring
- chpX pg26 : Another player
- chpX pg25 : Amulet of Elders
- chpX pg24 : Packing/Stealing
- chpX pg23 : Misunderstood
- chpX pg22 : Leaving
- chpX pg21 : Shorty
- chpX pg20 : Turo's exciting life
- chpX pg19 : Munchkin
- chpX pg18 : Discovered
- chpX pg17 : New arrivals
- chpX pg16 : Too much random Japanese
- chpX pg15 : Death dog
- chpX pg14 : Caught red-handed
- chpX pg13 : The most confusing page ever
- chpX pg12 : Mommy's calling
- chpX pg11 : The Kobura Gang
- chpX pg10 : Neighborhood bully
- chpX pg9 : The Big Bang
- chpX pg8 : Now this is back pain
- chpX pg7 : I spy with my little eye ...
- chpX pg6 : Scary
- chpX pg5 : Water is boring
- chpX pg4 : Change of plans
- chpX pg3 : Sucker
- chpX pg2 : Stampede
- chpX pg1 : A beautiful day
Chapter X : Inviting Death
Author notes
I'm finally back on Drunk Duck! How I missed thee. As a disclaimer, a lot of these early pages were done years ago (the comic started in 2001 o_O;) so the early art suckies.
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Aw … thanks for voting! It's such an old drawing but I'm still fond of it, mostly cuz it's an elf with no shirt, and he has such a wistful expression :)
I like your siggy btw; it's so cute!!
Nikai Nockturne at
O.O…Thats Beautiful!