Legacy of Kain Laugh Reaver First Prev - LoK:R- Murderfest '09 - LoK:R- He's Stuffed With Rage And Evil. They're Heavy. - LoK:R- Well, He Said He'd Be Back - LoK:R- And Now We Talk About Kain - LoK:R- I Got Nothin' - LoK:R- Hadou! - LoK:R- Not That It's Actually IN The Megaman Series - LoK:R- BOOSH - LoK:R- A Duel! - LoK:R- At Least It's Not A Box - LoK:R- Yadda Yadda Yadda - LoK:R- Are We There Yet? - LoK:R- Yeah, I Love To Use This Joke - LoK:R- It's A Compulsion, Really - LoK:R- Pummelings Ensue - LoK:R- She Loves Puns - LoK:R- (Actually, He Is) - LoK:R- They Call Themselves "The Resisty" - LoK:R- Needs Feng Shui - LoK:R- Burny, Burny Jell-O - LoK:R- Poor, Poor Mysterio - LoK:R- Vorp - LoK:R- Shin Zetsumei Oh Dear I've Been Struck - LoK:R- Joe Musashi Dies Again - LoK:R- Throwing Stars *Everywhere* - LoK:R- Also Known As The "Inverse Ninja Law" - LoK:R- Return of the Quirky Ninja Squad - LoK:R- The Anticlimax - LoK:R- Toki wa Tomare! - LoK:R- Sports Commentary - LoK:R- No, Really, It's A Guy - LoK:R - The Recruits - LoK:R - MECHA-SANTA. - LoK:R - Pwnd - LoK:R - Critical Interrupt - LoK:R - Turns Out, Yes, You Can LoK:R- A Stocking Full of Vengeance - Mother's Day - No More Sparta Jokes Memory - The Tournament: Battle Pose - The Tournament: Taunting - The Tournament: Don't Ask - The Tournament: Meanwhile... - The Tournament: Decisive Victory - The Tournament: Teleportational Mystery - The Tournament: What A Jerk - The Tournament: Sephiroth vs. Hiei - The Tournament: Sesshomaru Wins - The Tournament: Pwned - The Tournament: Special Effects - The Tournament: Quick-Dodge - The Tournament: Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru - The Tournament: Kain Wins - The Tournament: Ka-Murder - The Tournament: Revenge of the Zanzoubatsu - The Tournament: Kain vs. Phantom - The Tournament: Iori Wins - The Tournament: Seriously Massive - The Tournament: Overkill - The Tournament: Preparation - The Tournament: Kyo vs. Iori The Tournament: Prelude - The Seer is a Bitch - Carnage - Back Problems - Super-Glue - Touché - Hoo-Hoo! - Personal Space - Freudian Slip? - Hetero Til The End - Fair Warning - Charades - Bright - Lung Surgery Still Unfeasible - Number 600 - Totally Worthless - Useless Wings - Go Back to Sleep, Neo - Where's That Liver? - Allegory - Owned - Rock, Paper, Scissors - From Bad to Worse - Maybe a Tic-Tac - Keys - Another Matrix Joke - Can't Hurt You - High Ground - Short Temper - MTG: Game Mechanics - He's Just Effeminate - Exterminator - They Never Go Clubbing - Accusations - Bigger In Person - It's Nothing - SUMO - It's Good For You - Great Pick-Up Line - A Public Service Announcement - PROPably - Wraith on the Lam - Is That A Fetish? - Crybaby - Um... Sebastian? - Face "Hugging" - The Eye Trick - Dulled - Dress Code - Such an Ass - The Friday the 13th Minotaur - Engrish Ga Suki Da Ne? - "Donation" - History is Written by the Whiners - Like Moths to a Flame - IRS Alien Autopsy - Santacide: The Epilogue - Santacide: EXPLODE - Santacide: Seriously, He's Huge - Santacide: Paranoid - Santacide: Own'd - Santacide: True-Form.... CHANGE! - Santacide: Stalemate - Santacide: Used to It - Santacide: Wind Scar - Santacide: Nowhere in Particular - Santacide: So Easy - Santacide: Whoooosh - Santacide: Dissent - Santacide: Force of Habit - Santacide: Mind Your Head - Santacide: He's Pretty Bad at This - Santacide: He Gets Minions - Santacide: "Air" - Santacide: The 8th Ninja - Santacide: He's Still There - Santacide: Ninja Hate - Santacide: Anti-Air'd - Santacide: Shuriken Float - Santacide: Hint, Hint - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: So Bright - Santacide: Simple Trick - Santacide: Ripoff Artist - Santacide: Double-Kill - Santacide: He's Hostile - Santacide: Dimension Reaver - Santacide: Deathbed Banter - Santacide: Evil Banter - Santacide: Tracking - Number 500 - Santacide: Speedy - Santacide: Bastards - Santacide: Trouble - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: Dibs is a Bitch - Santacide: Whip of Light - Santacide: Dumbass Detection - Santacide: Specia Effects Bonanza - Santacide: Durability - Santacide: Recycled Jokes - Santacide: Hax - Santacide: Leet Ninja - Santacide: A Super Mutton - Santacide: Go, Mutton - Santacide: Right in the Smoke Bombs - Santacide: TK Shove - Santacide: He's Bad At This - Santacide: Stuck - Santacide: Mind Tricks - Santacide: They Totally Suck - Santacide: An Excuse - Santacide: Dayum - Santacide: Uh-Oh - Art "Lover" - Seriously, WTF - Santacide: The Apple Trick - Santacide: Enter Ukyo - Santacide: Remodeling - Santacide: Just That Awesome - Santacide: Hweh! - Santacide: Foot-Stabber - Santacide: Replacement - Santacide: *trip* - Santacide: *vwee* - Santacide: Talky Ninja - Santacide: Gameplay Mechanics - Santacide: Noobz - Santacide: Commercial Break - Santacide: Just Plain Sad - Santacide: It's Comfy - Santacide: Looks Like Fun - Santacide: Remember That Place? - Santacide: Wild Guessing - Santacide: Unholy Santa Magic - Santacide: Anticlimax - Santacide: A Vendetta - Santacide: Unholy Christmas Powers - Santacide: He's No Mind Reader Santacide: Oh, Right - Kainmas: Alternate Ending - Kainmas: The End - Kainmas: Cramped - Kainmas: Mario Claus - Kainmas: Minimum Security - Kainmas: Santa is Evil - Kainmas: Merry K'rr'zhmz - Kainmas: Ominously Festive - Kainmas: Reasoning - Kainmas: Henchmen A Kainmas Story - Zzzzap - Thundercats - Completely Smashed - Sucker Punch'd - Seinfeld - Where's Frodo? - No Love for Ariel - Modern Art - Yikes - Long Jump - Only in New England - Poor Fact-Checking - All Hail Kraid - A Very Big Raccoon - Beer Goggles - Dreamcasts From Hell - Bullet Time - The Wheel of Fate - Votin' Time - The Time Warp - Sir Kain - He'll Kill Him Anyway, But Hey... - Kain's A Dick - Seriously Open-Heart - Not Touching You - Yr'ikk - Atkins Sucks - Burnination - Complete Idiot - Lack of Faith - It's Not His Birthday - Hylden Gone Wild - Pot Joke - Crono... - Cherry Flavor - This's Bat Country The 1-Year Comic - LoKA: The Conclusion - LoKA: Held in Contempt - LoKA: The Trial - LoKA: Treasonberries - LoKA: Same Thing - LoKA: Worst Plan Ever - LoKA: Squish - LoKA: Acid Jell-O, That Is - LoKA: The Acid Room - LoKA: Super-Mutton - LoKA: Plan D - LoKA: The Obvious Lord - LoKA: Way Off Course - LoKA: Lost - LoKA: Crimes Against Humanity - LoKA: Berserker Fury - LoKA: He's Enjoying It - LoKA: Oh Snap - LoKA: Plan "Oops" - LoKA: Resistance to Reaving - LoKA: Cancelled - LoKA: Tonberry Hatred - LoKA: Pansy Tonberries - LoKA: Crunch - LoKA: Cornered - LoKA: Running Away - LoKA: Plan C - LoKA: Plan B - LoKA: Not So Awesome Might - LoKA: Awesome Might - LoKA: Sarcastic Tonberry God - LoKA: The Tonberry Gods - LoKA: Boss Fight? - LoKA: Blood Vials - LoKA: Replay Value - LoKA: Resent Burning - LoKA: Burninated - LoKA: He Never Dies - LoKA: Exploding Head Syndrome - LoKA: Raziel - LoKA: The Prologue Legacy of Kain: Absolution - A Complaint - MTG: Worthless Knowledge - Très Metro - Obligatory Scarface Reference - A Link to the Libido - You Should See Mint Flavor - MORTAL KOMBAAAAT - I Am Your Father - The Bluest Eyes - MTG: Me - A Yoga Joke - Why I Hate Raziel - So Emo - Vulcan Nerve Pinch - Drama - Valentine's Day - Hairy Palms? - Another Montage - Collateral Damage - Out of Breath The Hilton - TFS: The End - TFS: OMG revelation - TFS: Seppuku - TFS: Round Two - TFS: Ninja Assault - TFS: Go Wait Outside - TFS: Low Body Count - TFS: Sarafan Are Still Dumb - TFS: A Mysterious Benefactor - TFS: *whump* - TFS: Christmas - TFS: Totally Awful Graphics - TFS: No Effort - TFS: The Sarafan Fortress - TFS: Poor Forethought - TFS: Too Many Jokes - TFS: No Punchline - TFS: Meridian - TFS: Osteoporosis - TFS: Holy Shit It's A Ninja - TFS: A Completely Transparent Lie - TFS: A Cliffhanger - TFS: Questioning The First Story: The Beginning - Shrinkage? - Sword-Eating - Stone Creature - Artistic Mastery - Staring Contest - Senility - Square Dance - Spleeeeen - The Spanish Inquisition - The Smurf Reaver - *shove* - Past, Meet Present - THE SHOOOOE - More Bandages - Nosgoth's True Savior - Ruining the Time-Stream - Rock, Paper, Nexus Stone - No Head Starts - A One-Track Mind - Raziel's Purpose - Best Pose Ever - XTREEM Skateboarding - Hippie Souls - People Think This is Funny - The Montage Strikes Back - Because Purple is Macho - The Pillar of Romance - Pepto-Bismol - Overdecoration - Internal Monologue - The One Ring - He Is Not Worthy - A Wild Party - Nosgothic News Network - Masters of Stealth - Neverwinter Raziel - Mother's Day - Revenge of the Son of the Montage - Montage Comics are Economical - ....and the Sixth - ...and the Fifth - Compilation the Fourth - Cue - Disaster Strikes - Uh. Holy Shit. - Dude.... Wait, What? - Raziel Fails at Games - DSL is LSD Backwards - I Always Loved You - Lord of the Boxen - LoK; Reloaded - Not THAT Hot - It Will Never Die - Freudian Slip - Denied - Tryouts - Spider-Kain - Completely Unlikely - Jellomancy - The Jehovahs - It's Only a Model - A Repeat - Note - A Janos Special - Jabberwocky - He Chose Mercy - Everybody Loves Hypnosquid - Home, Sweet Reaver It's Easy and Fun - History Lesson 53: The Whole Damn Game - History Lesson 52: Just Like LA - History Lesson 51: Best Scene Ever - History Lesson 50: Defiance - History Lesson 49: Abbreviated Ending - History Lesson 48: Bad Timing - History Lesson 47: Nobody Cares - History Lesson 46: Scooby-Raziel - History Lesson 45: "Sneaky" - History Lesson 44: Heavy - History Lesson 43: Kinda Like A Goldfish - History Lesson 42: Kain - History Lesson 41: Edited in Post - History Lesson 40: Elf Magic - History Lesson 39: Priorities - History Lesson 38: Point, Counterpoint - History Lesson 37: Graphic Update - History Lesson 36: Stick-to-it-iveness - History Lesson 35: The End of Soul Reaver 1 - History Lesson 34: Death Is Pretty Mundane - History Lesson 33: The Dorky One - History Lesson 32: Jaws - History Lesson 31: A Cute Little Puppy - History Lesson 30: Heartburn - History Lesson 29: Barbecue - History Lesson 28: Arachnophobia - History Lesson 27: Whatever Works - History Lesson 26: Seriously, Wtf? - History Lesson 25: One Ugly Mofo - History Lesson 24: The Dumahim - History Lesson 23: It's Kinda Like Zoolander - History Lesson 22: So Epic - History Lesson 21: Bitch-Whupped - History Lesson 20: Nobody Ever Notices That - History Lesson 19: Thin Air - History Lesson 18: Makeup - History Lesson 17: Magnus - History Lesson 16: The Builder - History Lesson 15: Janos - History Lesson 14: Heroic Rescue - History Lesson 13: Interruptions - History Lesson 12: Pimpin' - History Lesson 11: They're All Gay For Each Other - History Lesson 10: Huge - History Lesson 9: Blood Omen 2 - History Lesson 8: The Death Sequence - History Lesson 7: Foreshadowing - History Lesson 6: Avernus - History Lesson 5: I Never Understood That - History Lesson 4: Finding Vorador - History Lesson 3: Resurrection - History Lesson 2: Blood Omen's Intro - History Lesson 1: A Prelude - Help Me, Help You - Hash'Ak'Gik! - Hang 4 - Hacky Sack - The Good Old Days - Go Fish - Glowsticks - Press A to Glide - Totally Gay - Recycled Jokes - Shit is Going Down - Best Replica Ever - He's Flaming- No, Really - Made in China - The Elder Squid - Echo - The Drunkening - Massive Drug Trip - Drinking Problem - Open Door, Insert Foot - Spooky Telekinetic Powers - A Day in the Life of Doomguy - The Devil May Cry Engine - Mist Form - The Death of Janos, Revisited - Dead Tired - I See Dead People - Janos, Meet Death. Again. - Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Cut! - Cruel and Unusual Punishment - Contact Lens - Another Compilation - A Compilation - Product Placement - Moebius' College Years - He IS Ugly As Hell - The Time Travel Dilemma - Obligatory Ghostbusters Reference - Bubble - The Death Toll Rises - The Whisper - Raziel's Biggest Fan - Big Fish - Battle Stategy - The Remote Reaver - April Fool's - Answering Machine - "Hobo Dan" - Marcus' Alibi - The Afro from Hell - MTG: Acid Trip - Comic Number 300 - Comic Number 200 - Comic Number 100 - 4th of July All Your Base Are Belong to Kain Next Last First Prev - LoK:R- Murderfest '09 - LoK:R- He's Stuffed With Rage And Evil. They're Heavy. - LoK:R- Well, He Said He'd Be Back - LoK:R- And Now We Talk About Kain - LoK:R- I Got Nothin' - LoK:R- Hadou! - LoK:R- Not That It's Actually IN The Megaman Series - LoK:R- BOOSH - LoK:R- A Duel! - LoK:R- At Least It's Not A Box - LoK:R- Yadda Yadda Yadda - LoK:R- Are We There Yet? - LoK:R- Yeah, I Love To Use This Joke - LoK:R- It's A Compulsion, Really - LoK:R- Pummelings Ensue - LoK:R- She Loves Puns - LoK:R- (Actually, He Is) - LoK:R- They Call Themselves "The Resisty" - LoK:R- Needs Feng Shui - LoK:R- Burny, Burny Jell-O - LoK:R- Poor, Poor Mysterio - LoK:R- Vorp - LoK:R- Shin Zetsumei Oh Dear I've Been Struck - LoK:R- Joe Musashi Dies Again - LoK:R- Throwing Stars *Everywhere* - LoK:R- Also Known As The "Inverse Ninja Law" - LoK:R- Return of the Quirky Ninja Squad - LoK:R- The Anticlimax - LoK:R- Toki wa Tomare! - LoK:R- Sports Commentary - LoK:R- No, Really, It's A Guy - LoK:R - The Recruits - LoK:R - MECHA-SANTA. - LoK:R - Pwnd - LoK:R - Critical Interrupt - LoK:R - Turns Out, Yes, You Can LoK:R- A Stocking Full of Vengeance - Mother's Day - No More Sparta Jokes Memory - The Tournament: Battle Pose - The Tournament: Taunting - The Tournament: Don't Ask - The Tournament: Meanwhile... - The Tournament: Decisive Victory - The Tournament: Teleportational Mystery - The Tournament: What A Jerk - The Tournament: Sephiroth vs. Hiei - The Tournament: Sesshomaru Wins - The Tournament: Pwned - The Tournament: Special Effects - The Tournament: Quick-Dodge - The Tournament: Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru - The Tournament: Kain Wins - The Tournament: Ka-Murder - The Tournament: Revenge of the Zanzoubatsu - The Tournament: Kain vs. Phantom - The Tournament: Iori Wins - The Tournament: Seriously Massive - The Tournament: Overkill - The Tournament: Preparation - The Tournament: Kyo vs. Iori The Tournament: Prelude - The Seer is a Bitch - Carnage - Back Problems - Super-Glue - Touché - Hoo-Hoo! - Personal Space - Freudian Slip? - Hetero Til The End - Fair Warning - Charades - Bright - Lung Surgery Still Unfeasible - Number 600 - Totally Worthless - Useless Wings - Go Back to Sleep, Neo - Where's That Liver? - Allegory - Owned - Rock, Paper, Scissors - From Bad to Worse - Maybe a Tic-Tac - Keys - Another Matrix Joke - Can't Hurt You - High Ground - Short Temper - MTG: Game Mechanics - He's Just Effeminate - Exterminator - They Never Go Clubbing - Accusations - Bigger In Person - It's Nothing - SUMO - It's Good For You - Great Pick-Up Line - A Public Service Announcement - PROPably - Wraith on the Lam - Is That A Fetish? - Crybaby - Um... Sebastian? - Face "Hugging" - The Eye Trick - Dulled - Dress Code - Such an Ass - The Friday the 13th Minotaur - Engrish Ga Suki Da Ne? - "Donation" - History is Written by the Whiners - Like Moths to a Flame - IRS Alien Autopsy - Santacide: The Epilogue - Santacide: EXPLODE - Santacide: Seriously, He's Huge - Santacide: Paranoid - Santacide: Own'd - Santacide: True-Form.... CHANGE! - Santacide: Stalemate - Santacide: Used to It - Santacide: Wind Scar - Santacide: Nowhere in Particular - Santacide: So Easy - Santacide: Whoooosh - Santacide: Dissent - Santacide: Force of Habit - Santacide: Mind Your Head - Santacide: He's Pretty Bad at This - Santacide: He Gets Minions - Santacide: "Air" - Santacide: The 8th Ninja - Santacide: He's Still There - Santacide: Ninja Hate - Santacide: Anti-Air'd - Santacide: Shuriken Float - Santacide: Hint, Hint - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: So Bright - Santacide: Simple Trick - Santacide: Ripoff Artist - Santacide: Double-Kill - Santacide: He's Hostile - Santacide: Dimension Reaver - Santacide: Deathbed Banter - Santacide: Evil Banter - Santacide: Tracking - Number 500 - Santacide: Speedy - Santacide: Bastards - Santacide: Trouble - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: Dibs is a Bitch - Santacide: Whip of Light - Santacide: Dumbass Detection - Santacide: Specia Effects Bonanza - Santacide: Durability - Santacide: Recycled Jokes - Santacide: Hax - Santacide: Leet Ninja - Santacide: A Super Mutton - Santacide: Go, Mutton - Santacide: Right in the Smoke Bombs - Santacide: TK Shove - Santacide: He's Bad At This - Santacide: Stuck - Santacide: Mind Tricks - Santacide: They Totally Suck - Santacide: An Excuse - Santacide: Dayum - Santacide: Uh-Oh - Art "Lover" - Seriously, WTF - Santacide: The Apple Trick - Santacide: Enter Ukyo - Santacide: Remodeling - Santacide: Just That Awesome - Santacide: Hweh! - Santacide: Foot-Stabber - Santacide: Replacement - Santacide: *trip* - Santacide: *vwee* - Santacide: Talky Ninja - Santacide: Gameplay Mechanics - Santacide: Noobz - Santacide: Commercial Break - Santacide: Just Plain Sad - Santacide: It's Comfy - Santacide: Looks Like Fun - Santacide: Remember That Place? - Santacide: Wild Guessing - Santacide: Unholy Santa Magic - Santacide: Anticlimax - Santacide: A Vendetta - Santacide: Unholy Christmas Powers - Santacide: He's No Mind Reader Santacide: Oh, Right - Kainmas: Alternate Ending - Kainmas: The End - Kainmas: Cramped - Kainmas: Mario Claus - Kainmas: Minimum Security - Kainmas: Santa is Evil - Kainmas: Merry K'rr'zhmz - Kainmas: Ominously Festive - Kainmas: Reasoning - Kainmas: Henchmen A Kainmas Story - Zzzzap - Thundercats - Completely Smashed - Sucker Punch'd - Seinfeld - Where's Frodo? - No Love for Ariel - Modern Art - Yikes - Long Jump - Only in New England - Poor Fact-Checking - All Hail Kraid - A Very Big Raccoon - Beer Goggles - Dreamcasts From Hell - Bullet Time - The Wheel of Fate - Votin' Time - The Time Warp - Sir Kain - He'll Kill Him Anyway, But Hey... - Kain's A Dick - Seriously Open-Heart - Not Touching You - Yr'ikk - Atkins Sucks - Burnination - Complete Idiot - Lack of Faith - It's Not His Birthday - Hylden Gone Wild - Pot Joke - Crono... - Cherry Flavor - This's Bat Country The 1-Year Comic - LoKA: The Conclusion - LoKA: Held in Contempt - LoKA: The Trial - LoKA: Treasonberries - LoKA: Same Thing - LoKA: Worst Plan Ever - LoKA: Squish - LoKA: Acid Jell-O, That Is - LoKA: The Acid Room - LoKA: Super-Mutton - LoKA: Plan D - LoKA: The Obvious Lord - LoKA: Way Off Course - LoKA: Lost - LoKA: Crimes Against Humanity - LoKA: Berserker Fury - LoKA: He's Enjoying It - LoKA: Oh Snap - LoKA: Plan "Oops" - LoKA: Resistance to Reaving - LoKA: Cancelled - LoKA: Tonberry Hatred - LoKA: Pansy Tonberries - LoKA: Crunch - LoKA: Cornered - LoKA: Running Away - LoKA: Plan C - LoKA: Plan B - LoKA: Not So Awesome Might - LoKA: Awesome Might - LoKA: Sarcastic Tonberry God - LoKA: The Tonberry Gods - LoKA: Boss Fight? - LoKA: Blood Vials - LoKA: Replay Value - LoKA: Resent Burning - LoKA: Burninated - LoKA: He Never Dies - LoKA: Exploding Head Syndrome - LoKA: Raziel - LoKA: The Prologue Legacy of Kain: Absolution - A Complaint - MTG: Worthless Knowledge - Très Metro - Obligatory Scarface Reference - A Link to the Libido - You Should See Mint Flavor - MORTAL KOMBAAAAT - I Am Your Father - The Bluest Eyes - MTG: Me - A Yoga Joke - Why I Hate Raziel - So Emo - Vulcan Nerve Pinch - Drama - Valentine's Day - Hairy Palms? - Another Montage - Collateral Damage - Out of Breath The Hilton - TFS: The End - TFS: OMG revelation - TFS: Seppuku - TFS: Round Two - TFS: Ninja Assault - TFS: Go Wait Outside - TFS: Low Body Count - TFS: Sarafan Are Still Dumb - TFS: A Mysterious Benefactor - TFS: *whump* - TFS: Christmas - TFS: Totally Awful Graphics - TFS: No Effort - TFS: The Sarafan Fortress - TFS: Poor Forethought - TFS: Too Many Jokes - TFS: No Punchline - TFS: Meridian - TFS: Osteoporosis - TFS: Holy Shit It's A Ninja - TFS: A Completely Transparent Lie - TFS: A Cliffhanger - TFS: Questioning The First Story: The Beginning - Shrinkage? - Sword-Eating - Stone Creature - Artistic Mastery - Staring Contest - Senility - Square Dance - Spleeeeen - The Spanish Inquisition - The Smurf Reaver - *shove* - Past, Meet Present - THE SHOOOOE - More Bandages - Nosgoth's True Savior - Ruining the Time-Stream - Rock, Paper, Nexus Stone - No Head Starts - A One-Track Mind - Raziel's Purpose - Best Pose Ever - XTREEM Skateboarding - Hippie Souls - People Think This is Funny - The Montage Strikes Back - Because Purple is Macho - The Pillar of Romance - Pepto-Bismol - Overdecoration - Internal Monologue - The One Ring - He Is Not Worthy - A Wild Party - Nosgothic News Network - Masters of Stealth - Neverwinter Raziel - Mother's Day - Revenge of the Son of the Montage - Montage Comics are Economical - ....and the Sixth - ...and the Fifth - Compilation the Fourth - Cue - Disaster Strikes - Uh. Holy Shit. - Dude.... Wait, What? - Raziel Fails at Games - DSL is LSD Backwards - I Always Loved You - Lord of the Boxen - LoK; Reloaded - Not THAT Hot - It Will Never Die - Freudian Slip - Denied - Tryouts - Spider-Kain - Completely Unlikely - Jellomancy - The Jehovahs - It's Only a Model - A Repeat - Note - A Janos Special - Jabberwocky - He Chose Mercy - Everybody Loves Hypnosquid - Home, Sweet Reaver It's Easy and Fun - History Lesson 53: The Whole Damn Game - History Lesson 52: Just Like LA - History Lesson 51: Best Scene Ever - History Lesson 50: Defiance - History Lesson 49: Abbreviated Ending - History Lesson 48: Bad Timing - History Lesson 47: Nobody Cares - History Lesson 46: Scooby-Raziel - History Lesson 45: "Sneaky" - History Lesson 44: Heavy - History Lesson 43: Kinda Like A Goldfish - History Lesson 42: Kain - History Lesson 41: Edited in Post - History Lesson 40: Elf Magic - History Lesson 39: Priorities - History Lesson 38: Point, Counterpoint - History Lesson 37: Graphic Update - History Lesson 36: Stick-to-it-iveness - History Lesson 35: The End of Soul Reaver 1 - History Lesson 34: Death Is Pretty Mundane - History Lesson 33: The Dorky One - History Lesson 32: Jaws - History Lesson 31: A Cute Little Puppy - History Lesson 30: Heartburn - History Lesson 29: Barbecue - History Lesson 28: Arachnophobia - History Lesson 27: Whatever Works - History Lesson 26: Seriously, Wtf? - History Lesson 25: One Ugly Mofo - History Lesson 24: The Dumahim - History Lesson 23: It's Kinda Like Zoolander - History Lesson 22: So Epic - History Lesson 21: Bitch-Whupped - History Lesson 20: Nobody Ever Notices That - History Lesson 19: Thin Air - History Lesson 18: Makeup - History Lesson 17: Magnus - History Lesson 16: The Builder - History Lesson 15: Janos - History Lesson 14: Heroic Rescue - History Lesson 13: Interruptions - History Lesson 12: Pimpin' - History Lesson 11: They're All Gay For Each Other - History Lesson 10: Huge - History Lesson 9: Blood Omen 2 - History Lesson 8: The Death Sequence - History Lesson 7: Foreshadowing - History Lesson 6: Avernus - History Lesson 5: I Never Understood That - History Lesson 4: Finding Vorador - History Lesson 3: Resurrection - History Lesson 2: Blood Omen's Intro - History Lesson 1: A Prelude - Help Me, Help You - Hash'Ak'Gik! - Hang 4 - Hacky Sack - The Good Old Days - Go Fish - Glowsticks - Press A to Glide - Totally Gay - Recycled Jokes - Shit is Going Down - Best Replica Ever - He's Flaming- No, Really - Made in China - The Elder Squid - Echo - The Drunkening - Massive Drug Trip - Drinking Problem - Open Door, Insert Foot - Spooky Telekinetic Powers - A Day in the Life of Doomguy - The Devil May Cry Engine - Mist Form - The Death of Janos, Revisited - Dead Tired - I See Dead People - Janos, Meet Death. Again. - Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Cut! - Cruel and Unusual Punishment - Contact Lens - Another Compilation - A Compilation - Product Placement - Moebius' College Years - He IS Ugly As Hell - The Time Travel Dilemma - Obligatory Ghostbusters Reference - Bubble - The Death Toll Rises - The Whisper - Raziel's Biggest Fan - Big Fish - Battle Stategy - The Remote Reaver - April Fool's - Answering Machine - "Hobo Dan" - Marcus' Alibi - The Afro from Hell - MTG: Acid Trip - Comic Number 300 - Comic Number 200 - Comic Number 100 - 4th of July All Your Base Are Belong to Kain Next Last Author notes April Fool's Blackmoon on Oct. 31, 2007 Man, some of these jokes were weak. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register
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