Legacy of Kain Laugh Reaver First Prev - LoK:R- Murderfest '09 - LoK:R- He's Stuffed With Rage And Evil. They're Heavy. - LoK:R- Well, He Said He'd Be Back - LoK:R- And Now We Talk About Kain - LoK:R- I Got Nothin' - LoK:R- Hadou! - LoK:R- Not That It's Actually IN The Megaman Series - LoK:R- BOOSH - LoK:R- A Duel! - LoK:R- At Least It's Not A Box - LoK:R- Yadda Yadda Yadda - LoK:R- Are We There Yet? - LoK:R- Yeah, I Love To Use This Joke - LoK:R- It's A Compulsion, Really - LoK:R- Pummelings Ensue - LoK:R- She Loves Puns - LoK:R- (Actually, He Is) - LoK:R- They Call Themselves "The Resisty" - LoK:R- Needs Feng Shui - LoK:R- Burny, Burny Jell-O - LoK:R- Poor, Poor Mysterio - LoK:R- Vorp - LoK:R- Shin Zetsumei Oh Dear I've Been Struck - LoK:R- Joe Musashi Dies Again - LoK:R- Throwing Stars *Everywhere* - LoK:R- Also Known As The "Inverse Ninja Law" - LoK:R- Return of the Quirky Ninja Squad - LoK:R- The Anticlimax - LoK:R- Toki wa Tomare! - LoK:R- Sports Commentary - LoK:R- No, Really, It's A Guy - LoK:R - The Recruits - LoK:R - MECHA-SANTA. - LoK:R - Pwnd - LoK:R - Critical Interrupt - LoK:R - Turns Out, Yes, You Can LoK:R- A Stocking Full of Vengeance - Mother's Day - No More Sparta Jokes Memory - The Tournament: Battle Pose - The Tournament: Taunting - The Tournament: Don't Ask - The Tournament: Meanwhile... - The Tournament: Decisive Victory - The Tournament: Teleportational Mystery - The Tournament: What A Jerk - The Tournament: Sephiroth vs. Hiei - The Tournament: Sesshomaru Wins - The Tournament: Pwned - The Tournament: Special Effects - The Tournament: Quick-Dodge - The Tournament: Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru - The Tournament: Kain Wins - The Tournament: Ka-Murder - The Tournament: Revenge of the Zanzoubatsu - The Tournament: Kain vs. Phantom - The Tournament: Iori Wins - The Tournament: Seriously Massive - The Tournament: Overkill - The Tournament: Preparation - The Tournament: Kyo vs. Iori The Tournament: Prelude - The Seer is a Bitch - Carnage - Back Problems - Super-Glue - Touché - Hoo-Hoo! - Personal Space - Freudian Slip? - Hetero Til The End - Fair Warning - Charades - Bright - Lung Surgery Still Unfeasible - Number 600 - Totally Worthless - Useless Wings - Go Back to Sleep, Neo - Where's That Liver? - Allegory - Owned - Rock, Paper, Scissors - From Bad to Worse - Maybe a Tic-Tac - Keys - Another Matrix Joke - Can't Hurt You - High Ground - Short Temper - MTG: Game Mechanics - He's Just Effeminate - Exterminator - They Never Go Clubbing - Accusations - Bigger In Person - It's Nothing - SUMO - It's Good For You - Great Pick-Up Line - A Public Service Announcement - PROPably - Wraith on the Lam - Is That A Fetish? - Crybaby - Um... Sebastian? - Face "Hugging" - The Eye Trick - Dulled - Dress Code - Such an Ass - The Friday the 13th Minotaur - Engrish Ga Suki Da Ne? - "Donation" - History is Written by the Whiners - Like Moths to a Flame - IRS Alien Autopsy - Santacide: The Epilogue - Santacide: EXPLODE - Santacide: Seriously, He's Huge - Santacide: Paranoid - Santacide: Own'd - Santacide: True-Form.... CHANGE! - Santacide: Stalemate - Santacide: Used to It - Santacide: Wind Scar - Santacide: Nowhere in Particular - Santacide: So Easy - Santacide: Whoooosh - Santacide: Dissent - Santacide: Force of Habit - Santacide: Mind Your Head - Santacide: He's Pretty Bad at This - Santacide: He Gets Minions - Santacide: "Air" - Santacide: The 8th Ninja - Santacide: He's Still There - Santacide: Ninja Hate - Santacide: Anti-Air'd - Santacide: Shuriken Float - Santacide: Hint, Hint - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: So Bright - Santacide: Simple Trick - Santacide: Ripoff Artist - Santacide: Double-Kill - Santacide: He's Hostile - Santacide: Dimension Reaver - Santacide: Deathbed Banter - Santacide: Evil Banter - Santacide: Tracking - Number 500 - Santacide: Speedy - Santacide: Bastards - Santacide: Trouble - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: Dibs is a Bitch - Santacide: Whip of Light - Santacide: Dumbass Detection - Santacide: Specia Effects Bonanza - Santacide: Durability - Santacide: Recycled Jokes - Santacide: Hax - Santacide: Leet Ninja - Santacide: A Super Mutton - Santacide: Go, Mutton - Santacide: Right in the Smoke Bombs - Santacide: TK Shove - Santacide: He's Bad At This - Santacide: Stuck - Santacide: Mind Tricks - Santacide: They Totally Suck - Santacide: An Excuse - Santacide: Dayum - Santacide: Uh-Oh - Art "Lover" - Seriously, WTF - Santacide: The Apple Trick - Santacide: Enter Ukyo - Santacide: Remodeling - Santacide: Just That Awesome - Santacide: Hweh! - Santacide: Foot-Stabber - Santacide: Replacement - Santacide: *trip* - Santacide: *vwee* - Santacide: Talky Ninja - Santacide: Gameplay Mechanics - Santacide: Noobz - Santacide: Commercial Break - Santacide: Just Plain Sad - Santacide: It's Comfy - Santacide: Looks Like Fun - Santacide: Remember That Place? - Santacide: Wild Guessing - Santacide: Unholy Santa Magic - Santacide: Anticlimax - Santacide: A Vendetta - Santacide: Unholy Christmas Powers - Santacide: He's No Mind Reader Santacide: Oh, Right - Kainmas: Alternate Ending - Kainmas: The End - Kainmas: Cramped - Kainmas: Mario Claus - Kainmas: Minimum Security - Kainmas: Santa is Evil - Kainmas: Merry K'rr'zhmz - Kainmas: Ominously Festive - Kainmas: Reasoning - Kainmas: Henchmen A Kainmas Story - Zzzzap - Thundercats - Completely Smashed - Sucker Punch'd - Seinfeld - Where's Frodo? - No Love for Ariel - Modern Art - Yikes - Long Jump - Only in New England - Poor Fact-Checking - All Hail Kraid - A Very Big Raccoon - Beer Goggles - Dreamcasts From Hell - Bullet Time - The Wheel of Fate - Votin' Time - The Time Warp - Sir Kain - He'll Kill Him Anyway, But Hey... - Kain's A Dick - Seriously Open-Heart - Not Touching You - Yr'ikk - Atkins Sucks - Burnination - Complete Idiot - Lack of Faith - It's Not His Birthday - Hylden Gone Wild - Pot Joke - Crono... - Cherry Flavor - This's Bat Country The 1-Year Comic - LoKA: The Conclusion - LoKA: Held in Contempt - LoKA: The Trial - LoKA: Treasonberries - LoKA: Same Thing - LoKA: Worst Plan Ever - LoKA: Squish - LoKA: Acid Jell-O, That Is - LoKA: The Acid Room - LoKA: Super-Mutton - LoKA: Plan D - LoKA: The Obvious Lord - LoKA: Way Off Course - LoKA: Lost - LoKA: Crimes Against Humanity - LoKA: Berserker Fury - LoKA: He's Enjoying It - LoKA: Oh Snap - LoKA: Plan "Oops" - LoKA: Resistance to Reaving - LoKA: Cancelled - LoKA: Tonberry Hatred - LoKA: Pansy Tonberries - LoKA: Crunch - LoKA: Cornered - LoKA: Running Away - LoKA: Plan C - LoKA: Plan B - LoKA: Not So Awesome Might - LoKA: Awesome Might - LoKA: Sarcastic Tonberry God - LoKA: The Tonberry Gods - LoKA: Boss Fight? - LoKA: Blood Vials - LoKA: Replay Value - LoKA: Resent Burning - LoKA: Burninated - LoKA: He Never Dies - LoKA: Exploding Head Syndrome - LoKA: Raziel - LoKA: The Prologue Legacy of Kain: Absolution - A Complaint - MTG: Worthless Knowledge - Très Metro - Obligatory Scarface Reference - A Link to the Libido - You Should See Mint Flavor - MORTAL KOMBAAAAT - I Am Your Father - The Bluest Eyes - MTG: Me - A Yoga Joke - Why I Hate Raziel - So Emo - Vulcan Nerve Pinch - Drama - Valentine's Day - Hairy Palms? - Another Montage - Collateral Damage - Out of Breath The Hilton - TFS: The End - TFS: OMG revelation - TFS: Seppuku - TFS: Round Two - TFS: Ninja Assault - TFS: Go Wait Outside - TFS: Low Body Count - TFS: Sarafan Are Still Dumb - TFS: A Mysterious Benefactor - TFS: *whump* - TFS: Christmas - TFS: Totally Awful Graphics - TFS: No Effort - TFS: The Sarafan Fortress - TFS: Poor Forethought - TFS: Too Many Jokes - TFS: No Punchline - TFS: Meridian - TFS: Osteoporosis - TFS: Holy Shit It's A Ninja - TFS: A Completely Transparent Lie - TFS: A Cliffhanger - TFS: Questioning The First Story: The Beginning - Shrinkage? - Sword-Eating - Stone Creature - Artistic Mastery - Staring Contest - Senility - Square Dance - Spleeeeen - The Spanish Inquisition - The Smurf Reaver - *shove* - Past, Meet Present - THE SHOOOOE - More Bandages - Nosgoth's True Savior - Ruining the Time-Stream - Rock, Paper, Nexus Stone - No Head Starts - A One-Track Mind - Raziel's Purpose - Best Pose Ever - XTREEM Skateboarding - Hippie Souls - People Think This is Funny - The Montage Strikes Back - Because Purple is Macho - The Pillar of Romance - Pepto-Bismol - Overdecoration - Internal Monologue - The One Ring - He Is Not Worthy - A Wild Party - Nosgothic News Network - Masters of Stealth - Neverwinter Raziel - Mother's Day - Revenge of the Son of the Montage - Montage Comics are Economical - ....and the Sixth - ...and the Fifth - Compilation the Fourth - Cue - Disaster Strikes - Uh. Holy Shit. - Dude.... Wait, What? - Raziel Fails at Games - DSL is LSD Backwards - I Always Loved You - Lord of the Boxen - LoK; Reloaded - Not THAT Hot - It Will Never Die - Freudian Slip - Denied - Tryouts - Spider-Kain - Completely Unlikely - Jellomancy - The Jehovahs - It's Only a Model - A Repeat - Note - A Janos Special - Jabberwocky - He Chose Mercy - Everybody Loves Hypnosquid - Home, Sweet Reaver It's Easy and Fun - History Lesson 53: The Whole Damn Game - History Lesson 52: Just Like LA - History Lesson 51: Best Scene Ever - History Lesson 50: Defiance - History Lesson 49: Abbreviated Ending - History Lesson 48: Bad Timing - History Lesson 47: Nobody Cares - History Lesson 46: Scooby-Raziel - History Lesson 45: "Sneaky" - History Lesson 44: Heavy - History Lesson 43: Kinda Like A Goldfish - History Lesson 42: Kain - History Lesson 41: Edited in Post - History Lesson 40: Elf Magic - History Lesson 39: Priorities - History Lesson 38: Point, Counterpoint - History Lesson 37: Graphic Update - History Lesson 36: Stick-to-it-iveness - History Lesson 35: The End of Soul Reaver 1 - History Lesson 34: Death Is Pretty Mundane - History Lesson 33: The Dorky One - History Lesson 32: Jaws - History Lesson 31: A Cute Little Puppy - History Lesson 30: Heartburn - History Lesson 29: Barbecue - History Lesson 28: Arachnophobia - History Lesson 27: Whatever Works - History Lesson 26: Seriously, Wtf? - History Lesson 25: One Ugly Mofo - History Lesson 24: The Dumahim - History Lesson 23: It's Kinda Like Zoolander - History Lesson 22: So Epic - History Lesson 21: Bitch-Whupped - History Lesson 20: Nobody Ever Notices That - History Lesson 19: Thin Air - History Lesson 18: Makeup - History Lesson 17: Magnus - History Lesson 16: The Builder - History Lesson 15: Janos - History Lesson 14: Heroic Rescue - History Lesson 13: Interruptions - History Lesson 12: Pimpin' - History Lesson 11: They're All Gay For Each Other - History Lesson 10: Huge - History Lesson 9: Blood Omen 2 - History Lesson 8: The Death Sequence - History Lesson 7: Foreshadowing - History Lesson 6: Avernus - History Lesson 5: I Never Understood That - History Lesson 4: Finding Vorador - History Lesson 3: Resurrection - History Lesson 2: Blood Omen's Intro - History Lesson 1: A Prelude - Help Me, Help You - Hash'Ak'Gik! - Hang 4 - Hacky Sack - The Good Old Days - Go Fish - Glowsticks - Press A to Glide - Totally Gay - Recycled Jokes - Shit is Going Down - Best Replica Ever - He's Flaming- No, Really - Made in China - The Elder Squid - Echo - The Drunkening - Massive Drug Trip - Drinking Problem - Open Door, Insert Foot - Spooky Telekinetic Powers - A Day in the Life of Doomguy - The Devil May Cry Engine - Mist Form - The Death of Janos, Revisited - Dead Tired - I See Dead People - Janos, Meet Death. Again. - Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Cut! - Cruel and Unusual Punishment - Contact Lens - Another Compilation - A Compilation - Product Placement - Moebius' College Years - He IS Ugly As Hell - The Time Travel Dilemma - Obligatory Ghostbusters Reference - Bubble - The Death Toll Rises - The Whisper - Raziel's Biggest Fan - Big Fish - Battle Stategy - The Remote Reaver - April Fool's - Answering Machine - "Hobo Dan" - Marcus' Alibi - The Afro from Hell - MTG: Acid Trip - Comic Number 300 - Comic Number 200 - Comic Number 100 - 4th of July All Your Base Are Belong to Kain Next Last First Prev - LoK:R- Murderfest '09 - LoK:R- He's Stuffed With Rage And Evil. They're Heavy. - LoK:R- Well, He Said He'd Be Back - LoK:R- And Now We Talk About Kain - LoK:R- I Got Nothin' - LoK:R- Hadou! - LoK:R- Not That It's Actually IN The Megaman Series - LoK:R- BOOSH - LoK:R- A Duel! - LoK:R- At Least It's Not A Box - LoK:R- Yadda Yadda Yadda - LoK:R- Are We There Yet? - LoK:R- Yeah, I Love To Use This Joke - LoK:R- It's A Compulsion, Really - LoK:R- Pummelings Ensue - LoK:R- She Loves Puns - LoK:R- (Actually, He Is) - LoK:R- They Call Themselves "The Resisty" - LoK:R- Needs Feng Shui - LoK:R- Burny, Burny Jell-O - LoK:R- Poor, Poor Mysterio - LoK:R- Vorp - LoK:R- Shin Zetsumei Oh Dear I've Been Struck - LoK:R- Joe Musashi Dies Again - LoK:R- Throwing Stars *Everywhere* - LoK:R- Also Known As The "Inverse Ninja Law" - LoK:R- Return of the Quirky Ninja Squad - LoK:R- The Anticlimax - LoK:R- Toki wa Tomare! - LoK:R- Sports Commentary - LoK:R- No, Really, It's A Guy - LoK:R - The Recruits - LoK:R - MECHA-SANTA. - LoK:R - Pwnd - LoK:R - Critical Interrupt - LoK:R - Turns Out, Yes, You Can LoK:R- A Stocking Full of Vengeance - Mother's Day - No More Sparta Jokes Memory - The Tournament: Battle Pose - The Tournament: Taunting - The Tournament: Don't Ask - The Tournament: Meanwhile... - The Tournament: Decisive Victory - The Tournament: Teleportational Mystery - The Tournament: What A Jerk - The Tournament: Sephiroth vs. Hiei - The Tournament: Sesshomaru Wins - The Tournament: Pwned - The Tournament: Special Effects - The Tournament: Quick-Dodge - The Tournament: Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru - The Tournament: Kain Wins - The Tournament: Ka-Murder - The Tournament: Revenge of the Zanzoubatsu - The Tournament: Kain vs. Phantom - The Tournament: Iori Wins - The Tournament: Seriously Massive - The Tournament: Overkill - The Tournament: Preparation - The Tournament: Kyo vs. Iori The Tournament: Prelude - The Seer is a Bitch - Carnage - Back Problems - Super-Glue - Touché - Hoo-Hoo! - Personal Space - Freudian Slip? - Hetero Til The End - Fair Warning - Charades - Bright - Lung Surgery Still Unfeasible - Number 600 - Totally Worthless - Useless Wings - Go Back to Sleep, Neo - Where's That Liver? - Allegory - Owned - Rock, Paper, Scissors - From Bad to Worse - Maybe a Tic-Tac - Keys - Another Matrix Joke - Can't Hurt You - High Ground - Short Temper - MTG: Game Mechanics - He's Just Effeminate - Exterminator - They Never Go Clubbing - Accusations - Bigger In Person - It's Nothing - SUMO - It's Good For You - Great Pick-Up Line - A Public Service Announcement - PROPably - Wraith on the Lam - Is That A Fetish? - Crybaby - Um... Sebastian? - Face "Hugging" - The Eye Trick - Dulled - Dress Code - Such an Ass - The Friday the 13th Minotaur - Engrish Ga Suki Da Ne? - "Donation" - History is Written by the Whiners - Like Moths to a Flame - IRS Alien Autopsy - Santacide: The Epilogue - Santacide: EXPLODE - Santacide: Seriously, He's Huge - Santacide: Paranoid - Santacide: Own'd - Santacide: True-Form.... CHANGE! - Santacide: Stalemate - Santacide: Used to It - Santacide: Wind Scar - Santacide: Nowhere in Particular - Santacide: So Easy - Santacide: Whoooosh - Santacide: Dissent - Santacide: Force of Habit - Santacide: Mind Your Head - Santacide: He's Pretty Bad at This - Santacide: He Gets Minions - Santacide: "Air" - Santacide: The 8th Ninja - Santacide: He's Still There - Santacide: Ninja Hate - Santacide: Anti-Air'd - Santacide: Shuriken Float - Santacide: Hint, Hint - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: So Bright - Santacide: Simple Trick - Santacide: Ripoff Artist - Santacide: Double-Kill - Santacide: He's Hostile - Santacide: Dimension Reaver - Santacide: Deathbed Banter - Santacide: Evil Banter - Santacide: Tracking - Number 500 - Santacide: Speedy - Santacide: Bastards - Santacide: Trouble - Santacide: Big Shuriken - Santacide: Dibs is a Bitch - Santacide: Whip of Light - Santacide: Dumbass Detection - Santacide: Specia Effects Bonanza - Santacide: Durability - Santacide: Recycled Jokes - Santacide: Hax - Santacide: Leet Ninja - Santacide: A Super Mutton - Santacide: Go, Mutton - Santacide: Right in the Smoke Bombs - Santacide: TK Shove - Santacide: He's Bad At This - Santacide: Stuck - Santacide: Mind Tricks - Santacide: They Totally Suck - Santacide: An Excuse - Santacide: Dayum - Santacide: Uh-Oh - Art "Lover" - Seriously, WTF - Santacide: The Apple Trick - Santacide: Enter Ukyo - Santacide: Remodeling - Santacide: Just That Awesome - Santacide: Hweh! - Santacide: Foot-Stabber - Santacide: Replacement - Santacide: *trip* - Santacide: *vwee* - Santacide: Talky Ninja - Santacide: Gameplay Mechanics - Santacide: Noobz - Santacide: Commercial Break - Santacide: Just Plain Sad - Santacide: It's Comfy - Santacide: Looks Like Fun - Santacide: Remember That Place? - Santacide: Wild Guessing - Santacide: Unholy Santa Magic - Santacide: Anticlimax - Santacide: A Vendetta - Santacide: Unholy Christmas Powers - Santacide: He's No Mind Reader Santacide: Oh, Right - Kainmas: Alternate Ending - Kainmas: The End - Kainmas: Cramped - Kainmas: Mario Claus - Kainmas: Minimum Security - Kainmas: Santa is Evil - Kainmas: Merry K'rr'zhmz - Kainmas: Ominously Festive - Kainmas: Reasoning - Kainmas: Henchmen A Kainmas Story - Zzzzap - Thundercats - Completely Smashed - Sucker Punch'd - Seinfeld - Where's Frodo? - No Love for Ariel - Modern Art - Yikes - Long Jump - Only in New England - Poor Fact-Checking - All Hail Kraid - A Very Big Raccoon - Beer Goggles - Dreamcasts From Hell - Bullet Time - The Wheel of Fate - Votin' Time - The Time Warp - Sir Kain - He'll Kill Him Anyway, But Hey... - Kain's A Dick - Seriously Open-Heart - Not Touching You - Yr'ikk - Atkins Sucks - Burnination - Complete Idiot - Lack of Faith - It's Not His Birthday - Hylden Gone Wild - Pot Joke - Crono... - Cherry Flavor - This's Bat Country The 1-Year Comic - LoKA: The Conclusion - LoKA: Held in Contempt - LoKA: The Trial - LoKA: Treasonberries - LoKA: Same Thing - LoKA: Worst Plan Ever - LoKA: Squish - LoKA: Acid Jell-O, That Is - LoKA: The Acid Room - LoKA: Super-Mutton - LoKA: Plan D - LoKA: The Obvious Lord - LoKA: Way Off Course - LoKA: Lost - LoKA: Crimes Against Humanity - LoKA: Berserker Fury - LoKA: He's Enjoying It - LoKA: Oh Snap - LoKA: Plan "Oops" - LoKA: Resistance to Reaving - LoKA: Cancelled - LoKA: Tonberry Hatred - LoKA: Pansy Tonberries - LoKA: Crunch - LoKA: Cornered - LoKA: Running Away - LoKA: Plan C - LoKA: Plan B - LoKA: Not So Awesome Might - LoKA: Awesome Might - LoKA: Sarcastic Tonberry God - LoKA: The Tonberry Gods - LoKA: Boss Fight? - LoKA: Blood Vials - LoKA: Replay Value - LoKA: Resent Burning - LoKA: Burninated - LoKA: He Never Dies - LoKA: Exploding Head Syndrome - LoKA: Raziel - LoKA: The Prologue Legacy of Kain: Absolution - A Complaint - MTG: Worthless Knowledge - Très Metro - Obligatory Scarface Reference - A Link to the Libido - You Should See Mint Flavor - MORTAL KOMBAAAAT - I Am Your Father - The Bluest Eyes - MTG: Me - A Yoga Joke - Why I Hate Raziel - So Emo - Vulcan Nerve Pinch - Drama - Valentine's Day - Hairy Palms? - Another Montage - Collateral Damage - Out of Breath The Hilton - TFS: The End - TFS: OMG revelation - TFS: Seppuku - TFS: Round Two - TFS: Ninja Assault - TFS: Go Wait Outside - TFS: Low Body Count - TFS: Sarafan Are Still Dumb - TFS: A Mysterious Benefactor - TFS: *whump* - TFS: Christmas - TFS: Totally Awful Graphics - TFS: No Effort - TFS: The Sarafan Fortress - TFS: Poor Forethought - TFS: Too Many Jokes - TFS: No Punchline - TFS: Meridian - TFS: Osteoporosis - TFS: Holy Shit It's A Ninja - TFS: A Completely Transparent Lie - TFS: A Cliffhanger - TFS: Questioning The First Story: The Beginning - Shrinkage? - Sword-Eating - Stone Creature - Artistic Mastery - Staring Contest - Senility - Square Dance - Spleeeeen - The Spanish Inquisition - The Smurf Reaver - *shove* - Past, Meet Present - THE SHOOOOE - More Bandages - Nosgoth's True Savior - Ruining the Time-Stream - Rock, Paper, Nexus Stone - No Head Starts - A One-Track Mind - Raziel's Purpose - Best Pose Ever - XTREEM Skateboarding - Hippie Souls - People Think This is Funny - The Montage Strikes Back - Because Purple is Macho - The Pillar of Romance - Pepto-Bismol - Overdecoration - Internal Monologue - The One Ring - He Is Not Worthy - A Wild Party - Nosgothic News Network - Masters of Stealth - Neverwinter Raziel - Mother's Day - Revenge of the Son of the Montage - Montage Comics are Economical - ....and the Sixth - ...and the Fifth - Compilation the Fourth - Cue - Disaster Strikes - Uh. Holy Shit. - Dude.... Wait, What? - Raziel Fails at Games - DSL is LSD Backwards - I Always Loved You - Lord of the Boxen - LoK; Reloaded - Not THAT Hot - It Will Never Die - Freudian Slip - Denied - Tryouts - Spider-Kain - Completely Unlikely - Jellomancy - The Jehovahs - It's Only a Model - A Repeat - Note - A Janos Special - Jabberwocky - He Chose Mercy - Everybody Loves Hypnosquid - Home, Sweet Reaver It's Easy and Fun - History Lesson 53: The Whole Damn Game - History Lesson 52: Just Like LA - History Lesson 51: Best Scene Ever - History Lesson 50: Defiance - History Lesson 49: Abbreviated Ending - History Lesson 48: Bad Timing - History Lesson 47: Nobody Cares - History Lesson 46: Scooby-Raziel - History Lesson 45: "Sneaky" - History Lesson 44: Heavy - History Lesson 43: Kinda Like A Goldfish - History Lesson 42: Kain - History Lesson 41: Edited in Post - History Lesson 40: Elf Magic - History Lesson 39: Priorities - History Lesson 38: Point, Counterpoint - History Lesson 37: Graphic Update - History Lesson 36: Stick-to-it-iveness - History Lesson 35: The End of Soul Reaver 1 - History Lesson 34: Death Is Pretty Mundane - History Lesson 33: The Dorky One - History Lesson 32: Jaws - History Lesson 31: A Cute Little Puppy - History Lesson 30: Heartburn - History Lesson 29: Barbecue - History Lesson 28: Arachnophobia - History Lesson 27: Whatever Works - History Lesson 26: Seriously, Wtf? - History Lesson 25: One Ugly Mofo - History Lesson 24: The Dumahim - History Lesson 23: It's Kinda Like Zoolander - History Lesson 22: So Epic - History Lesson 21: Bitch-Whupped - History Lesson 20: Nobody Ever Notices That - History Lesson 19: Thin Air - History Lesson 18: Makeup - History Lesson 17: Magnus - History Lesson 16: The Builder - History Lesson 15: Janos - History Lesson 14: Heroic Rescue - History Lesson 13: Interruptions - History Lesson 12: Pimpin' - History Lesson 11: They're All Gay For Each Other - History Lesson 10: Huge - History Lesson 9: Blood Omen 2 - History Lesson 8: The Death Sequence - History Lesson 7: Foreshadowing - History Lesson 6: Avernus - History Lesson 5: I Never Understood That - History Lesson 4: Finding Vorador - History Lesson 3: Resurrection - History Lesson 2: Blood Omen's Intro - History Lesson 1: A Prelude - Help Me, Help You - Hash'Ak'Gik! - Hang 4 - Hacky Sack - The Good Old Days - Go Fish - Glowsticks - Press A to Glide - Totally Gay - Recycled Jokes - Shit is Going Down - Best Replica Ever - He's Flaming- No, Really - Made in China - The Elder Squid - Echo - The Drunkening - Massive Drug Trip - Drinking Problem - Open Door, Insert Foot - Spooky Telekinetic Powers - A Day in the Life of Doomguy - The Devil May Cry Engine - Mist Form - The Death of Janos, Revisited - Dead Tired - I See Dead People - Janos, Meet Death. Again. - Don't Ask, Don't Tell - Cut! - Cruel and Unusual Punishment - Contact Lens - Another Compilation - A Compilation - Product Placement - Moebius' College Years - He IS Ugly As Hell - The Time Travel Dilemma - Obligatory Ghostbusters Reference - Bubble - The Death Toll Rises - The Whisper - Raziel's Biggest Fan - Big Fish - Battle Stategy - The Remote Reaver - April Fool's - Answering Machine - "Hobo Dan" - Marcus' Alibi - The Afro from Hell - MTG: Acid Trip - Comic Number 300 - Comic Number 200 - Comic Number 100 - 4th of July All Your Base Are Belong to Kain Next Last Author notes LoK:R- A Duel! Blackmoon on Dec. 29, 2008 Sou desu ka!? Subarashii taijutsu da yo! Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register
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