Legend of Link First Prev - #E.6: A New Journey - #E.5: One Last Step - #E.4: Uncertainty - #E.3: A Change of Direction - #E.2: Wall of Text #E.1: The Spirit of the Triforce - #12.73: Last Goodbyes - #12.72: More Goodbyes - #12.71: First Goodbyes - #12.70: Final Departure - #12.69: Renegotiation - #12.68: Some Assembly Required - #12.67: Eight Helping Legs - #12.66: Undone - #12.65: Never - #12.64: Get Outta Here! - #12.63: A New Victim - #12.62: Filling the Shoes - #12.61: Powerful Solution - #12.60: Lost Courage - #12.59: Triple Din - #12.58: Din vs. The World - #12.57: Kicking the Bottle - #12.56: Twice as Green - #12.55: Distracted? - #12.54: Search and Destroyed - #12.53: Checking Up - #12.52: Wise Support - #12.51: Encouragement - #12.50: Blue vs. Blue - #12.49: Turned - #12.48: Fishy Business - #12.47: Expedition - #12.46: New Domains - #12.45: And Then There Was One - Soon! - #12.44: Deus ex Machina - ----! - #12.43: Many-Legged Charge - Work! - #12.42: Fallen - Tadpole! - #12.41: Power Shift - Hi! - 12.40: The Last Stand(s) - Move! - #12.39: Deicide - Charge! - #12.38: Triple Scene - Gotcha! - #12.37: Triple Goddess - #12.36: Triple Champion - #12.35: Search and Destroy - Snow! - #12.34: Magical Diet - #12.33: Closed Doors - #12.32: Distraction - And Now For Something Completely Different... - #12.31: Redirection - #12.30: Farore's Network - #12.29: B-Team - #12.28: Little Friend - #12.27: Trio - #12.26: Single Player - #12.25: Introduction - #12.24: Guilt - #12.23: Propulsion - #12.22: Final Stretch - #12.21: Allies - #12.20: Unanswered Prayers - #12.19: You're Hired - #12.18: Second Wave - #12.17: All Spent - #12.16: Answer Me - #12.15: Good-Bye - #12.14: Splitting Up - #12.13: Darkenings - #12.12: Corrupted - #12.11: Catch and Release - #12.10: Sideswipe - #12.9: Divine Comedy - #12.8: Four-Way Stab - #12.7: Picture in Picture - #12.6: Former Heroes - #12.5: Jump Cut - #12.4: I'm Blue - #12.3: Shot Down - #12.2: Taking Command #12.1: Back Into the Woods - #11.60: Back to the Bottle - #11.59: Boss Zone - #11.58: A Higher Power - #11.57: First Strike - #11.56: Long Live the Queen - #11.55: Breaking All Barriers - #11.54: Healing - #11.53: ... - #11.52: Finding Courage - #11.51: Flying Flamethrower's Fabulous Frames - #11.50: How-To - #11.49: Passing Knowledge - #11.48: Return to Sidequest - #11.47: Still Stuck - #11.46: Triforce of Whatever - #11.45: 8/9? - #11.44: Summons - #11.43: 7/8 - #11.42: Easy Street - #11.41: Trap Door - #11.40: Runaway Triforce - #11.39: Uncharted - #11.38: Search and Shine - #11.37: Lost and - #11.36: Weapon(s) of Choice - Coming Soon... - #11.35: More Reunion - #11.34: Identify - #11.33: Return to Form - #11.32: Strike at the Source - #11.31: Three Down - #11.30: Pause/Play - #11.29: 1/7 - #11.28: Hero of Distraction - #11.27: Boss Battle Begins - #11.26: Location of Communication - #11.25: Compromise - #11.24: Mini-Patras - #11.23: Patra is Patra - #11.22: Trouble in Triplicate - #11.21: Brightness Up - #11.20: Shadow in the Light - #11.19: Triforce Lights - #11.18: Errand Boy - #11.17: Stick Together - #11.16: Fast Forward - #11.15: Book 2 - #11.14: Tappity Tap - #11.13: Master Light - #11.12: Dive - #11.11: Down We Go - #11.10: Get the Door - #11.9: knock knock - #11.8: Willing Destiny - #11.7: Memory Stop - #11.6: Green Help Other Green - #11.5: Frightened Farore - #11.4: Green Help Green - #11.3: Out of the Darkness - #11.2: Heroic Peril #11.1: Wake Up - #10.57: Alternate Ending - #10.56: End of an Era - #10.55: Ownership - #10.54: Help Me - #10.53: *ding!* - #10.52: Assemble - #10.51: It's Over - #10.50: Take the Triforce - #10.49: New Approach - #10.48: Taking Control - #10.47: Retreating Floor - #10.46: Send it Back - #10.45: Old Magic - #10.44: Search and Release - #10.43: Final Piece - #10.42: Light Descending - #10.41: The Light Descent - #10.40: Din's Corner - #10.39: Return to Owner - #10.38: Another Cliffhanger - #10.37: Subbasement - #10.36: Resident Evil - #10.35: Trapped Fire - #10.34: Party of One - #10.33: Burned Down - #10.32: Voices in My Head - #10.31: Shiny Hero - #10.30: Changing Tracks - #10.29: Parting Ways - #10.28: Rolling Stones - #10.27: No Left Turn - #10.26: Scared out of Fear - #10.25: Burning Bridges - #10.24: Trial Over Fire - #10.23: Across the Barriers - #10.22: Through the Gates - #10.21: Into the Fire - #10.20: Trial by Fire - #10.19: Not-Dragon Fire - #10.18: Visiting Friends - #10.17: Escaping the Heroes - #10.16: Familiar Fear - #10.15: Party of Three - #10.14: Animal Companion - #10.13: Retracing - #10.12: Danger Zones - #10.11: Magic Locator - #10.10: A New(?) Direction - #10.9: A Flashy Exit - #10.8: Ridiculous Reptile's Riveting Restorations - #10.7: To Pieces - #10.6: Splitting - #10.5: Templefall - #10.4: A Journey's End - #10.3: Errand Boy - #10.2: Railroad Plot #10.1: Unrestraint - #9.93: Connection Lost - #9.92: Divine Non-Intervention - #9.91: Extended Finish Line - #9.90: Final Destination - #9.89: Hidden Truth - #9.88: The Last Page - #9.87: A Duel of Champions - #9.86: Final Fight - #9.85: The Battle of Farore's Home - #9.84: Nightmares and Diaries - #9.83: Relaxed Anxiety - #9.82: Together Again - #9.81: Champions - #9.80: Extended Vacation - #9.79: End of the Day - #9.78: Champion Diaries - #9.77: Return to Shelf - #9.76: Stab 'n Run - #9.75: Nose in the Book - #9.74: Blue-Green - #9.73: Distraction by Libramorph - #9.72: Accio Armaments - #9.71: Limited Entry - #9.70: Beam Sword Sword Beams - #9.69: Path of Most Resistance - #9.68: One-Sentence Battle - #9.67: Giant Legion of Spiders - #9.66: Food and/or Vengeance - #9.65: Collective Competence of Zero - #9.64: Rearmed, Delegged - #9.63: ??? - #9.62: Blaming Each Other - #9.61: Friend or Foe or Otherwise - #9.60: Bitten Biter - #9.59: Scientific Approach - #9.58: Sendoff Statues - #9.57: Not Easy Seeing Green - #9.56: Close to You - #9.55: Crunch'd - #9.54: Un-verification - #9.53: Shrug of Goddess - #9.52: Acceptance - #9.51: Missing You - #9.50: 123414 - #9.49: Black Racer - #9.48: Armos Ambush - #9.47: Placing Blame - #9.46: Zeldalight - #9.45: Back to Black - #9.44: Everything You Know is Wrong - #9.43: No Weapons Allowed - #9.42: Gone Batty - #9.41: Leftovers - #9.40: Bloody Cute - #9.39: Om Nom Nom - #9.38: Floorboard Fiends - #9.37: Green and Gone - #9.36: Walking into Darkness - #9.35: Sooo Last Year - #9.34: Call Dropped - #9.33: Link's Power(?) - #9.32: Power Blockage - #9.31: Still On the Job - #9.30: Other Princess - #9.29: Dragged Around - #9.28: Warning Advance - #9.27: Knight Train - #9.26: Alone in the Dark - #9.25: SHINE GET!! - #9.24: Shine Get! - #9.23: Scouting Miss - #9.22: Out the Back - #9.21: Looper - #9.20: First Church of Farore - #9.19: Don't Split the Party - #9.18: Broken Chain of Command - #9.17: Alternate Key - #9.16: Repeat Offensive - #9.15: Green Good-byes - #9.14: Home Invasion - #9.13: (No) Pressure - #9.12: Call of Duty - #9.11: Hindsight vs. Foresight - #9.10: Prison Chat - #9.9: Don't Follow the Leader - #9.8: Armed and Disarmed - #9.7: Changing Room - #9.6: More Directions Plz - #9.5: Directions Plz - #9.4: Who's Really In Charge - #9.3: Poof! - #9.2: Back to the Start #9.1: Wingless Wyvern's Wonderful Watercolors - #8.87: Sorrowful Farewells - #8.86: Motivational Speechless - #8.85: Known Unknowns - #8.84: Confessionwaitwhat - #8.83: One More Detour - #8.82: Closer to Home - #8.81: Link out of Water - #8.80: Shhh! - #8.79: Still Not Talking - #8.78: Zora Hug - #8.77: 'round the Corner - #8.76: Fizzle - #8.75: Return of Red - #8.74: Target Acquired - #8.73: Direction to Protection - #8.72: Stolen Stolen Goods - #8.71: Snoring Zora - #8.70: Power Restored - #8.69: Firing Squad - #8.68: The End - #8.67: Reasons Revealed - #8.66: Story Time - #8.65: A Bit of Light Reading - #8.64: Statues of Blue - #8.63: Running the Red Light - #8.62: Fleeing Fish - #8.61: Starting Point - #8.60: Free as a Prisoner - #8.59: Escape to Prison - #8.58: Of the Flood Variety - #8.57: Cowardly Caretaker - #8.56: Crossing the Bridge - #8.55: Knock Knock Knockdown - #8.54: Pancake Battering - #8.53: Strike Four - #8.52: Gobble Gobble Gobble - #8.51: Traffic Jam - #8.50: ...and In Another - #8.49: In One Ear... - #8.48: Also a Botanist - #8.47: Hero Sandwich - #8.46: ...or Nothing - #8.45: Tunnel Vision - #8.44: Eye-Closing Moment - #8.43: Play Dead-ish - #8.42: Hero Recall - #8.41: Naptime's Over - #8.40: Radio Silence - #8.39: Red Haze - #8.38:Red and Blue - #8.37: More Crabbiness - #8.36: Crabby Hero - #8.35: Passing Sentence - #8.34: Night Falls, Knight Falls - #8.33: Court Adjourned - #8.32: Condemning Evidence - #8.31: A, B, D, C, G... - #8.30: Pending Death - #8.29: Under da Lake - #8.28: Down We Go - #8.27: That Sinking Feeling - #8.26: Final Approach - #8.25: With the Flow - #8.24: Rererespawn - #8.23: Respawn - #8.22: Shatterskull - #8.21: Red Alert - #8.20: Red Letter Meeting - #8.19: Feeling Blue - #8.18: Departure - #8.17: Resource Management - #8.16: Diver's Training - #8.15: Rising Tide - #8.14: Bon Voyage - #8.13: Waterful - #8.12: Turnaround - #8.11: Detours - #8.10: Young Friends - #8.9: Transferred Ownership - #8.8: Preaching to the Choir - #8.7: Reclamation - #8.6: Revisited - #8.5: Coverings - #8.4: Disbelief Reinstated - #8.3: Dropped Subject - #8.2: The Other Guys #8.1: Unspoken - #7.77: Champion Foretold - #7.76: Fading Farewells - #7.75: Into a Dark Triforce - #7.74: Corruption Eternal - #7.73: Free the Fairy - #7.72: Painful Power - #7.71: Ghost Busted - #7.70: Stream of Foes - #7.69: He Has the Power! - #7.68: Link's Awakening - #7.67: Promises Made - #7.66: Fast Farewell - #7.65: Ludicrous Lizard's Lovely Lineart - #7.64: Difference in Opinion - #7.63: Light Up the Night - #7.62: Fit of Rage - #7.61: Losing Battle - #7.60: :'( - #7.59: Fading Embers - #7.58: Decision Time - #7.57: Pointing Fingers - #7.56: Recap Zone - #7.55: Dark Overlay - #7.54: D'aaawww! - #7.53: Course Realigned - #7.52: Chasing Death - #7.51: Overprotection - #7.50: Clearing Skies - #7.49: Ghost Whisperer - #7.48: Shapes in the Clouds - #7.47: Cloudy Day - #7.46: Magic Words - #7.45: Radio Silence - #7.44: Meanie Hero - #7.43: Hated Hero - #7.42: Unpause - #7.41: Running Blind - #7.40: The Triforce Knight Rises - #7.39: Eternal Darkness - #7.38: Flying Down - #7.37: Half-Buried - #7.36: Friendly Ghosts - #7.35: Fighting for Mobility - #7.34: Resource Management - #7:33: Returning Villain - #7.32: Thawing Time - #7.31: Zap, Zap, Zap - #7.30: Inbound - #7.29: Power Outage - #7.28: Out of Phase - #7.27: Pause and Play - #7.26: Freeze! - #7.25: Ghosts? - #7.24: Broken Record - #7.23: Sub-level 2 - #7.22: No... - #7.21: No-Antics Zone - #7.20: Following - #7.19: GPS Fairy - #7.18: Antilogic - #7.17: Make a Wish - #7.16: Heroes of Old - #7.15: Mind the Wall of Text - #7.14: Last Champ - #7.13: Defensive - #7.12: Death's Cold Embrace - #7.11: Pep Talk - #7.10: Sinking In - #7.9: Guiding Hands - #7.8: Not-Champion Link - #7.7: More Glowy Effects - #7.6: Lost Prankster - #7.5: Murals - #7.4: Death Wish - #7.3: Familiar Faces - #7.2: Rising Dead #7.1: Grave Peril - #6.93: Darkness Falls - #6.92: The Next Destination - #6.91: Dark Death - #6.90: Ring of Light - #6.89: Handle With Care - #6.88: The Old Dog's Tricks - #6.87: Selective Killer - #6.86: Formal Introductions - #6.85: Dark Darknut - #6.84: Explosion of Dark - #6.83: Team Effort - #6.82: SHARON SMASH! - #6.81: Darkglow Dodge - #6.80: Death Wish - #6.79: More Questions - #6.78: Artistic Restoration - #6.77: Falling Out - #6.76: Desperate Measures - #6.75: Bequest for Conquest Quest - #6.74: No Fairness - #6.73: Warning Signs - #6.72: Triangle Shrine - #6.71: Head Trauma - #6.70: Good Plan, No Execution - #6.69: Going Down - #6.68: Back and Forth - #6.67: Decoy Mission - #6.66: Brain Damage - #6.65: Carry-On Hero - #6.64: Outta Nowhere - #6.63: Un-Shift - #6.62: Too Much Talking - #6.61: Wait, What? - #6.60: Reruns - #6.59: Octorok Curse - #6.58: Illustrious Iguana's Incredible Illustrations - #6.57: Close Proximity - #6.56: Previously On... - #6.55: Rewind and Play - #6.54: Stay of Execution - #6.53: Fall of the Triad - #6.52: Underfoot Espionage - #6.51: Technical Difficulties - #6.50: Temporary Quarters - #6.49: Old Snorehead - #6.48: Nightfire - #6.47: Needed But Unwanted - #6.46: Back on Schedule - #6.45: Mocking Death - #6.44: Resurrection - #6.43: Sudden Turn - #6.42: Words - #6.41: Hotfoot - #6.40: Just a Flesh Wound - #6.39: Axe Murderer - #6.38: Lost in Dreamspace - #6.37: He'll Get You - #6.36: Self-Rudeness - #6.35: Seeing Myself - #6.34: More Backgrounds - #6.33: Patrick Bonaparte - #6.32: Jolting Awake - #6.31: Killer Shrimp - #6.30: Defensive Darknut - #6.29: Distortions - #6.28: Bedside Ambush - #6.27: Dreaming in Metaphors - #6.26: Codename: ICELINK - #6.25: Artistic Crisis - #6.24: Link 2.0 - #6.23: Back to the Torture - #6.22: Quest Continued! - #6.21: Breaking News - #6.20: Dark Magic Exposition - #6.19: Guests of Dishonor - #6.18: Hintbook, please? - #6.17: Suspension of Belief - #6.16: Stretched Resources Redux - #6.15: Railroad Plot - #6.14: Kingly Worries - #6.13: Thinking Behind - #6.12: Landowner Wars - #6.11: Killing Schedule - #6.10: Backshot - #6.9: BOOM! Headshot! - #6.8: The Next Generation - #6.7: Matri-whaaaaa?! - #6.6: Flashed Back - #6.5: Real Estate Battle - #6.4: An Old Kinda-Friend - #6.3: Dual Portal Deception - #6.2: Quantum Space Hole #6.1: More Darkglow - #5.68: Dramatic Reveal! - #5.67: Link Under Fire - #5.66: FUEGO! - #5.65: Flameception - #5.64: Flashing - #5.63: Dragon Fire - #5.62: Flank Attack - #5.61: Everything Becomes...Chaos - #5.60: Duplication - #5.59: Chopped - #5.58: Loophole - #5.57: Safety Mechanism - #5.56: Firing Squad - #5.55: Backfire - #5.54: Good Grip - #5.53: Longnecker - #5.52: Another Boss - #5.51: Hearing Voices - #5.50: Warp Zone - #5.49: Backing Out - #5.48: Onward to Destiny - #5.47: Death Sentence Sentence! - #5.46: Unwanted Destiny - #5.45: Past Troublemaking - #5.44: Spatial Anomaly - #5.43: Pre-Preparations - #5.42: Inspiring Tale - #5.41: Back to Work - #5.40: Back to Reality - #5.39: Village in Greyscale - #5.38: Booooom - #5.37: Flame On! - #5.36: Rare Moment of Funny - #5.35: Bad News - #5.34: Fire Escape - #5.33: Up In Smoke - #5.32: Priority Check - #5.31: Last Night - #5.30: Undecided Destiny - #5.29: We Aren't the Champions - #5.28: Storyboards - #5.27: Suspension of Belief - #5.26: Dragon Depicter's Delightful Drawings - #5.25: Sounvenirs - #5.24: A New Day - #5.23: Knightmares and Wizards - #5.22: More Internal Complaint - #5.21: Monologue Resumes - #5.20: Instant Delay - #5.19: Hero's Unresolve - #5.18: Cornered - #5.17: [Insert Ear Pun Here] - #5.16: Rooftop Ambush - #5.15: Fights In the Nightmare - #5.14: Internal Complaint - #5.13: Alive Tired - #5.12: Not Entirely Stable - #5.11: New Faces - #5.10: Smoke On the Link - #5.9: Hot Blooded - #5.8: Light In the Dark - #5.7: Out Of Context - #5.6: Objective Updated - #5.5: 1 + 1 = 3 - #5.4: Weak Joke - #5.3: A-Stone-Ishing Turn - #5.2: Wall Running #5.1: A New Retreat Begins - #4.52: Endgame - #4.51: Play the Game - #4.50: Last Effort - #4.49: Lacking In Class - #4.48: Rolling Stones - #4.47: WRONG! - #4.46: Cage Match - #4.45: Unarm'd! - #4.44: Blockage - #4.43: Double Dodge - #4.42: Reverse Engineered - #4.41: Thinking Fail - #4.40: Repeat Offenses - #4.39: Indeed it does. - #4.38: Catatonic Choo-Choo - #4.37: Shout At the Hero - #4.36: Swept Back - #4.35: Zod Syndrome - #4.34: Goriya Punch - #4.33: Escape-Proof - #4.32: Almost Easy - #4.31: Hook, Line, Stinker - #4.30: Tattletale - #4.29: Strategies - #4.28: R.T.F.M. - #4.27: Moblin Begins - #4.26: Pit Stop - #4.25: Artillery Ambush - #4.24: Support Units - #4.23: FREE BIRD!!! - #4.22: Traffic Jam - #4.21: Hook, Line, Sucker Punch - #4.20: Get Comic! - #4.19: Internal Moblin-logue - #4.18: Help Rejected - #4.17: Strike Three, Link's Out - #4.16: Pitfall - #4.15: Power Struggle - #4.14: Heronapped - #4.13: Armor Unpierced - #4.12: Goriyambush - #4.11: Holy Guard - #4.10: That's Entertainment - #4.9: Two Stupid Moblins - #4.8: An Innocent Man - #4.7: Jerk Contest - #4.6: Ugly Gorillas - #4.5: Mostly Dead - #4.4: Hidden Pit - #4.3: Pinky - #4.2: IT #4.1: Cave Story - #3.86: Dizzy With Victory - #3.85: Drunk or High? - #3.84: Non-canon - #3.83: Well, Do You, Link? - #3.82: Return of the Comedy - #3.81: Guardian's Green Going - #3.80: Punishment - #3.79: Mourning Our Fallen Enemies - #3.78: Small Package - #3.77: Misread Motives - #3.76: Waterlinked - #3.75: Watch Out For The-- - #3.74: Wardrobe Change - #3.73: Exemptions - #3.72: She Didn't Want It - #3.71: With Dennis Quaid as Patrick - #3.70: Fairy City - #3.69: Crushed Hopes - #3.68: Vorpal Bunnies - #3.67: They All Say That - #3.66: Past Worries - #3.65: More Darkness - #3.64: Spectacular Sameth's Super Sketches - #3.63: Won't Shut Up - #3.62: Bottled Anger - #3.61: Fairies In Disguise - #3.60: Transformers - #3.59: Strong Shield Arm - #3.58: Science Is a Verb Now - #3.57: Further Use - #3.56: Revolver Round - #3.55: Silent Running - #3.54: We Didn't Start the Fire - #3.53: Side Effects - #3.52: Protective Doom - #3.51: Stall - #3.50: Speech Impeded - #3.49: Unfriendly Fire - #3.48: To Be Continued... - #3.47: Unfine Intervention - #3.46: Role Reversal - #3.45: Ocarina Vision - #3.44: Well, it's...it's green. - #3.43: Low Hearts - #3.42: Without Use - #3.41: Ker-Shieldzap! - #3.40: Wants and Demands - #3.39: Something Else New - #3.38: Big Red Sign - #3.37: Ninja Octorok - #3.36: Be An Original - #3.35: Return To Sender - #3.34: Ocarina's Curse - #3.33: Feet of Flames - #3.32: Big Bang - #3.31: With One Second Remaining - #3.30: Steaming Pile - #3.29: Gravity Works - #3.28: Sanity Lost - #3.27: No One Can Hear You Whimper - #3.26: Canister Vacuum - #3.25: His Own Guinea Pig - #3.24: Same Writer, Same Scripts - #3.23: Free Power - #3.22: Pawnable Priceless Artifacts - #3.21: He Who Lives By the Rupee... - #3.20: Damaged Goods - #3.19: Power of Power - #3.18: Illustrated by Midla Noware - #3.17: Well Stocked - #3.16: Little Shop of Horrors - #3.15: Paranoid Imagination - #3.14: Decisions, Revisions - #3.13: Old Friends - #3.12: Communication Cliffhanger - #3.11: Partial Diagrams - #3.10: Quest (In)Complete! - #3.9: Even More Walking - #3.8: More Walking - #3.7: Walking - #3.6: The Long Road Home - #3.5: Making a Quick U-Turn - #3.4: Fast Farewells - #3.3: Vanishing Access - #3.2: Shooting For Death #3.1: Return of the Cave - #2.76: Quest Completed! - #2.75: Egotistic Speed - #2.74: Grand Exit - #2.73: Armored Cushion - #2.72: Solo Dive - #2.71: Fighting Hope - #2.70: Angry Caverner Rule - #2.69: Link Icarus - #2.68: Bow As Arrow - #2.67: Lost In Transit - #2.66: Wrapped With a Bow - #2.65: Out With a Flame - #2.64: Might vs. Magic - #2.63: Rebirth - #2.62: Shadows of Darkness - #2.61: Mortal Draw - #2.60: Empty Clip - #2.59: Negotiations End - #2.58: Fire Armor - #2.57: Octorok Negotiations - #2.56: Smashed Hopes - #2.55: An Empty Suit - #2.54: Link's Not Awakening - #2.53: Link's Side - #2.52: Patrick's Side - #2.51: Helping Helms - #2.50: Octoroks Unleashed! - #2.49: Of Meals and Artillery - #2.48: Strike! - #2.47: Perturbed Patrick - #2.46: Steel Clothing - #2.45: I Need a Hero - #2.44: Shattered Something - #2.43: Octorok Vacuum - #2.42: Firestorm - #2.41: Cowardly Ideas - #2.40: Micah McNully's Memorable Masterpiece - #2.39: Immortal Murderer - #2.38: Genocidal Orders - #2.37: Failed Spot Check - #2.36: Impact Memories - #2.35: Fire In the Hole! - #2.34: Pit D-4 - #2.33: Ker-Shield! - #2.32: Something New - #2.31: Doorways - #2.30: Secret of X-Man - #2.29: Rude Interruption - #2.28: You Knew It Was Coming - #2.27: Remember Them? - #2.26: Right Down the Line - #2.25: Over My Head - #2.24: Shoeshine Boy - #2.23: You Put Something Better Inside Of Me - #2.22: Make You, Break You - #2.21: Don't Count Me Out - #2.20: One Drink Down - #2.19: Does He Know What He's Taken On? - #2.18: Stuck In the Middle - #2.17: Escape Route 66 - #2.16: Killing Spree - #2.15: Encore! - #2.14: Sudden Realization - #2.13: History of a Statue - #2.12: Information Check - #2.11: Set In Stone - #2.10: Shoot the Messenger - #2.9: Gatrie Syndrome - #2.8: Not So Ignorant - #2.7: Verbal Combat - #2.6: Cameos, Gravestones, and Quotes! - #2.5: Previous Doom - #2.4: Ominous Shadowing - #2.3: If Words Could Kill... - #2.2: No More Bullets #2.1: Subtlety, Thy Name Is Not Patrick - #1.45: Patrick Bitterleaf - #1.44: No Way Out - #1.43: Stolen Goods - #1.42: The Best Decision - #1.41: Run, Run, Link - #1.40: Trifectal Motivation - #1.39: Big Moblin Is Watching You... - #1.38: Burned! - #1.37: Bad Memory - #1.36: Gone Too Far - #1.35: A History Lesson (Happy #50!) - #1.34: Listen Up - #1.33: Foretold and Untold - #1.32: Fronache - #1.31: ...Pulling Me - #1.30: It's That Obvious? - #1.29: [Censored] - #1.28: Godzilla!! - #1.27: No Right Turn - #1.26: Signs - #1.25: Stretched Resources - #1.24: One Path - #1.23: Plan B - #1.22: He Who Lives By the Sword... - #1.21: Guiding Octoroks - #1.20: Contests - #1.19: Narration - #1.18: Getting Carried Away - #1.17: Special Attacks - #1.16: Barriers - #1.15: Trapped - #1.14: Done Eating - #1.13: Cool Poses - #1.12: Octorok Steak - #1.11: First Battle - #1.10: Unarmed - #1.9: Photographs and Memories - #1.8: Same Movie, Different Reference - #1.7: With a Tribute to Bob and George - #1.6: Ignorant Hero Wannabe - #1.5: Hidden Stove - #1.4: Nice Try - #1.3: The Minish Idiocy - #1.2: Ch-Ch-Changes #1.1: Lack of Speech Impediment - #0.15: The Legend Begins - #0.14: Aeson Panics - #0.13: Lightning Strikes Twice - #0.12: More Obscure References - #0.11: Aeson Quotes the Movies - #0.10: Aeson Snaps - #0.9: Game Over - #0.8: Lightning Bug - #0.7: Still Waiting - #0.6: First Turn - #0.5: Played to Death - #0.4: Survival Tactic - #0.3: All About Andore - #0.2: All About Aeson #0.1: The Animated Series Next Last First Prev - #E.6: A New Journey - #E.5: One Last Step - #E.4: Uncertainty - #E.3: A Change of Direction - #E.2: Wall of Text #E.1: The Spirit of the Triforce - #12.73: Last Goodbyes - #12.72: More Goodbyes - #12.71: First Goodbyes - #12.70: Final Departure - #12.69: Renegotiation - #12.68: Some Assembly Required - #12.67: Eight Helping Legs - #12.66: Undone - #12.65: Never - #12.64: Get Outta Here! - #12.63: A New Victim - #12.62: Filling the Shoes - #12.61: Powerful Solution - #12.60: Lost Courage - #12.59: Triple Din - #12.58: Din vs. The World - #12.57: Kicking the Bottle - #12.56: Twice as Green - #12.55: Distracted? - #12.54: Search and Destroyed - #12.53: Checking Up - #12.52: Wise Support - #12.51: Encouragement - #12.50: Blue vs. Blue - #12.49: Turned - #12.48: Fishy Business - #12.47: Expedition - #12.46: New Domains - #12.45: And Then There Was One - Soon! - #12.44: Deus ex Machina - ----! - #12.43: Many-Legged Charge - Work! - #12.42: Fallen - Tadpole! - #12.41: Power Shift - Hi! - 12.40: The Last Stand(s) - Move! - #12.39: Deicide - Charge! - #12.38: Triple Scene - Gotcha! - #12.37: Triple Goddess - #12.36: Triple Champion - #12.35: Search and Destroy - Snow! - #12.34: Magical Diet - #12.33: Closed Doors - #12.32: Distraction - And Now For Something Completely Different... - #12.31: Redirection - #12.30: Farore's Network - #12.29: B-Team - #12.28: Little Friend - #12.27: Trio - #12.26: Single Player - #12.25: Introduction - #12.24: Guilt - #12.23: Propulsion - #12.22: Final Stretch - #12.21: Allies - #12.20: Unanswered Prayers - #12.19: You're Hired - #12.18: Second Wave - #12.17: All Spent - #12.16: Answer Me - #12.15: Good-Bye - #12.14: Splitting Up - #12.13: Darkenings - #12.12: Corrupted - #12.11: Catch and Release - #12.10: Sideswipe - #12.9: Divine Comedy - #12.8: Four-Way Stab - #12.7: Picture in Picture - #12.6: Former Heroes - #12.5: Jump Cut - #12.4: I'm Blue - #12.3: Shot Down - #12.2: Taking Command #12.1: Back Into the Woods - #11.60: Back to the Bottle - #11.59: Boss Zone - #11.58: A Higher Power - #11.57: First Strike - #11.56: Long Live the Queen - #11.55: Breaking All Barriers - #11.54: Healing - #11.53: ... - #11.52: Finding Courage - #11.51: Flying Flamethrower's Fabulous Frames - #11.50: How-To - #11.49: Passing Knowledge - #11.48: Return to Sidequest - #11.47: Still Stuck - #11.46: Triforce of Whatever - #11.45: 8/9? - #11.44: Summons - #11.43: 7/8 - #11.42: Easy Street - #11.41: Trap Door - #11.40: Runaway Triforce - #11.39: Uncharted - #11.38: Search and Shine - #11.37: Lost and - #11.36: Weapon(s) of Choice - Coming Soon... - #11.35: More Reunion - #11.34: Identify - #11.33: Return to Form - #11.32: Strike at the Source - #11.31: Three Down - #11.30: Pause/Play - #11.29: 1/7 - #11.28: Hero of Distraction - #11.27: Boss Battle Begins - #11.26: Location of Communication - #11.25: Compromise - #11.24: Mini-Patras - #11.23: Patra is Patra - #11.22: Trouble in Triplicate - #11.21: Brightness Up - #11.20: Shadow in the Light - #11.19: Triforce Lights - #11.18: Errand Boy - #11.17: Stick Together - #11.16: Fast Forward - #11.15: Book 2 - #11.14: Tappity Tap - #11.13: Master Light - #11.12: Dive - #11.11: Down We Go - #11.10: Get the Door - #11.9: knock knock - #11.8: Willing Destiny - #11.7: Memory Stop - #11.6: Green Help Other Green - #11.5: Frightened Farore - #11.4: Green Help Green - #11.3: Out of the Darkness - #11.2: Heroic Peril #11.1: Wake Up - #10.57: Alternate Ending - #10.56: End of an Era - #10.55: Ownership - #10.54: Help Me - #10.53: *ding!* - #10.52: Assemble - #10.51: It's Over - #10.50: Take the Triforce - #10.49: New Approach - #10.48: Taking Control - #10.47: Retreating Floor - #10.46: Send it Back - #10.45: Old Magic - #10.44: Search and Release - #10.43: Final Piece - #10.42: Light Descending - #10.41: The Light Descent - #10.40: Din's Corner - #10.39: Return to Owner - #10.38: Another Cliffhanger - #10.37: Subbasement - #10.36: Resident Evil - #10.35: Trapped Fire - #10.34: Party of One - #10.33: Burned Down - #10.32: Voices in My Head - #10.31: Shiny Hero - #10.30: Changing Tracks - #10.29: Parting Ways - #10.28: Rolling Stones - #10.27: No Left Turn - #10.26: Scared out of Fear - #10.25: Burning Bridges - #10.24: Trial Over Fire - #10.23: Across the Barriers - #10.22: Through the Gates - #10.21: Into the Fire - #10.20: Trial by Fire - #10.19: Not-Dragon Fire - #10.18: Visiting Friends - #10.17: Escaping the Heroes - #10.16: Familiar Fear - #10.15: Party of Three - #10.14: Animal Companion - #10.13: Retracing - #10.12: Danger Zones - #10.11: Magic Locator - #10.10: A New(?) Direction - #10.9: A Flashy Exit - #10.8: Ridiculous Reptile's Riveting Restorations - #10.7: To Pieces - #10.6: Splitting - #10.5: Templefall - #10.4: A Journey's End - #10.3: Errand Boy - #10.2: Railroad Plot #10.1: Unrestraint - #9.93: Connection Lost - #9.92: Divine Non-Intervention - #9.91: Extended Finish Line - #9.90: Final Destination - #9.89: Hidden Truth - #9.88: The Last Page - #9.87: A Duel of Champions - #9.86: Final Fight - #9.85: The Battle of Farore's Home - #9.84: Nightmares and Diaries - #9.83: Relaxed Anxiety - #9.82: Together Again - #9.81: Champions - #9.80: Extended Vacation - #9.79: End of the Day - #9.78: Champion Diaries - #9.77: Return to Shelf - #9.76: Stab 'n Run - #9.75: Nose in the Book - #9.74: Blue-Green - #9.73: Distraction by Libramorph - #9.72: Accio Armaments - #9.71: Limited Entry - #9.70: Beam Sword Sword Beams - #9.69: Path of Most Resistance - #9.68: One-Sentence Battle - #9.67: Giant Legion of Spiders - #9.66: Food and/or Vengeance - #9.65: Collective Competence of Zero - #9.64: Rearmed, Delegged - #9.63: ??? - #9.62: Blaming Each Other - #9.61: Friend or Foe or Otherwise - #9.60: Bitten Biter - #9.59: Scientific Approach - #9.58: Sendoff Statues - #9.57: Not Easy Seeing Green - #9.56: Close to You - #9.55: Crunch'd - #9.54: Un-verification - #9.53: Shrug of Goddess - #9.52: Acceptance - #9.51: Missing You - #9.50: 123414 - #9.49: Black Racer - #9.48: Armos Ambush - #9.47: Placing Blame - #9.46: Zeldalight - #9.45: Back to Black - #9.44: Everything You Know is Wrong - #9.43: No Weapons Allowed - #9.42: Gone Batty - #9.41: Leftovers - #9.40: Bloody Cute - #9.39: Om Nom Nom - #9.38: Floorboard Fiends - #9.37: Green and Gone - #9.36: Walking into Darkness - #9.35: Sooo Last Year - #9.34: Call Dropped - #9.33: Link's Power(?) - #9.32: Power Blockage - #9.31: Still On the Job - #9.30: Other Princess - #9.29: Dragged Around - #9.28: Warning Advance - #9.27: Knight Train - #9.26: Alone in the Dark - #9.25: SHINE GET!! - #9.24: Shine Get! - #9.23: Scouting Miss - #9.22: Out the Back - #9.21: Looper - #9.20: First Church of Farore - #9.19: Don't Split the Party - #9.18: Broken Chain of Command - #9.17: Alternate Key - #9.16: Repeat Offensive - #9.15: Green Good-byes - #9.14: Home Invasion - #9.13: (No) Pressure - #9.12: Call of Duty - #9.11: Hindsight vs. Foresight - #9.10: Prison Chat - #9.9: Don't Follow the Leader - #9.8: Armed and Disarmed - #9.7: Changing Room - #9.6: More Directions Plz - #9.5: Directions Plz - #9.4: Who's Really In Charge - #9.3: Poof! - #9.2: Back to the Start #9.1: Wingless Wyvern's Wonderful Watercolors - #8.87: Sorrowful Farewells - #8.86: Motivational Speechless - #8.85: Known Unknowns - #8.84: Confessionwaitwhat - #8.83: One More Detour - #8.82: Closer to Home - #8.81: Link out of Water - #8.80: Shhh! - #8.79: Still Not Talking - #8.78: Zora Hug - #8.77: 'round the Corner - #8.76: Fizzle - #8.75: Return of Red - #8.74: Target Acquired - #8.73: Direction to Protection - #8.72: Stolen Stolen Goods - #8.71: Snoring Zora - #8.70: Power Restored - #8.69: Firing Squad - #8.68: The End - #8.67: Reasons Revealed - #8.66: Story Time - #8.65: A Bit of Light Reading - #8.64: Statues of Blue - #8.63: Running the Red Light - #8.62: Fleeing Fish - #8.61: Starting Point - #8.60: Free as a Prisoner - #8.59: Escape to Prison - #8.58: Of the Flood Variety - #8.57: Cowardly Caretaker - #8.56: Crossing the Bridge - #8.55: Knock Knock Knockdown - #8.54: Pancake Battering - #8.53: Strike Four - #8.52: Gobble Gobble Gobble - #8.51: Traffic Jam - #8.50: ...and In Another - #8.49: In One Ear... - #8.48: Also a Botanist - #8.47: Hero Sandwich - #8.46: ...or Nothing - #8.45: Tunnel Vision - #8.44: Eye-Closing Moment - #8.43: Play Dead-ish - #8.42: Hero Recall - #8.41: Naptime's Over - #8.40: Radio Silence - #8.39: Red Haze - #8.38:Red and Blue - #8.37: More Crabbiness - #8.36: Crabby Hero - #8.35: Passing Sentence - #8.34: Night Falls, Knight Falls - #8.33: Court Adjourned - #8.32: Condemning Evidence - #8.31: A, B, D, C, G... - #8.30: Pending Death - #8.29: Under da Lake - #8.28: Down We Go - #8.27: That Sinking Feeling - #8.26: Final Approach - #8.25: With the Flow - #8.24: Rererespawn - #8.23: Respawn - #8.22: Shatterskull - #8.21: Red Alert - #8.20: Red Letter Meeting - #8.19: Feeling Blue - #8.18: Departure - #8.17: Resource Management - #8.16: Diver's Training - #8.15: Rising Tide - #8.14: Bon Voyage - #8.13: Waterful - #8.12: Turnaround - #8.11: Detours - #8.10: Young Friends - #8.9: Transferred Ownership - #8.8: Preaching to the Choir - #8.7: Reclamation - #8.6: Revisited - #8.5: Coverings - #8.4: Disbelief Reinstated - #8.3: Dropped Subject - #8.2: The Other Guys #8.1: Unspoken - #7.77: Champion Foretold - #7.76: Fading Farewells - #7.75: Into a Dark Triforce - #7.74: Corruption Eternal - #7.73: Free the Fairy - #7.72: Painful Power - #7.71: Ghost Busted - #7.70: Stream of Foes - #7.69: He Has the Power! - #7.68: Link's Awakening - #7.67: Promises Made - #7.66: Fast Farewell - #7.65: Ludicrous Lizard's Lovely Lineart - #7.64: Difference in Opinion - #7.63: Light Up the Night - #7.62: Fit of Rage - #7.61: Losing Battle - #7.60: :'( - #7.59: Fading Embers - #7.58: Decision Time - #7.57: Pointing Fingers - #7.56: Recap Zone - #7.55: Dark Overlay - #7.54: D'aaawww! - #7.53: Course Realigned - #7.52: Chasing Death - #7.51: Overprotection - #7.50: Clearing Skies - #7.49: Ghost Whisperer - #7.48: Shapes in the Clouds - #7.47: Cloudy Day - #7.46: Magic Words - #7.45: Radio Silence - #7.44: Meanie Hero - #7.43: Hated Hero - #7.42: Unpause - #7.41: Running Blind - #7.40: The Triforce Knight Rises - #7.39: Eternal Darkness - #7.38: Flying Down - #7.37: Half-Buried - #7.36: Friendly Ghosts - #7.35: Fighting for Mobility - #7.34: Resource Management - #7:33: Returning Villain - #7.32: Thawing Time - #7.31: Zap, Zap, Zap - #7.30: Inbound - #7.29: Power Outage - #7.28: Out of Phase - #7.27: Pause and Play - #7.26: Freeze! - #7.25: Ghosts? - #7.24: Broken Record - #7.23: Sub-level 2 - #7.22: No... - #7.21: No-Antics Zone - #7.20: Following - #7.19: GPS Fairy - #7.18: Antilogic - #7.17: Make a Wish - #7.16: Heroes of Old - #7.15: Mind the Wall of Text - #7.14: Last Champ - #7.13: Defensive - #7.12: Death's Cold Embrace - #7.11: Pep Talk - #7.10: Sinking In - #7.9: Guiding Hands - #7.8: Not-Champion Link - #7.7: More Glowy Effects - #7.6: Lost Prankster - #7.5: Murals - #7.4: Death Wish - #7.3: Familiar Faces - #7.2: Rising Dead #7.1: Grave Peril - #6.93: Darkness Falls - #6.92: The Next Destination - #6.91: Dark Death - #6.90: Ring of Light - #6.89: Handle With Care - #6.88: The Old Dog's Tricks - #6.87: Selective Killer - #6.86: Formal Introductions - #6.85: Dark Darknut - #6.84: Explosion of Dark - #6.83: Team Effort - #6.82: SHARON SMASH! - #6.81: Darkglow Dodge - #6.80: Death Wish - #6.79: More Questions - #6.78: Artistic Restoration - #6.77: Falling Out - #6.76: Desperate Measures - #6.75: Bequest for Conquest Quest - #6.74: No Fairness - #6.73: Warning Signs - #6.72: Triangle Shrine - #6.71: Head Trauma - #6.70: Good Plan, No Execution - #6.69: Going Down - #6.68: Back and Forth - #6.67: Decoy Mission - #6.66: Brain Damage - #6.65: Carry-On Hero - #6.64: Outta Nowhere - #6.63: Un-Shift - #6.62: Too Much Talking - #6.61: Wait, What? - #6.60: Reruns - #6.59: Octorok Curse - #6.58: Illustrious Iguana's Incredible Illustrations - #6.57: Close Proximity - #6.56: Previously On... - #6.55: Rewind and Play - #6.54: Stay of Execution - #6.53: Fall of the Triad - #6.52: Underfoot Espionage - #6.51: Technical Difficulties - #6.50: Temporary Quarters - #6.49: Old Snorehead - #6.48: Nightfire - #6.47: Needed But Unwanted - #6.46: Back on Schedule - #6.45: Mocking Death - #6.44: Resurrection - #6.43: Sudden Turn - #6.42: Words - #6.41: Hotfoot - #6.40: Just a Flesh Wound - #6.39: Axe Murderer - #6.38: Lost in Dreamspace - #6.37: He'll Get You - #6.36: Self-Rudeness - #6.35: Seeing Myself - #6.34: More Backgrounds - #6.33: Patrick Bonaparte - #6.32: Jolting Awake - #6.31: Killer Shrimp - #6.30: Defensive Darknut - #6.29: Distortions - #6.28: Bedside Ambush - #6.27: Dreaming in Metaphors - #6.26: Codename: ICELINK - #6.25: Artistic Crisis - #6.24: Link 2.0 - #6.23: Back to the Torture - #6.22: Quest Continued! - #6.21: Breaking News - #6.20: Dark Magic Exposition - #6.19: Guests of Dishonor - #6.18: Hintbook, please? - #6.17: Suspension of Belief - #6.16: Stretched Resources Redux - #6.15: Railroad Plot - #6.14: Kingly Worries - #6.13: Thinking Behind - #6.12: Landowner Wars - #6.11: Killing Schedule - #6.10: Backshot - #6.9: BOOM! Headshot! - #6.8: The Next Generation - #6.7: Matri-whaaaaa?! - #6.6: Flashed Back - #6.5: Real Estate Battle - #6.4: An Old Kinda-Friend - #6.3: Dual Portal Deception - #6.2: Quantum Space Hole #6.1: More Darkglow - #5.68: Dramatic Reveal! - #5.67: Link Under Fire - #5.66: FUEGO! - #5.65: Flameception - #5.64: Flashing - #5.63: Dragon Fire - #5.62: Flank Attack - #5.61: Everything Becomes...Chaos - #5.60: Duplication - #5.59: Chopped - #5.58: Loophole - #5.57: Safety Mechanism - #5.56: Firing Squad - #5.55: Backfire - #5.54: Good Grip - #5.53: Longnecker - #5.52: Another Boss - #5.51: Hearing Voices - #5.50: Warp Zone - #5.49: Backing Out - #5.48: Onward to Destiny - #5.47: Death Sentence Sentence! - #5.46: Unwanted Destiny - #5.45: Past Troublemaking - #5.44: Spatial Anomaly - #5.43: Pre-Preparations - #5.42: Inspiring Tale - #5.41: Back to Work - #5.40: Back to Reality - #5.39: Village in Greyscale - #5.38: Booooom - #5.37: Flame On! - #5.36: Rare Moment of Funny - #5.35: Bad News - #5.34: Fire Escape - #5.33: Up In Smoke - #5.32: Priority Check - #5.31: Last Night - #5.30: Undecided Destiny - #5.29: We Aren't the Champions - #5.28: Storyboards - #5.27: Suspension of Belief - #5.26: Dragon Depicter's Delightful Drawings - #5.25: Sounvenirs - #5.24: A New Day - #5.23: Knightmares and Wizards - #5.22: More Internal Complaint - #5.21: Monologue Resumes - #5.20: Instant Delay - #5.19: Hero's Unresolve - #5.18: Cornered - #5.17: [Insert Ear Pun Here] - #5.16: Rooftop Ambush - #5.15: Fights In the Nightmare - #5.14: Internal Complaint - #5.13: Alive Tired - #5.12: Not Entirely Stable - #5.11: New Faces - #5.10: Smoke On the Link - #5.9: Hot Blooded - #5.8: Light In the Dark - #5.7: Out Of Context - #5.6: Objective Updated - #5.5: 1 + 1 = 3 - #5.4: Weak Joke - #5.3: A-Stone-Ishing Turn - #5.2: Wall Running #5.1: A New Retreat Begins - #4.52: Endgame - #4.51: Play the Game - #4.50: Last Effort - #4.49: Lacking In Class - #4.48: Rolling Stones - #4.47: WRONG! - #4.46: Cage Match - #4.45: Unarm'd! - #4.44: Blockage - #4.43: Double Dodge - #4.42: Reverse Engineered - #4.41: Thinking Fail - #4.40: Repeat Offenses - #4.39: Indeed it does. - #4.38: Catatonic Choo-Choo - #4.37: Shout At the Hero - #4.36: Swept Back - #4.35: Zod Syndrome - #4.34: Goriya Punch - #4.33: Escape-Proof - #4.32: Almost Easy - #4.31: Hook, Line, Stinker - #4.30: Tattletale - #4.29: Strategies - #4.28: R.T.F.M. - #4.27: Moblin Begins - #4.26: Pit Stop - #4.25: Artillery Ambush - #4.24: Support Units - #4.23: FREE BIRD!!! - #4.22: Traffic Jam - #4.21: Hook, Line, Sucker Punch - #4.20: Get Comic! - #4.19: Internal Moblin-logue - #4.18: Help Rejected - #4.17: Strike Three, Link's Out - #4.16: Pitfall - #4.15: Power Struggle - #4.14: Heronapped - #4.13: Armor Unpierced - #4.12: Goriyambush - #4.11: Holy Guard - #4.10: That's Entertainment - #4.9: Two Stupid Moblins - #4.8: An Innocent Man - #4.7: Jerk Contest - #4.6: Ugly Gorillas - #4.5: Mostly Dead - #4.4: Hidden Pit - #4.3: Pinky - #4.2: IT #4.1: Cave Story - #3.86: Dizzy With Victory - #3.85: Drunk or High? - #3.84: Non-canon - #3.83: Well, Do You, Link? - #3.82: Return of the Comedy - #3.81: Guardian's Green Going - #3.80: Punishment - #3.79: Mourning Our Fallen Enemies - #3.78: Small Package - #3.77: Misread Motives - #3.76: Waterlinked - #3.75: Watch Out For The-- - #3.74: Wardrobe Change - #3.73: Exemptions - #3.72: She Didn't Want It - #3.71: With Dennis Quaid as Patrick - #3.70: Fairy City - #3.69: Crushed Hopes - #3.68: Vorpal Bunnies - #3.67: They All Say That - #3.66: Past Worries - #3.65: More Darkness - #3.64: Spectacular Sameth's Super Sketches - #3.63: Won't Shut Up - #3.62: Bottled Anger - #3.61: Fairies In Disguise - #3.60: Transformers - #3.59: Strong Shield Arm - #3.58: Science Is a Verb Now - #3.57: Further Use - #3.56: Revolver Round - #3.55: Silent Running - #3.54: We Didn't Start the Fire - #3.53: Side Effects - #3.52: Protective Doom - #3.51: Stall - #3.50: Speech Impeded - #3.49: Unfriendly Fire - #3.48: To Be Continued... - #3.47: Unfine Intervention - #3.46: Role Reversal - #3.45: Ocarina Vision - #3.44: Well, it's...it's green. - #3.43: Low Hearts - #3.42: Without Use - #3.41: Ker-Shieldzap! - #3.40: Wants and Demands - #3.39: Something Else New - #3.38: Big Red Sign - #3.37: Ninja Octorok - #3.36: Be An Original - #3.35: Return To Sender - #3.34: Ocarina's Curse - #3.33: Feet of Flames - #3.32: Big Bang - #3.31: With One Second Remaining - #3.30: Steaming Pile - #3.29: Gravity Works - #3.28: Sanity Lost - #3.27: No One Can Hear You Whimper - #3.26: Canister Vacuum - #3.25: His Own Guinea Pig - #3.24: Same Writer, Same Scripts - #3.23: Free Power - #3.22: Pawnable Priceless Artifacts - #3.21: He Who Lives By the Rupee... - #3.20: Damaged Goods - #3.19: Power of Power - #3.18: Illustrated by Midla Noware - #3.17: Well Stocked - #3.16: Little Shop of Horrors - #3.15: Paranoid Imagination - #3.14: Decisions, Revisions - #3.13: Old Friends - #3.12: Communication Cliffhanger - #3.11: Partial Diagrams - #3.10: Quest (In)Complete! - #3.9: Even More Walking - #3.8: More Walking - #3.7: Walking - #3.6: The Long Road Home - #3.5: Making a Quick U-Turn - #3.4: Fast Farewells - #3.3: Vanishing Access - #3.2: Shooting For Death #3.1: Return of the Cave - #2.76: Quest Completed! - #2.75: Egotistic Speed - #2.74: Grand Exit - #2.73: Armored Cushion - #2.72: Solo Dive - #2.71: Fighting Hope - #2.70: Angry Caverner Rule - #2.69: Link Icarus - #2.68: Bow As Arrow - #2.67: Lost In Transit - #2.66: Wrapped With a Bow - #2.65: Out With a Flame - #2.64: Might vs. Magic - #2.63: Rebirth - #2.62: Shadows of Darkness - #2.61: Mortal Draw - #2.60: Empty Clip - #2.59: Negotiations End - #2.58: Fire Armor - #2.57: Octorok Negotiations - #2.56: Smashed Hopes - #2.55: An Empty Suit - #2.54: Link's Not Awakening - #2.53: Link's Side - #2.52: Patrick's Side - #2.51: Helping Helms - #2.50: Octoroks Unleashed! - #2.49: Of Meals and Artillery - #2.48: Strike! - #2.47: Perturbed Patrick - #2.46: Steel Clothing - #2.45: I Need a Hero - #2.44: Shattered Something - #2.43: Octorok Vacuum - #2.42: Firestorm - #2.41: Cowardly Ideas - #2.40: Micah McNully's Memorable Masterpiece - #2.39: Immortal Murderer - #2.38: Genocidal Orders - #2.37: Failed Spot Check - #2.36: Impact Memories - #2.35: Fire In the Hole! - #2.34: Pit D-4 - #2.33: Ker-Shield! - #2.32: Something New - #2.31: Doorways - #2.30: Secret of X-Man - #2.29: Rude Interruption - #2.28: You Knew It Was Coming - #2.27: Remember Them? - #2.26: Right Down the Line - #2.25: Over My Head - #2.24: Shoeshine Boy - #2.23: You Put Something Better Inside Of Me - #2.22: Make You, Break You - #2.21: Don't Count Me Out - #2.20: One Drink Down - #2.19: Does He Know What He's Taken On? - #2.18: Stuck In the Middle - #2.17: Escape Route 66 - #2.16: Killing Spree - #2.15: Encore! - #2.14: Sudden Realization - #2.13: History of a Statue - #2.12: Information Check - #2.11: Set In Stone - #2.10: Shoot the Messenger - #2.9: Gatrie Syndrome - #2.8: Not So Ignorant - #2.7: Verbal Combat - #2.6: Cameos, Gravestones, and Quotes! - #2.5: Previous Doom - #2.4: Ominous Shadowing - #2.3: If Words Could Kill... - #2.2: No More Bullets #2.1: Subtlety, Thy Name Is Not Patrick - #1.45: Patrick Bitterleaf - #1.44: No Way Out - #1.43: Stolen Goods - #1.42: The Best Decision - #1.41: Run, Run, Link - #1.40: Trifectal Motivation - #1.39: Big Moblin Is Watching You... - #1.38: Burned! - #1.37: Bad Memory - #1.36: Gone Too Far - #1.35: A History Lesson (Happy #50!) - #1.34: Listen Up - #1.33: Foretold and Untold - #1.32: Fronache - #1.31: ...Pulling Me - #1.30: It's That Obvious? - #1.29: [Censored] - #1.28: Godzilla!! - #1.27: No Right Turn - #1.26: Signs - #1.25: Stretched Resources - #1.24: One Path - #1.23: Plan B - #1.22: He Who Lives By the Sword... - #1.21: Guiding Octoroks - #1.20: Contests - #1.19: Narration - #1.18: Getting Carried Away - #1.17: Special Attacks - #1.16: Barriers - #1.15: Trapped - #1.14: Done Eating - #1.13: Cool Poses - #1.12: Octorok Steak - #1.11: First Battle - #1.10: Unarmed - #1.9: Photographs and Memories - #1.8: Same Movie, Different Reference - #1.7: With a Tribute to Bob and George - #1.6: Ignorant Hero Wannabe - #1.5: Hidden Stove - #1.4: Nice Try - #1.3: The Minish Idiocy - #1.2: Ch-Ch-Changes #1.1: Lack of Speech Impediment - #0.15: The Legend Begins - #0.14: Aeson Panics - #0.13: Lightning Strikes Twice - #0.12: More Obscure References - #0.11: Aeson Quotes the Movies - #0.10: Aeson Snaps - #0.9: Game Over - #0.8: Lightning Bug - #0.7: Still Waiting - #0.6: First Turn - #0.5: Played to Death - #0.4: Survival Tactic - #0.3: All About Andore - #0.2: All About Aeson #0.1: The Animated Series Next Last Author notes ----! Andore Mordre on Feb. 13, 2018 What madness is this? An almost clear look at what's coming?Yes, it's the first page of the upcoming comic! We're almost ready to go with this! Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ comment.author }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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