Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 10

Author notes

World 1, Page 10


I feel so stable doing this…especially when these pages are like, the easiest because they've nothing….xD But like albone of Rival Angels (plug and read xD) says, you got to set up something so you can impress 'em later x3.

I'd also like to plug my friend Alvaro, aka LanceDanger on Drunk Duck! He has a webcomic called Fred Peterson: The Mighty Warlord which can be found here: http://www.drunkduck.com/Fred_Peterson_The_Mighty_Warlord_Book_1/
It's pretty cool, and you get an sort of insight into Puerto Rican culture! :D

And now I noticed….finally I reached Page 10!!!! xDDDD For me it's a miracle having at least 10 pages….I thought I'd never make it…:P

By the way, I think/know it's not clear, but Ara's the one who 'finished her spell.' She finishes in Latin and Celi in German x3 Why?….It'll come up : >

That's about it. Have a great week!


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