Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 13

Author notes

World 1, Page 13


All right, before I forget, there are some things in my agenda that I gotta pass to you guys o3o It's a bit long so bear with me

1) My buffer ended today D: Well actually, it ended last week. I was still working on today's page on Saturday! What I am going to try to to is make another buffer, since…*drumroll*

2) In about 3 weeks I start college as a Junior. And I have Biology. Along with 2 Linguistics, Russian and German and….something else.

Wah. D:

So I need to concentrate on solely my classes, and that means that this comic (along with my other one) will scarcely update, if at all. :P

And 3) (DRUNKDUCK.COM Mirror only) I hope you've noticed, but I've been replying to everyone's comments. I even went back and checked all my pages for comments and replied. :D Thank you!!

Anyway, about this page:
I just wanted to show the modern world ;P xDDD It's a transition, and the need for one, I will blame on my English teachers for saying that I need transitions in my essays xDDDDDD

But no worries! It's only about a couple of pages before the story gets rolling again xP I wish it wasn't filler, but for me, it feels like it. Let's see what you guys think when we cross that bridge.

What I am so happy about this page is the fact that I was able to use one of my photos from Russia! :DDDD The second row is the Church of Spilled Blood, where Aleksander I was assasinated by terrorists (the church was constructed on the spot where he was killed). It's in St. Petersburg.

I'm also happy 'cuz there's an Easter Egg here (if I'm using the correct term). *grins sinisterly*

I think I'm rambling now. I'll leave it at that! xD

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TWC: The original photo of the church. Brought to you in Technicolor! ;)

Buzz: My original thought was to put something of Moscow, one of the original Stalinist skyscrapers: the Leninsgradskaya Hotel! Complete with the Red Star on top! Only thing about was that that pesky Reese Witherspoon was in the way…..(in an ad that's clearly this year xD)

Thanks and enjoy!!


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