Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 14

Author notes

World 1, Page 14


Oh lookie, it's 12AM Wednesday. And I just finished this page! With no buffer done yet.

Phooey. : <

Ah, well. At least today I get my eyes fized :D (And by fixed, I mean stop the throbbing headaches brought on by tired eyes who gave me the headaches in the first place in order to tell me that I need new glasses. Lest I want to go blind before I'm 30. [Although the rate I'm going by being on the computer for the amount of time I'm on and will be on during the school year, I'll BE blind before then xD Hopefully not.] Which is the reason why I finished this page today. I haven't been on the computer since last THURSDAY! XDDDDD )

Luckily I'm changing my diet a bit and eating stuff that'll strengthen my eyesight. ANy suggestions if you have? :D

Anyway, page ba-page:
Finally the main character of the show, Miyara Hoshihana, is here!! :D

When I created this story back in 2001, I was your typical anime fan: Thought I knew everything about Japan just by watching a few shows. :P Thankfully, I stopped being 'prissy stuck-up' as I like to dub it, and sat down about a few year ago (after creating about 12 more stories) to re-evaluate the timeline and the environment of this comic. I read that if you're setting a story in a place, at least make sure it has a reason, or else it'll look bad. I agree with this statement, particularly since I already applied it when it comes to learning languages and obscure facts xD

So, I had to ask myself: would this story still say what I want to show despite it being in a place I have yet to visit?

Well, yes. Provided I have credible resources at my hand (like books and encyclopedias.)

That, and I can make some good stories out of this :) As well as good reasons as to why it has to be in Japan. (Hopefully, it'll work.)

Point in case: Why is Miyara singing I Saved The World Today by the Eurythmics?


That question will be answered…in a few chapters xDD

But I will tell you this song's original meaning applies and doesn't apply at the same time to the story.

:) :) :)

Vote Incentives!
They're based on Page 13, previous page:

TWC: The original photo of the church. Brought to you in Technicolor! ;)
(fixed link, thanks albone!)

Buzz: My original thought was to put something of Moscow, one of the original Stalinist skyscrapers: the Leninsgradskaya Hotel! Complete with the Red Star on top! Only thing about was that that pesky Reese Witherspoon was in the way…..(in an ad that's clearly this year xD)

Thanks, and wish me luck on my eye appointment! My mom can't come with me (she has to take care of the house for today for something important!)and I have to walk home alone…with dilated eyes D:



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