Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 15

Author notes

World 1, Page 15


Jan. 23, 2010
Fixed trees, Hostar's hair and dialogue for better flow :)

Original Post:
Sort of quoting a Hope/Crosby movie:



I like the 3rd and 4th panel because of shading. I like the 1st because it's perfect.

Speech bubble placement….I don't even know

Hate the rest because of huge errors.

1) 2nd panel. Contributing to the part of the problem of setting the problem in Japan….I don't know exactly how the stairs leading up to the temple would look like, much less with trees. =\

2) Last panel. I need a reff shot of a hospital bed, which I don't even know if it's the same as Japanese beds in the nurses' stations at school, or like the American ones….and that made no sense.

I'm rambling already. Must be because I've been working on this page for 5 hours and it's 3:30AM.


The buffer plan…didn't work out obviously. Guess that means it's either until Thanksgiving Break or Winter vactaion you'll see me again ;____; Sorry….

Some vote incentives:
TWC: A 100o-so x 600-so close-up of the 4th panel with Miyara. Details lost…*sniff* Now I know how Lady Yates of Earthsong feels ._.

Buzz: The uniform pattern that I'm using. I created it myself, based on a piece of cloth that I have. Careful, it's a bit bright ._.;;

In other news!
I decided to browse some sites and I went to Halfpixel's forum. I found this:


which partially made me feel bad because of what I just explained in the previous page. :x

I agree with some of the viewpoints and disagree with others. What about you?

That's about it. My mind's close to shutting down…

Thanks and enjoy!! :D


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