Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 17

Author notes

World 1, Page 17


Well, the first update of the new decade and year. Which is funny, because the previous page was also the first update of 2009. Wow. That's…sad. Very sad. At least THIS time around you won't have to wait until August for another page, since there will be 3 CONSTANT updates. Maybe a fourth, but not sure yet.

So far, next update will be next Monday, January 18, 2010. :) Speaking of the previous page, you can look at that again, because 1) you forgot what the heck was happening and 2) I actually changed the last line of dialogue from "fail to understand how normal people think" to "why do you act this way?" It's a smoother transition now, I think.

I really REALLY love this page. I'd marry it if I can because of how good it looks. Maybe it doesn't look good to some of you but when I expect a page to look bad (especially with perspective involved) and it turns out this way…it makes me happy <333. Everything just clicked here.

Anyway, enjoy and please visit the new link above this page, if you can ;) (For DrunkDuck people, here's the link: http://comicalliance.weebly.com/ )


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