Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 18

Author notes

World 1, Page 18


I…don't know what to say here xD

Maybe. Let me try.

1) This page is filler. Well, not to me but it will probably be considered filler to normal people ;P But it's not filler to me because it shows Miyara's impatience. *shrugs*

2) Next (and last! ;_; )update is January 25, 2010

3) I couldn't work on the 'hopeful fourth' page/update this weekend, due to circumstances beyond my control. It sucks a bit, because this was the first week of classes –therefore, lenient/easy– and this was the perfect opportunity to work on it. I had the time to do it. *sighs* Oh, well. No use crying over spilled milk. God knows I've done too much crying on this blog before already xD

4) The CCA donation is still going on (DD people link: http://comicalliance.weebly.com) and if for some reason apparent, you don't feel like donating to this anti-slavery cause, but you feel like donating (which makes no sense, but there are all sorts of people) – please donate to approved causes for Haiti help. By approved, I mean donation drives that actually do help the cause rather than take money for money (eg pop-ads vs. UNICEF.) :) I'm (hopefully!) planning to donate canned foods and/or money when the people at my Uni finish setting up their boxes this week :D

Well, for not knowing what to say, I sure said a lot. Take that, James Cameron! 8D

Thanks for reading <3


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