Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 20

Author notes

World 1, Page 20


July 28th, 2010 EDIT:

Redid the lineart and tones. Sooooo much better now :) I know it's a horrible act to commit in the world of webcomics, but I think I might edit some of the previous pages in the next couple of days. I might not update the online pages with them though, rather leave it for print version >8D

Also, a new page will be done soon and posted :D


Oh hey, look, I've managed to finish the fourth update 8D

Hooray! Now we're at 20 pages! *confetti* Too bad it took 4 years to get here :P

A bit of personal note about this page: Obviously the comics takes place in Japan – yet there's a American (or British?) reference. Why so? Because it's one of my interests, how certain things are popular in other countries. People in Japan (from what I've noticed) like British bands a bit more than people in America too. I might be totally wrong, though. Sometimes people know more about other countries than their own ;)

Now I shall be bidding farewell, until the next random update. Thanks for reading! :)


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