Legendary Beings Ara and Celi
World 1, Page 22

Author notes

World 1, Page 22


Hi folks! Welcome to the practically traditional first and only page of the new year! 8D

Of course –and hopefully!– come mid-May, that will change because I will have graduated! <3 That means plenty of free time for new pages. They will probably still be randomly updated I think but at least there will be more than uh 3 pages per year XD

If you've noticed, both ComicDish and the mirror site DrunkDuck (CD has a system of uploading the comic at the same time, hence me being lazy and just write everything applicable to both sites in one shot, if you get my drift) have undergone a makeover :) The ComicDish site's code seems to work better in Internet Explorer than in Firefox, despite the fact that I use Firefox mainly now (IE just about wonks every site I'm on except for my university's XD), so if you're using other browsers and the menu bar looks off-kilter, my coding genie is taking a look at it. Don't worry! Ironically enough, I like how the DD site really looks more (maybe it's the fact that I've managed to do it all by myself and purty too <3)

In regards to this page, can't say much except I really like the circle panel :D I like the last panels too, but for different reasons. I'm not sure if they "work" in a sense of telling the readers what is happening right now. I also figured out how to hand make speech bubbles in Manga Studio. I guess I'll read some feedback if you guys have 'em (check out the new forums!)

Thanks, peeps :) See you in a couple of months! Don't forget to check out the CCA, the banner above! The drive ends the 24th so still plenty of time.


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