Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 4: Chair Attack!

Author notes

Gardenhead: 4: Chair Attack!


Hey there!

Long time no see, eh? Hi.

Let's just say I've been busy… I originally intended to update in August forever ago. I swear. However, my computer decided to get infected with over a 1000 viruses and spamware and completely die on me. And then it took forever to get fixed. I had to end up wiping the hard drive and losing a lot of my art on there (but some of it was ok to get rid of. It was from a long time ago.)

That, and swimming started (which is almost over now!).

And school.

And play practice.

And Key Club (a cult for community service).

And NHS (another, more serious cult for community service.)


I've had a pretty stressful couple of months, so give me a bit of leeway, ok?

That being said, yay I'm glad Life Like Weeds is back! Don't expect an update next week, but start expecting them regularly on Tuesdays by Mid-November.

Music news! I've been listening to The Verge on XMRadio a lot lately, and I've found a crapload of really amazing bands on there. However, since a lot of them are really new, their CDs are really hard to find. SO! I'm asking for a bit of help. If anyone knows where to find CDs from bands like Mobile, Panurge, Veal, Lesley Lane, The Marble Index, Sproll, Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton (the singer from Metric) or Pilot Speed PLEASE E-MAIL ME. I'm actually waiting for my Waiting For Roger CD to come in the mail from Canada. A lot of these bands are from Canada, but hell, they're awesome!

I had my 17th birthday uh… 10 days ago! I saw Little Miss Sunshine (one of THE BEST movies I have ever seen) in honor of being almost legal.

Nothing else to really say here. I'm dying in schoolwork, but it's Junior Year so that's expected.


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