Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 5: Bad Drivers are from Miami

Author notes

Gardenhead: 5: Bad Drivers are from Miami


Hullo there happypants!

You guys finally get to see what Capitan Sal looks like! She one of my favorite characters to draw.

I've had a fantastic weekend! How about you?

I recently travelled to Maryland to do some college searches. I stayed a night at St. John's in Annapolis, which is a very exciting but really weird place. It's said "not the place to go to quit smoking" since pretty much everyone smokes there. I liked it, but I wouldn't want to go there for college. It's like its own little bubble. I'm not sure how those people are going to be able to functin in society after they come out of there.

I also went to go visit Washington College in southern Maryland which is looking to be my first choice in colleges at the moment. I absolutely loved it there! Haha, while I was on tour we went to the dining hall and there was a bunch of guys in gorilla suits! Probably for a Halloween Party, but it was still funny. I also found out that I'll be able to double-major in English and Chemistry AND have a concentration in Art! How exciting is THAT?! (And they said that English Majors get a $6k scholarship…)

The last college I visited was Villanova in Philadelphia. Blegh. I really didn't like it there. For one, they advertised themselves as a liberal arts school, but they really weren't. They only wanted Busniess and Engineering Majors. And I felt like they were throwing me a pitch. Like salespeople. If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I hate salespeople. They're always trying to… sell me something.

After getting back home it's really hard to get back into the swing of things. I wish so badly I was a senior…

In other news, I met the infamous Ian Jay in person on Friday! He's even more vivacious in real life than he is on the INTRAWEBZ! (Look what you've started Ian…)

The school play is coming up next week! I'm not particularly fond of this play, and I have a really small part, but oh well. Things go on.

There may or may not be an update next week. We'll see how things go.


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