Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 7: Docking Bay A-26

Author notes

Gardenhead: 7: Docking Bay A-26


While you guys are reading this, I shall be on my way/in Florida! My family reunion Thanksgiving-Christmas thingy is being held there this year. Basically, my dad's side of the family all meet up at someone's house (usually at my aunt's and uncle's who live in Texas, but not this year) to celebrate Christmas as well as Thanksgiving.

…and yes, that means I get two Christmases.

Anyway, some stuff came up, so I'll be flying down to Tampa Bay all by my lonesome self. It's not like I haven't flown in a plane by myself before… but I'm just gettin' a funky feeling about this time. To keep myself company, I not only will bring along books and music, but I will also be keeping a photo diary of my escapades. You'll be able to see it here. It's not there now, of course, but after the week is over I will be putting some stuff up there.

Um… this also means there may not be an update next week… again. Sorry!

The play a couple of weeks ago went fine! There were no major mishaps and the cast parties were… interesting.

I saw a man get arrested the other day! I was walking to my car from the place where I take vocal and percussion lessons and there were police cars all over the place! Apparantly there was some sort of car chase that had ended just a few yards from where I was parked! It was pretty exciting, but the police wouldn't let me near my car until the guy was apprehended.

I like this page. For some reason, whenever I color my art it looks about 80 jillion times better than normal. Huh.

I just got albums by Pilot Speed and The Marble Index and they are very rad! Get them if you can find them anywhere. Pilot Speed are sort of "emo" I suppose… but they are a softer, more mellow "emo" that is rather soothing although it talks about the development of people through loss of faith and heartbreak. But there are songs of being in love and having hope for the future! It's nice. The Marble Index is a more up-beat, silly and rocky sort of feel, which sounds a lot like Hot Hot Heat.

Ah! I almost forgot! I'm going to try that comment-respondy thing the way that Jenshin usually does with her comics:

Mechanical_Lullaby: Yeah, people are pretty ridiculous sometimes. I hope you get/everything goes well with your new job! And you're right… The "French Lady" is not French.

Hero and Rick Xeros: Thanks for stopping by!

Toadman!: Sarcasm and dry humor are my friends.

ZoeStead: Hi!!! Nope, I'm still here… scraping by. And thanks for the compliments!

Ozooooooone!: Yeah, thanks for forgetting to fav me… jeeze. (I'm kidding… I forget to fav things all the time). Yeah… people are jerks sometimes. I'm planning on quitting that job and getting another one. I DO have another job besides the crappy one… but it's a bit slow in the winter so I think I can get by with two jobs.

Ian-Man!: Thanks! I worked hard on that last panel. Um… K + S could mean Kate + Steve? Kelly + Sam? Kory + Sean? It could mean pretty much anything you want, really. (Take a sort of pitiful revenge on pairing up two people that you know, but don't like or something.)

Hamorhage: No… no you cannot. Heh. Thanks for stopping by!


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