Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 8: Special Reasons...

Author notes

Gardenhead: 8: Special Reasons...


EDIT: Don't forget to check out my Starving Artists update that I actually got done along with this update. I've been Mazoo the super-artist lately!

Hello there everyone!

You may have to know a bit about Miami's… "reputation" as a city to get the joke, there. But isn't the robot cute? I doodled him on the way to Florida and I decided I just had to stick him in there.

I hope you had a nice two weeks/Thanksgiving weekend. You can see my little Florida Report to see how my Thanksgiving was and go make fun of what a dork I am or something. And you get to see what my crazy family looks like.

Last Friday there was this pretty fun blizzard (what people are referring to as THE BLIZZARD OF '06 as though it were some insanely huge thing) that dumped an entire of foot on my area here in Ol' Wisconsin. What makes that even better was that my school had a snow day. For the first time in 13 years! Yeah it was a pretty big deal. I ended up spending the entire day shoveling snow off of my driveway since the snowblower broke. Bummer.

In musical news: I am having a ton of musical-oriented things in the upcoming weeks. Solo Singing Recitals, Choir Concerts, Band Concerts… blah. Although when I was at music lessons last week there was an Open Mike Night or something and a guy and his friend when up to play guitar and sing some little cute songs. He was pretty good… and rather cute. (What? Come on… I'm a sucker for guys who can play guitar and sing…) I didn't talk to him though.

In news about music: I got Panurge's old Throw Down the Reins CD… which is alright. Panurge is a great upbeat band that have really silly lyrics yet the album seems to be some kind of psuedo-rock-opera type thing. Some of the songs run together the first few times you listen to it, but there are some great songs in there like "Sweet Fanny Annie," "Ginny and the Flower Man," "Leper" and "Thirty Silver."

In case you are in the Secret Santa thing and you haven't done so already, PLEASE PQ ME!!!! We still have about 20 or so deadbeats as of now… which is definitely not a good thing. You can find the original thread here and the Presents! thread here.

Also, I quit my crappy job! Yay! Now I can go get a better, second job.

Enjoy the comic!


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