Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 9: Now where did Dan get that...?

Author notes

Gardenhead: 9: Now where did Dan get that...?


Hey there peoples!

Sorry the page is late. I had a singing recital last week, (which could have gone better) and I had to work a lot more than usual.

I have a mega-huge-oh-my-god-choir concert (Ok, it's not that big, but everyone is making this great hype about it) this weekend. And Winter/Holiday Break is in a week and a half. I'm ready to ignore my academic responsibilities for a week now! Yeah, our break is only a week this year. Gosh darn the calendar and the days of the week certain dates fall on!

I know I mentioned The Marble Index before, but really, they are very, very good. When I first listened to them the songs sort of meshed into one another, but after a few listen-to's and hearing random songs by them on shuffle, I can really rock to them. They sound like a mixture of Hot Hot Heat, Franz Ferdinand, The Killers and just a pinch of Jet. They are good stuff.

Hey! Did you sign up for a Secret Santa? Did you remember to PQ me back saying you are still in it? Do you know that the deadline to get your picture in is the 20th? If you didn't, well, now you do!

Not much else is going on. If you are able to, go have a snowball fight! They are lots of fun.


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