Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 11: Nosy, Nosy

Author notes

Gardenhead: 11: Nosy, Nosy


Hello there, my fine fellows!

Yes, it really is an update! Not really much to say about it, other than that I don't really like the last panel. It just… didn't quite come out as I would have liked it to.

These past couple of weeks I had exams, thus why I did not update. But now it is on to another, new semester! Hopefully this one will go faster than the fall one.

I volunteered at a Nature Center on Sunday for this Winter JanBoree festival thing they had, and I got to play with melted lard! (It really is not as fun as it sounds… it smells something awful) It was to make bird feeders out of. Needless to say, we didn't get many kids to come to our station. Surprisingly, it was rather fun, though. It was me, this guy named Andrew, and this lady named Lyle who were manning the operation. The coordinators there kept trying to get us to drink the hot cocoa, but after smelling melted animal fat all day I was not really in the mood to eat or drink anything.

In other news, I have gotten…half-sick? I've been falling asleep a lot during the day for a while now and I'm not entirely sure why. Can't be mono since I have none of the other symptoms. My (pretty awful) solution is to drink either coffee or tea in the afternoon after I get home from school so I at least have energy to do homework. It's probably just stress or something anyway.

Hey! I've finally downloaded a version of Java after I wiped my harddrive a while back, so now I can do all sorts of fun stuff, like talk in the Unofficial DD Chat!. Stop by and stay a while, I might be in there. (no, seriously. Go in there. We need the people.)

Edit: Do you see Shmoofy?


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