Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 13: Appearances Aren't Everything

Author notes

Gardenhead: 13: Appearances Aren't Everything


Hey, everyone!

Yes, I know, this is very very very late. But it's an update! Rejoice!

The great HPK has gratiously offered to host a forum for LLW! Man, what an awesome guy. Be sure to check out the rest of his Forumopolis while you are there! It's the hip place to be.

In non-comic related news… spring is finally here! All the snow has FINALLY melted, and the weather has gotten nicer and warmer. Although now everything is all muddy and gross. Ah, Wisconsin springs are so very… filthy. But spring weather also means spring break! I can't wait, although I can't go anywhere. ACT testing is the same week. Bummer.

Uh, that's about it. Enjoy the comic!


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