Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 17: Convincing Argument

Author notes

Gardenhead: 17: Convincing Argument


This is what I like to call a GAAAAH JUST BE DONE ALREADY, DAMMIT!!! page. This is just a little boring scene I had to do to keep the story moving along. I'm actually finding this chapter to be a little boring, so I really want to hurry up and end it so I can go into chapter two. Although the REALLY interesting chapter is chapter five or six, but we'll have to wait a while until we get there.

This page introduces Nenna, one of my favorite characters of LLW. I tried using this page to establish a bit of her personality, and I suppose you can see why she is Harvey's creator. Nenna is the character I probably have the most fun with, besides Dan. Dan's just fun to mess with.

I am trying to break what I call my "3 week curse." I get into these little bouts of updating, but I cannot seem to make it past 3 consecutive weeks. This is the third week, I think, so I am going to bust my butt to try and make it for next week. I have the week off from work, but I'm going camping with my mom, sister, and her boyfriend this weekend so gnyeh. We'll see how things go.

I saw Ratatouille yesterday! You can see my rant/review about it here.

Well, that's about it. Catch you next week (hopefully)!


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