Life Like Weeds

Gardenhead: 18: Alliterations

Author notes

Gardenhead: 18: Alliterations


8/7/07 Edit: No page again this week. I've been volunteering at day camp all week, plus working on the weekends. I was halfway through inking the page I had ready when I realized it wasn't all that great. I'd rather wait a week and update a quality page than try to churn out a crappy one. Sorry, guys. See ya next week!

7/24/07 Edit: Sorry, no page this week. I've been working and getting stuff ready for the Comic Con. There'll be no update next week (since I'll be AT the Comic Con all week) so plan on an update in the week after that. August is gonna be a little hectic, but we'll get through. See you soon (or at the Comic Con!) End Edit.

Hey everyone! Sorry this is late! I had some other stuff to take care of yesterday, so I only got around to finish coloring this today! However, this milestone marks the end of my 3-week curse!! Hurrah! The human will is a beautiful thing.

So. This page may either answer a few questions, or raise a few questions. Either way, you'll find out more as the chapter goes on. Speaking of the end of the chapter, we're almost there! Just a couple of more pages to go! And then we're onto the first interlude, which be as much fun to read as it will be to draw (I hope).

This was also the page where Nenna started looking like how I imagined her to look like. I wanted to keep her normal looking, with some masculine attributes while still staying rather feminine. Either way, I'm happy with how she's turning out. Dan, on the other hand, is still escaping from looking right, and looks a little too young in the third panel, but eh, he's supposed to look young anyway. I'll get him right yet.

Also: CONTEST TIME!!!! I'm looking for some help to design some sea creatures for the second chapter. So I started a Futuristic Sea Creature Contest! All the rules and regulations are in the link, and there are FREE COMMISION PAINTING PRIZES!!! So hurry up and get those entries in!

In real life news, the quick-witted Ian Jay and I are going to the San Diego Comic Con! If you are going, tell me so we can meet up or something. It's my first con, so I'm really excited but also a little bit scared.

Catch you next week!


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