Life Undefined

Job Searching Undefined-#1

Author notes

Job Searching Undefined-#1


First strip of Life Undefined. WOO! I know that I'm the only one celebrating now but maybe with time, I can start to have a chorus of 'Woots' with me everytime a new strip is posted. So anyways:

Job searching can be really agitating at times. Especially after having multiple interviews and still not having a job. I guess I feel like a the whore no one wants. I guess the fishnet shirt didn't cut it XD.

My cousin really is a hairy gorilla and Jake if you ever read this Jake, I just had to bag on you for all the times you bagged on me. We're family(that hasn't stopped you before and probably never will.)

Looking at this strip, I believe I could do better but I'm still getting used to the scanning and using photoshop elements. Next time, I will be sure to ink before I scan.

Please comment and thank you for reading. Future strips coming your way in the very near future.


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