MAN! I can't spend this much time on each update, expect a sudden drop in the quality… this page needs adjustments, but time's up
I BLAME YOU ALL, with all the fun fillers, community projects and all those fun things you do for holidays I started to like holidays again, hahaha. WHERE'S MY BITTER SIDE!? *dramatization*
vicky: it's charcoal you use in your pages? I thought it was pencil
Morgan: hahaha, good joke… it was a joke, right? I could neva wait a whole year… for nothing. I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now!*guitar solo*
Frogman: yup, in fact the whole yellow was done digitally (not only in last panel, the rest is "filtered")
tantz: forget work, go draw it now! :D
darrell: hehe sorry, I'm a party-pooper
darkpower: uh, I don't know man… I would have to pay rights to include that in Locoma the movie. I'll sell your wii to affort it
Loran: what?????? HAHAHA it's a sword, man! hahaha. I take that you read GRIND. What happened is that Wimp faced Lady and took the sword out of where Lady had put it. The penis panel is really Wimp trying to take the sword out, and Lady grabbing his arms.
alejkhan: thanks :) as you see, despite being sides of the original Locoma each side can change and learn from life as well
nergal: hey man you're publisher now!! :D finally. and you don't keep me waiting with Evil Snowman like you did with One Shot, haha. I plan to do a christmas or new year filler… what do you think about that?
Eirikr: oh… well… uhm… the little locoma's toys are following a plan to destroy evil Mr. Advertising Go here to see it. You can also read the summary up there if you don't understand a thing
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