- My Apologies
- Only hear for the puns.
- A Choir of Angles
- Around the World 13
- Apologies
- Around the World 12
- Around the World 11
- Around the World 10
- Around the World 9
- Around the World 8
- Around the World 7
- Around the World 6
- Around the World 5
- Around the World 4
- Around the World 3
- Around the World 2
- Around the World 1
- 2016
- Run fast! Run faster!!!
- Shameful, shameful bronze.
- Run Penguin Run!
- Whizz Bang
- All the nations of the world
- Does what ever a penguin can.
- Doooooo do... Dooooooo do
- Apologies
- Team Penguin
- Its a Hufflepuff!
- Which wardrobe?
- Stupid boy
- He got off!
- In hiding
- The very lost tribe...
- He's let himself down...
- Wash away your troubles
- Urban Outfitted
- Now you see me.
- Happy Easter!
- Would have got away with it...
- Om Nom Nom
- Little Surfer Bird
- Won't
- Oldie but goodie.
- The award for best penguin...
- Bad pun
- My you're tall aren't you.
- Head In The Sand
- Gung Hay Fat Choy!
- Zip.
- Lets all do the conga!
- Hell of a Christmas
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
- What do we want?
- Occupy Antartica
- Bang! Bang!
- Aaarrrrgggghhhh!!!
- Round and round.
- Movember Sponsorship
- No petting.
- What's he watering?
- Yo!
- Not so extraordinary gentlemen.
- A Long Way Down.
- Yo ho ho
- The challenge is ignored.
- Show off.
- Unlikely to need ironing.
- Its not 'fore' you.
- Dirty, dirty tie.
- Buy Now!
- Big hands... Strong hands...
- All his fault!
- Angling for compliments.
- Flocking heck!
- Ducking heck!
- Aviators 4 - Not as bad as feared.
- Aviators 3 - Kiss Goodbye
- Aviators 2 - Cloud
- Aviators 1 - Flightless
- Articulated
- Marry Banalow!
- Salsa Verde
- There's no need to fear him, surely?
- Vote, Vote! VOTE!
- Royal Wedding
- Bunnies
- Pythonesque 4
- Pythonesque 3
- Pythonesque 2
- Pythonesque 1
- Which witch is which?
- Sorry for the delay.
- Comic Unlocked
- Up the slippery ladder.
- Heading to the east.
- Beatles 2 - Electric Boogaloo
- Entertain me.
- What would Dan Brown make of this?
- Washington would be proud, I'm sure.
- Flag Day
- A to B Road?
- All around the world tonight...
- Bad hitch hiking.
- Glub glub glub.
- A splashing time was had by all.
- Queens bishops pawn.
- Giant steps are what you take.
- Ohhhhh what a beautiful morning!
- Lost in library space.
- Remember, remember..
- No trick its a halloween treat!
- Nun better.
- Sound of Pen G'Uin
- You'll have to wait.
- When two tribes...
- Well? Would you?
- It's a long way off.
- To get to the other side
- Send in Rover!
- Somewhere...
- Oh its a long way to go...
- Ole!
- Spin 'n' heave.
- Ticket to ride.
- Target Missed
- Dance like a Pen G'Uin
- Special Guest Star.
- If you're happy and you know it...
- It's all kicking off.
- Cross at St George
- Photographic memories
- All wrong!
- The Penguins who Stare at Goats
- Send 'em all home!
- I like driving in my car...
- Waiting
- N&F (Nest & Fish)
- And we're out of the body!
- In France... Fish!
- It never is...
- Not to be Welshed on
- All the negatives
- Ouch!
- Get that face booked
- The Tribe That Time Forgot
- Men @ Work
- Not in Kansas anymore
- Hiatus
- White Rabbit!
- And she was...
- Happy New Year
- It's a complete turkey
- The more things stay the same...
- Not quite Jonah
- Sunday, Monday...
- Ree-wen-goo-ee
- We're through the looking glass here people.
- Run away!
- As seen from orbit.
- Yyyyyyeeeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
- Unlikely!
- ...well are we?
- Find home? Fail!
- Home at last!?
- Sand in yer flippers
- Rafting
- We iz in yor PC lozing our way
- A-maze-ing
- We have a problem
- Everyone needs a holiday
- Ooops!
- Healthy diet
- Casa Blanca
- Bong! Bong! Bong!
- A new pet
- A bridge not far enough
- Missing their mummies
- Can't get the wrappers off!
- My Apologies
- Only hear for the puns.
- A Choir of Angles
- Around the World 13
- Apologies
- Around the World 12
- Around the World 11
- Around the World 10
- Around the World 9
- Around the World 8
- Around the World 7
- Around the World 6
- Around the World 5
- Around the World 4
- Around the World 3
- Around the World 2
- Around the World 1
- 2016
- Run fast! Run faster!!!
- Shameful, shameful bronze.
- Run Penguin Run!
- Whizz Bang
- All the nations of the world
- Does what ever a penguin can.
- Doooooo do... Dooooooo do
- Apologies
- Team Penguin
- Its a Hufflepuff!
- Which wardrobe?
- Stupid boy
- He got off!
- In hiding
- The very lost tribe...
- He's let himself down...
- Wash away your troubles
- Urban Outfitted
- Now you see me.
- Happy Easter!
- Would have got away with it...
- Om Nom Nom
- Little Surfer Bird
- Won't
- Oldie but goodie.
- The award for best penguin...
- Bad pun
- My you're tall aren't you.
- Head In The Sand
- Gung Hay Fat Choy!
- Zip.
- Lets all do the conga!
- Hell of a Christmas
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
- What do we want?
- Occupy Antartica
- Bang! Bang!
- Aaarrrrgggghhhh!!!
- Round and round.
- Movember Sponsorship
- No petting.
- What's he watering?
- Yo!
- Not so extraordinary gentlemen.
- A Long Way Down.
- Yo ho ho
- The challenge is ignored.
- Show off.
- Unlikely to need ironing.
- Its not 'fore' you.
- Dirty, dirty tie.
- Buy Now!
- Big hands... Strong hands...
- All his fault!
- Angling for compliments.
- Flocking heck!
- Ducking heck!
- Aviators 4 - Not as bad as feared.
- Aviators 3 - Kiss Goodbye
- Aviators 2 - Cloud
- Aviators 1 - Flightless
- Articulated
- Marry Banalow!
- Salsa Verde
- There's no need to fear him, surely?
- Vote, Vote! VOTE!
- Royal Wedding
- Bunnies
- Pythonesque 4
- Pythonesque 3
- Pythonesque 2
- Pythonesque 1
- Which witch is which?
- Sorry for the delay.
- Comic Unlocked
- Up the slippery ladder.
- Heading to the east.
- Beatles 2 - Electric Boogaloo
- Entertain me.
- What would Dan Brown make of this?
- Washington would be proud, I'm sure.
- Flag Day
- A to B Road?
- All around the world tonight...
- Bad hitch hiking.
- Glub glub glub.
- A splashing time was had by all.
- Queens bishops pawn.
- Giant steps are what you take.
- Ohhhhh what a beautiful morning!
- Lost in library space.
- Remember, remember..
- No trick its a halloween treat!
- Nun better.
- Sound of Pen G'Uin
- You'll have to wait.
- When two tribes...
- Well? Would you?
- It's a long way off.
- To get to the other side
- Send in Rover!
- Somewhere...
- Oh its a long way to go...
- Ole!
- Spin 'n' heave.
- Ticket to ride.
- Target Missed
- Dance like a Pen G'Uin
- Special Guest Star.
- If you're happy and you know it...
- It's all kicking off.
- Cross at St George
- Photographic memories
- All wrong!
- The Penguins who Stare at Goats
- Send 'em all home!
- I like driving in my car...
- Waiting
- N&F (Nest & Fish)
- And we're out of the body!
- In France... Fish!
- It never is...
- Not to be Welshed on
- All the negatives
- Ouch!
- Get that face booked
- The Tribe That Time Forgot
- Men @ Work
- Not in Kansas anymore
- Hiatus
- White Rabbit!
- And she was...
- Happy New Year
- It's a complete turkey
- The more things stay the same...
- Not quite Jonah
- Sunday, Monday...
- Ree-wen-goo-ee
- We're through the looking glass here people.
- Run away!
- As seen from orbit.
- Yyyyyyeeeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
- Unlikely!
- ...well are we?
- Find home? Fail!
- Home at last!?
- Sand in yer flippers
- Rafting
- We iz in yor PC lozing our way
- A-maze-ing
- We have a problem
- Everyone needs a holiday
- Ooops!
- Healthy diet
- Casa Blanca
- Bong! Bong! Bong!
- A new pet
- A bridge not far enough
- Missing their mummies
- Can't get the wrappers off!
Author notes
We start a four part arc today. Seems the lil fella has been wearing his tie for just a little too long and its upsetting the others… My Twitter is: here My online store is: here My redone website is: Creative Stubble Monkey
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