Lash: Thanks for reading, and welcome to the club!
FGM: Thanks ma, I mean, man.
Istaerlus: Welcome to the club! And thanks! I noticed that nobody ever gives the narrator any personality save for the times when a character is narrating. I just figured I'd do something a little different. My first concept was to have 3 or 4 narrators and give it a MST 3000 feel, but that many would have been too confusing. I think 2 works quite well.
BS: Thanks for reading!
Deraymou: But I was planning on ending this chapter with a strip poker match between Val, Damali, and the witch. Guess who loses?
Skate: Cuz a bra wouldn't have been right for the setting.
Squirrel: Are you reading my notes? Don't give it away!
Thud: Patience, it's coming.
Dog: Hmmm… can't say I care for pluggin yer own comic here. Meh, what do I care? As long as you like my comic I guess I'm cool with it. Turnabout is fair play, so I'll be pluggin mine on yours.
Vast: I know that's the only reason you read.
Fenn: Yeah, she got thumped alright.
Ghost: There are worse things, Ghost, there are worse things.
Hyena: Hey there, sailor girl. What did the late George Carlin say about that word? Another outburst like that and Damali is getting a breast reduction. A C cup, or maybe even a B. Don't ruin the gawking for all the guys.
Lunetta: I'm working on it. Thanks! And welcome to the club.
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