Lucid Stray

Pg. 4 Monk Vows

Author notes

Pg. 4 Monk Vows


Yeah, i would say something….but i just spent all day and night trying to do this entire page….i'm really tired. I'm also really dizzy and mildly hallucinogenic(I'm dreaming while i'm awake) but i got page four done. I guess i won't be able to do all five in time for the deadline today. At least i can tell my teacher that i genuinely tried. I might have had a better chance if i wasn't making good friends with Mr. Toilet and finding out he needed to be scrubbed. Then again if my stomach wasn't ill i'm sure my body would have found another ailment to keep me from finishing this….well so much for talking about this page….i'm hungry….AND nauseas…


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