Author notes

Chapter 1- Page 6
kujosbloodstrewnmoon onHello and welcome to another update! ((Finally)) Realizing that the main reason I'm not cranking out pages like the plague is A: College, it's started, it's a handful, so I find myself with less time to work on pages and B: I HATE filling in and doing the shading/tones and stuff!!!
So I introduce my new comic assistant, chay, who will be filling in my pages from now on. Please bare with us while we kind of try to figure out how we're going to do things from now on. Our styles of art are fairly different, hers based mostly in chibi, making it somewhat… interesting… to say the least, when it comes to trying to shade and tone :/
So we'll be working on getting a better idea of how our shapes and styles work, and try to get some more pages out for you. ^^
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