MKIA The Sprite Comic First Prev - #93: Shower time! - FILLER: HIATUSNESS - Halloween '07 - #92: Big-ass blowout comic! - #91: KNEE TO THE FACE - #90: they make him feel like a pretty, degraded flower - #89: To say the least, yeah - #88: Head Office? You must mean "The geeky 15 year-old's bedroom" - FILLER:Recap, V2.0 aswell - Filler: CHIBISIGN! ^_^; - FILLER: Going on holidays - FILLER: More than meets the Uni-Eye-Cycle (thats a terrible pun) - #87: I would say "there gooes th fourth wall again", but I think its kinda pointless at this point - #86:SFX means Special Effects as well as sound effects, I'm sure. - #85: He has actually got a point - Filler: an apology - #84: Rhetorical Questions to vital , structure supporting bones of a marine mammal, its a natural progression - Filer: Sign 4, somehow I made it to a year of this crap! - #83: Pocky, the root of evil - #82: Cue the elementals! - Filler: Sign 3 - Filler: russian reversal on Dr Cossack - #81: Hypocrite! - Filler: our first GCSE exam - #80: I could totally give a Valley Girl "Duh" right now - #79: thats an Arthur dentism, methinks - FILLER: Sign 2 - #78: A short sing-song, fit for all the family....expcept old folks, they're not insured - #77: This is in medieval times anyway, there shouldn't be a machine of doom, let alone an on switch for it - #75: a slight anticlimax - #74: Zoom zoom zoom, ey zoom zoom, zoom zoom zoom, yeah zoom zoom - #73: Wow, we lasted a whole two comics before breaking the fourth wall. - #72: Neither, Wolverine comes in an kicks both their arses - #71: I love it when a plan falls apart - #70: Hehe, don't you love how cartoon characters have luminous eyeballs? - Filler: FILLERMINATE! (wow, that may be my worst pun ever) - #69: I'm sure we must be doing damage to the third wal by now, let alone the fourth - Filler: Pyrogecko - #68: Plot devices, gotta love em - #67: Deaththreats make everything better - #66: Dun Dun Duuuuun! - Filler: Childish, to say the least - #65: OMG SHE ROFLED! - #64: neither do I - #63: Pile o' Corpses - #62: Corporealtastic! - Filler: Guest comic for the Rin Files - #61: IT LIVES - Filler: O_o; - #60: Wabuu! - #59: Pac-man, bucket of Blood! - #58: I have no idea why he's in fillerween attire - #57: Its predictable now - #56: Convultiliscious! - #55: He's lieing, he's gonna make more, I'll ensure it - #54: Totally original design on those antibodies - #53: Paladins, good at killing undead, bad at being tactful human beings - #52.1: I believe thats poetic justice - #51: Lightning Revives ghosts, duh. - #50: BOOOOOING - #49: The irony is that theres nothing to read ahead. - #48 Animateted! - #47: 10 COMICS? - #46: Most complicated background ever - Christmas 06 God Bless us , every one - Christmas 06 : The invitation - Christmas 06 :Crash Finally gets a chance to do his job - #45: That may be Mr and Mrs. Gduf - #44: I think thats a simpsons reference - #43: All your are belong to me. - #42: He did the mash! - #41: He's based on Gene Wilder - #40: Pesky Wizards - #39: Logic and bribery....I think - #38: He did tap as a child. - #37: The start of a rather substantially longer than previous chapter - Fillerween 06 #8 - Fillerween 06 #7 - Fillerween 06 #6 - Fillerween 06 #5 - Fillerween 06 #4 - Fillerween 06 #3 - Fillerween 06 #2 - Fillerween 06 #1 - Fillerween: Title Page - #36: The first fourth-wall breaking of the comic? Surely not. - This is Fillerween, This is Fillerween. - #35: It stands for Pac Man Police department, as if that wasn't obvious. - #34: I'm sure that Scully should be able to kill the pac-mac, since he has no power pill. - Filler: Thompson's obligatory cameo - #33: "Ha, Owned!" "I gots an extra guy left" "Hax." - #32:Wakka. - #31: MY NAME IS MEGAMAN, YOU KILLED MY DOG, PREPARE TO DIE - #30: The third iteration of that line. - #29: Screams means fun! - #28: Never tell the badguy how to do his job. - #27: RAWR, I R HUG U 2 DEATH - Filler: Talk like a Pirate Day! - #26: wouldn't that get caught up in his hair? - #25: I think thats a word for kick in Japanese - Filler: AlternaScullies - #24: erm, something witty here? - #23: And yet Kodi accepts this as a reason - Filler: For Steve Irwin - #22: He's just that cool looking. - #21: The first of many shurikens - #20: I think I actually miss this goomba, he kept me company :;( - #19: Considering he's made of fudge, thats a bad, bad thing for him. - #18: God Bless Rin - #17: Cameoness - #16: Yes, morhping and teleporting use the same basic action....behold, effects before - #15: the first of many paladin abilities using the doken suffix - #14: Yes, he has a name now - #13: yes, thats an early version of the gecko mutant...I never made a better version - #12 : Thats a Bun_bun Refference....even though i'd never read Sluggy at that point - #11: The first 12 paneller...i think - ORIGINAL #10: Somewhat a large comic - ORIGINAL #9: I want to kill an artist dressed like a ninja, now sayable in 4 different ways - Original #8: The first appearance of the cast - Original #7: Remember what Smoky the Wizard Says! - Original #6: Evil demons go splat - Original # 5: Did you you get a haircut? - Filler 3 : Invisible walls of white magicness - Filler 2: Made by Rin - Filler 1 : The original Comic - ORIGINAL #4: Pyramid of gold. - ORIGINAL #3 : Shmack 'im in de face! - ORIGINAL #2 : Select and Cut. - ORIGINAL #1: - #8: The fight and flight- Part 1 - #7: Lungs = useful. - #6: Lungs....Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em. - #5: Holey Moley! - #4: Elemental Ownage - #3: Along came a wizard... - #2 :Cut and Paste Powah! - #1: In the beggining, there was a bank, a bomb, and a cheaply edited megaman sprite. Next Last First Prev - #93: Shower time! - FILLER: HIATUSNESS - Halloween '07 - #92: Big-ass blowout comic! - #91: KNEE TO THE FACE - #90: they make him feel like a pretty, degraded flower - #89: To say the least, yeah - #88: Head Office? You must mean "The geeky 15 year-old's bedroom" - FILLER:Recap, V2.0 aswell - Filler: CHIBISIGN! ^_^; - FILLER: Going on holidays - FILLER: More than meets the Uni-Eye-Cycle (thats a terrible pun) - #87: I would say "there gooes th fourth wall again", but I think its kinda pointless at this point - #86:SFX means Special Effects as well as sound effects, I'm sure. - #85: He has actually got a point - Filler: an apology - #84: Rhetorical Questions to vital , structure supporting bones of a marine mammal, its a natural progression - Filer: Sign 4, somehow I made it to a year of this crap! - #83: Pocky, the root of evil - #82: Cue the elementals! - Filler: Sign 3 - Filler: russian reversal on Dr Cossack - #81: Hypocrite! - Filler: our first GCSE exam - #80: I could totally give a Valley Girl "Duh" right now - #79: thats an Arthur dentism, methinks - FILLER: Sign 2 - #78: A short sing-song, fit for all the family....expcept old folks, they're not insured - #77: This is in medieval times anyway, there shouldn't be a machine of doom, let alone an on switch for it - #75: a slight anticlimax - #74: Zoom zoom zoom, ey zoom zoom, zoom zoom zoom, yeah zoom zoom - #73: Wow, we lasted a whole two comics before breaking the fourth wall. - #72: Neither, Wolverine comes in an kicks both their arses - #71: I love it when a plan falls apart - #70: Hehe, don't you love how cartoon characters have luminous eyeballs? - Filler: FILLERMINATE! (wow, that may be my worst pun ever) - #69: I'm sure we must be doing damage to the third wal by now, let alone the fourth - Filler: Pyrogecko - #68: Plot devices, gotta love em - #67: Deaththreats make everything better - #66: Dun Dun Duuuuun! - Filler: Childish, to say the least - #65: OMG SHE ROFLED! - #64: neither do I - #63: Pile o' Corpses - #62: Corporealtastic! - Filler: Guest comic for the Rin Files - #61: IT LIVES - Filler: O_o; - #60: Wabuu! - #59: Pac-man, bucket of Blood! - #58: I have no idea why he's in fillerween attire - #57: Its predictable now - #56: Convultiliscious! - #55: He's lieing, he's gonna make more, I'll ensure it - #54: Totally original design on those antibodies - #53: Paladins, good at killing undead, bad at being tactful human beings - #52.1: I believe thats poetic justice - #51: Lightning Revives ghosts, duh. - #50: BOOOOOING - #49: The irony is that theres nothing to read ahead. - #48 Animateted! - #47: 10 COMICS? - #46: Most complicated background ever - Christmas 06 God Bless us , every one - Christmas 06 : The invitation - Christmas 06 :Crash Finally gets a chance to do his job - #45: That may be Mr and Mrs. Gduf - #44: I think thats a simpsons reference - #43: All your are belong to me. - #42: He did the mash! - #41: He's based on Gene Wilder - #40: Pesky Wizards - #39: Logic and bribery....I think - #38: He did tap as a child. - #37: The start of a rather substantially longer than previous chapter - Fillerween 06 #8 - Fillerween 06 #7 - Fillerween 06 #6 - Fillerween 06 #5 - Fillerween 06 #4 - Fillerween 06 #3 - Fillerween 06 #2 - Fillerween 06 #1 - Fillerween: Title Page - #36: The first fourth-wall breaking of the comic? Surely not. - This is Fillerween, This is Fillerween. - #35: It stands for Pac Man Police department, as if that wasn't obvious. - #34: I'm sure that Scully should be able to kill the pac-mac, since he has no power pill. - Filler: Thompson's obligatory cameo - #33: "Ha, Owned!" "I gots an extra guy left" "Hax." - #32:Wakka. - #31: MY NAME IS MEGAMAN, YOU KILLED MY DOG, PREPARE TO DIE - #30: The third iteration of that line. - #29: Screams means fun! - #28: Never tell the badguy how to do his job. - #27: RAWR, I R HUG U 2 DEATH - Filler: Talk like a Pirate Day! - #26: wouldn't that get caught up in his hair? - #25: I think thats a word for kick in Japanese - Filler: AlternaScullies - #24: erm, something witty here? - #23: And yet Kodi accepts this as a reason - Filler: For Steve Irwin - #22: He's just that cool looking. - #21: The first of many shurikens - #20: I think I actually miss this goomba, he kept me company :;( - #19: Considering he's made of fudge, thats a bad, bad thing for him. - #18: God Bless Rin - #17: Cameoness - #16: Yes, morhping and teleporting use the same basic action....behold, effects before - #15: the first of many paladin abilities using the doken suffix - #14: Yes, he has a name now - #13: yes, thats an early version of the gecko mutant...I never made a better version - #12 : Thats a Bun_bun Refference....even though i'd never read Sluggy at that point - #11: The first 12 paneller...i think - ORIGINAL #10: Somewhat a large comic - ORIGINAL #9: I want to kill an artist dressed like a ninja, now sayable in 4 different ways - Original #8: The first appearance of the cast - Original #7: Remember what Smoky the Wizard Says! - Original #6: Evil demons go splat - Original # 5: Did you you get a haircut? - Filler 3 : Invisible walls of white magicness - Filler 2: Made by Rin - Filler 1 : The original Comic - ORIGINAL #4: Pyramid of gold. - ORIGINAL #3 : Shmack 'im in de face! - ORIGINAL #2 : Select and Cut. - ORIGINAL #1: - #8: The fight and flight- Part 1 - #7: Lungs = useful. - #6: Lungs....Can't Live with 'em, can't live without 'em. - #5: Holey Moley! - #4: Elemental Ownage - #3: Along came a wizard... - #2 :Cut and Paste Powah! - #1: In the beggining, there was a bank, a bomb, and a cheaply edited megaman sprite. Next Last Author notes #29: Screams means fun! Scullion on Jan. 11, 2008 I like and dislike this one for several reasons;I hate it for the first couple of panels, so messy.I like it for the last two, simple and the lines actually made me chuckle in real life.yes, that is just a complicated way of saying "I LAWLED" Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register
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