- The Breakup
- Blark's Other Secret
- Zakk's Poo-roblem
- Erection Reflection
- Two Craps A Day
- Pussy Love
- Stop Touching
- Boobface And Dickfoot
- Ghost
- Playing Pretend
- The Line-Up
- Boo Grows Hair
- Zakk The Machoman
- If A Boogrr
- Saving Fishy!
- The Halloween Incident
- The Boner
- The Scenario
- Boo's Uncle Loco
- Dilly The Dildo's Surprise
- A Present For Boo
- Stubborn Kitty
- The Dare
- Chat Love
- Pussy VS Dick
- My First Pubic Hair
- Pornocchio
- The Mysterious Something
- I Want Your Babies
- Baby BooGrrs
- Fat And Ugly
- Band-Aid
- Eating Children
- Horny Ponies
- Private Dislocation
- Paying The Bill
- No Lies
- I See London
- Sperm Samples
- MMM BooGrrs Is ONE!
- The Ziploc Bag
- Happy Valentine's Day!
- Nipple Pokes
- Violence Against Blinky
- Dildos Are For Pussies
- Blinky Likes II
- Blinky Likes
- Pink Nipples
- Polygamy
- Blinky's Letter To Santa
- The History Test
- A Spoonful Of Sugar
- Blitty's Present
- Poke!
- Don't Hit Kids
- Paul
- Mooove
- Rejected
- Helping Blinky
- The Grim Raper
- Cure For Diarrhea
- Down By The Bay
- Naked Dancing Bunnies
- Blark's Secret Revealed
- Finger Pleasure
- The BooGrr Song
- Creepy Carly + MMM BooGrrs
- Blitty's Confession
- Sushi's Teddy
- Blinky's Fat
- Racism
- The Bulge
- How To Kill A Spider
- The Green Penis
- French Fry
- The Fly
- Discrimination II
- Pick-Up Line II
- Pick-Up Line
- Manners
- No Violence!
- Saggy Boobies
- Dead Bird
- Midget II
- Midget
- Question Of God
- The Capital Of Thailand
- The Helicopter Song
- Kidnap III
- Kidnap II
- Kidnap
- Fat Soul
- Hitler
- Like Mike
- Happy Heart
- Confetti
- Snow
- Fat People Are Fun
- Hair Extension
- Barney
- Beckoned
- Water Everywhere
- Something Fishy
- Discrimination
- Religious Question
- A Poem
- Chicken
- Psss!
- Dirty Pictures
- Phone Sex
- The Four Stages Of Life
- The Kitty Expert
- Pedestrians
- Happy Mother's Day
- Recycling
- Jealousy
- Mo-Fo
- Eat Your Greens
- Blind Date II
- Blind Date
- How To Get To Heaven
- For Want Of A Hug
- The Genie
- How Mary Got Her Lamb
- Vegetarian
- Fighting Crime
- Boo's God
- Zakk's Needs
- Coke
- Error
- Walk Beside Me ... Not
- Bad To Point
- Cheese
- Spam
- Blinky's New Bike
- Ginger The Cat
- Dirty Blinky
- Kitty Porn II
- Kitty Porn
- Boo's Dream
- Wake-Up Call
- Boo's Reality
- The Costume
- At The Cinema
- The Muffin Man
- The Box
- The Sniffles
- Profanity
- Teddy Bear Sex
Author notes
Another MMM Boogrrs comic. The idea was not a 100% original - a friend thought the quote: "I'm not racist, racism is a crime, crime is for black people!" was kinda funny, so I had the idea implemented. As respect to all black people, I changed it to pink. Don't get me wrong - I love black people ♥. One of my best mates is black - so there. Anyway there are no black people in MMM BooGrrs, so it wouldn't make much sense if I didn't change it. « Visit for more! »
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